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Recently this girl is in my class and she came in a week ago and I have four classes with her. She's kinda cute but it's also kinda confusing on why she only speaks to me in two classes but the other two she acts if she doesn't know me at all.

In first period I sat next to her.
"Hey" I smile and she smiles back.
"Hey, how are you?" She asks as she takes out a notebook and pencil.
-"I'm doing good, what about you?" I responded and examined her notebook.
It was black and I remember the other notebook being purple.
"I'm doing well just a bit tired, you know what I mean?" She sighed and I nodded.
-"I understand."


After class, we decided to walk around the halls and I don't know if I'm hallucinating but I SWEAR I saw a girl that looks exactly like Y/n, but I didn't think anything of it and just shrugged it off.

"The bell is about to ring." I say and she shrugs.
-"Guess we'll be late. We still have to head to our lockers and get our stuff." She says and I groan.

We made our way to our lockers and grabbed our stuff before walking to our class and we were indeed late.

"Where's your pass?" The teacher asked.
-"they said we didn't need one since we are just three minutes late." Y/n lied and the teacher bought it.

I laugh and we both sit in the back.
"This class is so boring." I whisper.
-"Jesus, tell me about it." She sighs.


Third period I sat next to Y/n and she just gave me a weird look.
"What's up with you?" I asked.
-"what do you mean? What's wrong with you?" She says and she had a bit of a change in her voice. It was a bit raspy than the last one.

"Did someone piss you off?" I asked.
-"Yeah, you're pissing me off right now." She rolled her eyes and I sighed and sat back in my seat, taking notes.

Why was she acting this way towards me? What did I do to piss her off? I thought.

I decided to ignore it and tried talking to her in 4th period but she just did the same.

"What did I do?" I asked.
-"You just keep sitting next to me, trynna talk to me and you act like you know me but you don't. I don't know you! You're just some random dude in my class and you keep talking to me." She explained and I gave her a confused look.

-"gosh, you're so annoying." She says and packs her stuff before leaving the classroom.

"Young lady, come back!" The teacher yelled and chased after he but eventually came back and made a call to the office.

I was so confused on why she said that because we were fine in 1st and 2nd period, now she's just blowing me off for what?

I placed my head on my desk and eventually fell asleep.


I woke up to the bell ringing loudly and I packed my stuff. I got up and headed to my locker seeing Y/n walking towards me. I quickly put my stuff into my locker and walked away from her. Heading out of the school.

I heard her calling my name from behind me but I just ignored her but she caught up to me, placing her hand onto my shoulder.

"Alex, what's up with you?" She asks.
-"now you wanna talk to me?" I scoff.
-"What are you talking about?" She gave me a weird look.
-"You were blowing me off last periods. You weren't talking to me at all..You were ignoring me and it was annoying." I say and she laughs.

"I don't even have 3rd and 4th period with you, what?"
-"What do you mean? I saw you" I say.

"Y/n, hurry the fuck up! We don't have all day for your slow ass!" Y/n yelled at..Y/n?
-"Shut the fuck up, Sandra! I'm coming!" Y/n yelled back in annoyance.

"Jesus, you must've gotten mixed up." Y/n says.
-"I thought I was hallucinating.."
-"Nope. That's my twin sister, Sandra. She's a real bitch.." she whispered.

"Anyways, I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow." She smiles and walks away. I watched them and they began to argue with each other.

I felt so stupid..of course it was a twin. The difference in their voices could've helped me but I was stupid and hurt by the fact that 'Y/n' didn't know me.

A/n- They're like 15 in this.

Anywho, I have a class with my crushes twin brother. We're gonna do D for his twin and A for my crush, okay? Okay. And my teacher doesn't believe that D is D, he thinks that D could be A so he has to make sure it's D and not A. He was like, "I don't trust twins" and my friend was sitting next to me and she was like, "you shouldn't either."๐Ÿ˜ญ OMG, I could tell them apart! A has a birthmark on his left cheek I think and D doesn't. A wears a jacket and D doesn't.
