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In gym, Me, Maya, and Anna were talking. Well..Anna and Maya were.

"They think I'm fine, and Heather likes my haircut."
-"Brandt loves you."
"Brandt loves Maya."

"Are you guys really believing this shit?" I say as they completely ignore me as I roll my eyes and change into my gym clothes while they continued to speak.

When we made it outside, the sun was basically burning my skin. It was hot as fuck and I felt like dying!

I sat down on the bench, watching the game, waiting for my turn as the girls sat next to me, making me the middle.

"Oh, my god. I'm so sorry, but, like, here comes Brandt." Anna says as Brandt was walking towards us.
"God, no." Maya said as he sat next to her, making Anna laugh and Maya smile.

"It's not that serious." I say as Maya giggled.
-"Stop! Stop. Stop!" She said as Anna laughed.

As I was watching the game, I noticed that Maya was staring at Brandts neck, which made me laugh.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I ask as she quickly looked in my direction.
-"Nothing. Stop!" She replied as I laughed causing Brandt to look over at us.

"Oh, my god, Y/n..it's your fault." Maya whispered in my ear as I stopped laughing.

"What are you looking at?" I ask as he rolled his eyes.
-"Can I not look?" He says as I shook my head.

"Of course not!"
-"of course you can..Brandt.." Maya said as she stared at him, making him look away awkwardly.

"But then again, there's Dustin. He's fly." Anna said, making mine and Maya's head turning to look at Dustin.

"That's literally my ex y'all are looking at." I say as Maya obviously had to say something.
-"His earring is so hot."

"Yeah, I know." Anna cut me off as I scoffed and looked at the both of them. I felt completely betrayed by the both of them, simping, and drooling over my ex-boyfriend.

"He is so cute." Maya said as she continued to admire him. I hate to admit, but he was fine as fuck..

The girls giggled as I continued to stare at him. I mean, they weren't lying..

"And then there's..him" Anna said, making me snap back into reality.
She was obviously staring at none other than Alex Nolan. She's been obsessed with this dude for almost a year! She still hasn't gotten over him.

I stared at him, wondering if he'll actually date Anna or not.
I laughed as he looked over at me with the ball in his hands.

"Y/N L/N! Batter up!" The gym teacher yelled as I looked at her.

"Shit, sorry, my bad." I chuckled as Maya pushed me.
-"That's you. Oh, my god. Go."

"Alright, I'm going!" I say as I stood in front of Alex.
What the fuck does Anna see in this blonde bug?

"Go Y/n!" Maya cheered as I rolled my eyes.
-"You got this, Y/n!" Anna clapped.

"Gosh, these girls sure do know how to embarrass someone." I say as Alex rolled the ball towards me and I kick it, making it fly right into his face.

I gasp as I saw him fall onto the ground.
The teacher blows her whistle as I laugh a little bit, but I quickly stop once Anna yells at me.

"Y/N! What happened?!"

"Man down. Everybody, sit down!" The women said as everyone sat down and she pointed at me.

"Hey, you! Take your victim to the nurse." She said as I put my hands up in defense while speaking.

"I didn't mean to, it was an accident!" I say as she blows her whistle once again.

"But why do I-"
-"GO!" She yelled as I rolled my eyes and helped Alex up, taking him to the nurse.

"I swear, it was an accident and I didn't mean to." I apologize as he had his hand placed over his nose.
-"it's chill." He said as we were kinda close to the nurse.

"You sure?"
-"Sure." He responded as we walked into the nurse.

"What happened here?" The nurse asked.
-"I, uh..I accidentally hit him in the face with a ball, but I swear! It was an accident." I say as she nodded and went to grab some ice while we sat down.
She eventually came back with the ice and he held it up to his nose and eye.

"Uhm, do you know Maya?" I ask.
-"Nah." He responded as I nodded.

"Alright, uhm..apparently two of your 'best friends' are, like, in love with her." I say, quoting the 'best friends' part.

"And she doesn't know who to choose. Anna and Maya are honestly getting annoying, but..I don't believe it, soo..can you just tell me if it's some joke or whatever? I mean, Brandts 'nice', but you know, they're obsessed with Dustin's earring."

"Dustin's a bitch." He said.
-"Dustin is a bitch?" I ask as he mumbles.

"Oh, shit, of course he's a bitch!" I say as I get up from where I was sitting and began to walk away.

"Alright, imma go..I'm also sorry again." I apologize one more time and headed out the nurses office.


After Gym, we were in third period.

"What did you and Alex talk about?" Anna asked as I shrugged.
-"about Dustin being a bitch."

"What?" Anna gasped as Maya looked at her in shock.
-"A bitch?"

"I thought you would've known that?" I say as she sighs.
-"I think you should go with Brandt." Anna said as they spoke while I wrote down some notes before turning my attention back to them.

"I don't know. Maybe being with a bitch is the best thing for me. Look, I like his earring. Shit. Can't believe they're not friends. They're not best friends?" Maya said as I rolled my eyes.

"Maya, do you really wanna date my ex b-"
-"Yeah, I mean, obviously, not anymore." Anna cut me off.

"Yeah, just ignore me." I roll my eyes as Mrs.Bell spoke.

"Quiet, please. Settle down. Young sir in the Care Bear sweatshirt."

"She's a girl..that's a girl, Mrs.Bell." I correct her which makes the class laugh.
"What the fuck was so funny?" I say as Mrs.Bell glared at me.

"Don't use that language in here or detention will be where you'll be sitting in for a week."
-"what? It's not likes it's gonna help me from cursing." I say with a shrug and the class laughs once again.

"Y/n, stop." Anna whispered as I sat up in my seat.
-"I'm not doing anything." I say as the teacher continued to speak.

"Y/n, care to share something you did over the summer?"
-"uhm..no?" I reply as she sighs.

"You had no choice either way. Come on up." She said as my jaw dropped, with a scoff.

"Then what was the point in asking?" I say as I get up from my seat and headed to the front of the classroom.

"Detention next week." She said as I rolled my eyes.
She's literally getting what she asked for, what the fuck?

"Alright, jeez.."
-"Go ahead. Begin."

"Uhm..over the summer, I did nothing at all." I say as she smacked her lips.
-"Be specific."

"I went to a..Concert and the Arcade, you know, just some boring shi- stuff." I say as she rolled her eyes.
-"Sit down." She said and pointed to my seat which caused Anna and Maya to laugh.

"Haha, so funny." I say sarcastically as I sat in my seat.

"Care Bear Sweatshirt. Come on up." She said as Maya went up and explained her summer.

"I guess, like, the most memorable thing I did over this summer was I watched Ace Ventura: Pet detective, like six times in a row. And it is, like, really funny." She said as she chuckled which made me chuckle.

"Y/n, no laughing while a presentation, it's rude." Mrs.Bell said as I immediately stopped laughing.

Maya started doing all these weird movements which made me laugh so much.

"Y/N, SIT UP HERE, NOW!" Mrs.Bell yelled as I got up and sat in her chair.

"Nope, stand here." She said and pointed next to Maya.
I laugh as Maya kept doing the weird moments.

I lean against the wall as I watched her bump into the teacher.

"Oh-" I say as I hold in my laughter while Anna was laughing her ass off.
Why isn't she getting in trouble? I thought as I continued to watch Maya.

The whole class started to laugh.
I walk behind Maya to whisper into the teachers ear.

"Mrs.Bell, everyone's laughing so could I go ba-"
-"NO!" She yelled as I flinched.

"Alright!" I say and made my way back next to Maya and the teacher was getting annoyed.

"Sit down." She said as everyone continued to laugh as I stood there, leaning against the wall.

"Enough of that! Okay, everyone, take out your summer reading, and get into groups of four."
-"What about me?" I ask as she snaps.

"YOU WON'T BE PARTICIPATING!" She yelled which made me side-eye her in disgust, along with the class laughing.

"Okay, Jesus!"
-"two weeks of detention!" She said as I sat down on the floor, completely annoyed by today.

I groan as everyone got into a group of four and waited 'till the bell rang.

I got up and walked out of the classroom without my backpack, knowing that one of the girls will get it for me.

"The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do!" Mrs.Bell yelled as I walked out.
This bitch sure does know how to annoy a bitch.

A/n- mrs.bell is a biatch. I'm also top #1 on ongoing and minors๐Ÿคช finally๐Ÿคง this is so boring but I gotta make it for the Brandt simps who probably don't exist ๐Ÿ˜ช

Btw @charsfinna isn't this yo man?๐Ÿค”

Oh my god๐Ÿคช๐Ÿ˜ป
