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"Oh, my god, Shuji! I can't wait to see the baby!" Maya exclaimed excitedly as she squealed happily.
-"Alright, Maya, chill. We don't need all that loudness in there." I sigh and we walk into the hospital.

"Okay, but, like..You and Y/n had sex." Maya gagged.
-"Yeah, no shit. You think the baby popped up into her belly like a miracle?" I shake my head slightly in annoyance and we step into the elevators
-"so disgusting." She sighs.

"You'll eventually have sex when you get older. If you ever get a man." I laugh and she nudges me.
-"rude" she scoffs and the elevator beeps and we step out as the doors open.

We made our way to Y/N's room and saw her watching TV and her Mom carrying our baby boy in her arms.
"Oh, my god.." Maya whispered as she walked up to Y/N's Mom and I walked over to Y/n.

"How are you feeling?" I asked as she wraps her arms around me, groaning softly.
-"Tired.." she mumbles and I stroke her hair gently.
-"I'm sure you are. You pushed a whole human out of you." I chuckle and kiss her cheek.
-"The human you put in me." She said with an eye roll.
-"Roll your eyes at me again and I'll be putting another one in you." I whisper into her ear jokingly as she smacks her lips.
-"Boy, stop playing." She Said and I kissed her once more before pulling away from her.

I looked up to see Maya trying so hard not to scream. She was smiling happily and jumping quietly.
"Maya, calm down." I whisper.
-"But he's so cute!" She squealed and I shook my head slightly.

"Be quiet." I shush her and she rolls her eyes.
-"fine" she sighs and sits down on the couch and I took b/n from y/n's Mom.
-"Thank you" her Mom says and I nodded.

I rocked her gently in my arms and y/N's Mom was grabbing her bag and kissing Y/n on her forehead.
"I'ma head home, okay?" She says and Y/n nods.
-"I'll come back a bit later." She said and gripped Y/n's hand before pulling away and heading out the door after saying her goodbyes.


After some time, b/n woke up whining and I was watching TV, so I placed the remote on the sofa and made my way up to him.

I picked up a bottle and changed the top before shaking it. I placed it on the counter and carried him. I placed him on the changing mat and grabbed a diaper and some wipes, and obviously, I changed him.

Afterwards I gave him his bottle and he was slowly drifting to sleep but his eyes were staring into my soul. I know for sure that he's gonna have my eyes.

I smiled softly and was interrupted by Maya groaning.
"Maya, shut up." I say and she covers her mouth.
-"sorry.." she mouths and I roll my eyes.

She got up from the couch and made her way towards me and b/n.
"What are you doing?" I whisper and she points to b/n.
-"I wanna see him." She whispers and I give her an annoyed look.

"Can I carry him?" She asked.
-"No, He's eating." I replied and she sighs.
-"Well..maybe later?" She frowns slightly.
-"Are you even responsible enough to have a child in your arms?" I roll my eyes.
-"Yeah." She nods.

"No you're not." I give her a serious look and she mocks me.
-"Oh, my gosh, Maya. You're so annoying." I say in annoyance.
-"Oh, my gosh, Shuji. You're the worst brother ever." She whines.

"Why are you acting like a child? You're 21 and you're gonna turn 22 in a month."
-"I'm not." She scoffs.
-"You are."
-"whatever. I'ma get breakfast." She says and walks out the room.

I roll my eyes in annoyance and take the bottle out of the baby's mouth and placed it on the counter. I placed him on my shoulder and began to burp him.
He burped once or twice and I placed him back in the baby bed.

I made sure he was warm and I headed out the room to get me and Y/n some breakfast because Maya was only gonna get her something.


I went to the cafeteria and picked out some food and put it in a container then placing it in a bag. I saw Maya and she was choosing what she wanted and it looks like she's been there for two hours. I shake my head and made my way to the vending machine and got Y/n her favorite cookies and made my way to the elevator.

I clicked the number 2 and started heading up.

The elevator dinged and the doors slid open. I stepped out and found my way to Y/n's room. I Open the door and I place the food on the counter and walked over to Y/n.

"Baby, I got you breakfast." I hold her hand as she slowly opens her eyes.
-"hm?" She hums in confusion.
-"I got you breakfast. Do you want it now?" I ask and she nods.

I grab her breakfast and hand it to her.
"Thank you." She smiles and sits up in the hospital bed.
-"You're welcome." I smile and kiss her head before handing her the cookies.
-"I got your favorite cookies."
-"Thank you." She smiled softly and kissed me softly and I returned it.
-"You're welcome, baby."

We began to eat out breakfast and Maya finally returned with her jaw dropped.
"How did you get here before me and I left first?" She whispered and I shrug.
-"Maybe because you were taking your sweet time picking out the food you wanted." I say and take a bite out of my grilled cheese sandwich.

"This is so unfair." She sighs.
-"It's not unfair if you were being so slow and picky about the food." I laugh quietly.

A/n- I don't even know what to do anymore๐Ÿ˜ญ

I'm listening to Tokio Hotel๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ
