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Y/n is one of the popular girls at my school, mostly known for beating the fuck outta Heather in 3rd grade.
Heather and her friends are always glaring at her, laughing at the way she dresses, making weird faces when she walks past them, but Y/n doesn't give a fuck because she knows she looks fine. She obviously doesn't have time for filthy bitches like Heather and Becca. Heather is also acting this way because Y/n dated Alex back in 6th grade and she recently found out that Alex likes Y/n again, but you can't blame him..Y/n is the finest girl I've ever laid eyes on.


I walked into the school with Dustin and Alex who were talking about the things they're gonna do over our three day weekend.

We walked to our lockers and my eyes Immediately landed on Y/n. She was wearing a black long sleeved shirt, a black mini skirt with a belt, a cross necklace around her neck, her hair was down, cut into layers along with some beautiful bangs. Her hair was shiny and looked very healthy, her friends were walking next to her, wearing almost the same thing, except they topped it off with heels and she wore black converse.

While Y/n was walking, her hips moved side-to-side, showing off her curves perfectly, her thong straps being visible.

While her and her friends walked by, Heather and her friends were making faces at them. They just can't stand that those 3AAA batteries look better than them wanna be chipmunks.

"Hey, Heather!" Y/n waved and smiled at her.
-"Your head still hurting from when I beat it on a desk?" She asked making Heather roll her eyes and looking away from her.
-"I'll take that as a 'yes'." Y/n shrugged and walked past us.

"She's hot." Dustin leaned against his locker.
(He's talking abt me, Y'all.)

"Dude, seriously?" Alex nudged him.
-"What? I'm jus saying." He said and got his stuff out of his locker.

I couldn't help but stare at her walk away with her friends while the boys continued to bicker around with each other.

"Yo, stop staring at her." Alex nudged me.
-"My bad, I wasn't even staring at her." I shake my head and grabbed my notebook from my locker before shutting it.

We began to walk to class and Alex wanted to argue with me and Dustin for looking at Y/n, more specifically because Dustin called her hot.

"Get over it, man." I sigh in annoyance.
-"How could I possibly get over it? Dustin called Y/n hot and you were literally staring at her, your eyes glued to her body!" Alex scoffed.

"Chill, it was a compliment." Dustin shook his head while rolling his eyes at the same time.
-"you take everything so seriously." I say in annoyance and sat at the back of the class with Dustin while Alex sat somewhere far from us.

"He's actin' like a lil' ass bitch." Dustin laughed.
-"Exactly, Why does he still like her? She doesn't give two fucks about him." I shrugged.
-"That's what I'm saying. She don't bother to look at him, she didn't even glance at him when she walked past us." Dustin agreed.

"At this point, he needs to get over her." I sigh.
-"For real." Dustin laughed.


We headed to lunch and sat at our original seat with the 'popular kids', which included Y/n and her friends.
Heather and her friends also sat at the same table, but farther away from Y/n and her friends. She really doesn't wanna get her ass beat again.

Y/n sat down in front of me while Maddy and Steph sat next to her.
Maddy on her left and Steph on her right.

As me and Dustin said..She didn't bother looking at Alex.

"Are you gonna eat that?" Y/n asked as she pointed to my mango slices.
-"Nah, why?"
-"'cause I want them." She smiled and I handed her my mangos.
-"Thanks." She smiled again and put them in her backpack.

"You want mine too or what?" Steph laughed jokingly.
-"I mean, you offered so might as well." She shrugged.
-"No, I was joking! I want my mangos."
-"Give me them"
-"No, I was jok-"
-"Steph, give them to me, you offered them to me and now you're gonna give them to me." Y/n cut her off which made me laugh at their silly bickering.

"Alright, fine." Steph rolled her eyes and handed her the mangos.
-"Thank you." She smiled and put them in her backpack.
-"might as well take mines." Maddy handed her the mangos.

"Jesus, are you calling me fat?" Y/n joked and put the mangos in her backpack.
-"What? Girl, no. Many girls would kill to have your body. So hot." Maddy smirked and tugged onto her shirt.

"Bitch, shut your gay ass up." Y/n laughed.
-"It's the truth." Maddy shrugged.
(Give me a Maddy๐Ÿ˜ซ)

"Shit, who's that?" Maddy asked and I turned around to see the new girl.
She was kinda emo..
(Leave my emos alone๐Ÿ˜ก)
she had black eye liner, black eyeshadow, long natural eyelashes, lip and eyebrow piercing. She was wearing a long sleeved shirt with white and black lines, low-rise baggy pants with a skull belt wrapped around her hips, black converse, and her hair cut into layers as well with some blonde highlights.
(Why does it feel like I jus described a girl version of Bill Kaulitz? I swear it wasn't supposed to be a Bill Kaulitz wanna-be. It all came from my head.)

"Oh, that's that new girl, her name is Neriah." I responded.
-"You think she's into girls?" Maddy asked.
-"She looks like it." I shrugged.

"Alright, imma invite her over." Maddy smirked and waved her hand in the air.
-"Neriah!" She yelled, making her look over at us in confusion.
-"come sit with us!" Maddy smiled and she walked over to us.

"Here, sit next to me." Maddy pat the empty seat next to her.
-"Thank you.." Neriah mumbled and sat next to her.
-"You're beautiful." Maddy complimented.
-"Thank you, so are you." She smiled softly.

"These are my friends, Y/n and Steph."
-"Hey, welcome." Y/n shook her hand and Steph waved at her.
-"Hey, girl!"

"Y/n can be a real bitch sometimes, especially when she's on her period."
(You cant blame me.)
Maddy whispered to the girl but it was loud enough for Y/n to hear.
-"excuse you?"
-"I was joking!" Maddy rolled her eyes as Neriah laughed quietly.

"She's also having a party on Saturday, you should come. Half the school is invited instead of them girls over there." She said and Neriah looked behind her to the group of girls. Aka Heather and her minions.

"Oh, ew.." Neriah mumbled and looked away quickly.
-"Know her?"
-"Yeah, she tried dating my brother last year. She seemed to have a problem with the way I dress." She said.

"Don't listen to her. She jus doesn't understand that not everyone wears pink." Maddy laughed.

"Y/n actually beat her ass in 3rd grade." Steph laughed.
-"It was amazing as fuck." Maddy laughed.

A/n- anywho, that's all for today I think? Y'all also want me to add another part to wrestle so I might do that after I'm done writing these chapters of Brandt.

I'm also working on my Tom Kaulitz book, but idk if anyone will read jt๐Ÿฅถ

They're also 15 in this story!!

Your outfit

so random, but I love this song sm๐Ÿซ€.
