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"Y/n, are you up?!" My mom yells from downstairs as I just finished getting dressed.
-"I'm ready!" I yell back and quickly put on some matching Jordan 3s before grabbing my backpack and heading downstairs.

"I don't want you to be late on the first day of school, c'mon!" She says and we both head out to the car.
As she was driving me to school, all I could think about was me not fitting in with the people there, since I'm gonna be the 'new girl'.

"Stop worrying, Y/n.
I'm sure it'll be fine." She shrugged and we were at the school.

My heart started pounding as I looked at the building in front of me with kids walking around, playing, talking, and glaring at others in a disgusting way.

"I don't think I'll fit in." I sigh as my mom rolls her eyes.
-"You'll be fine." She reassured me as I opened the door and stepped out the vehicle.

"Bye, mom." I sigh as she says it back.
I shut the door and began to walk into the building. People's eyes were on me and a group of girls were giggling and pointing at me, making it obvious they were talking about me.

"Already have some problems here and I haven't stepped into the actual building." I groan and entered the school.

I make my way to the office with some other students' help. Once I walked in, I asked for my schedule and locker.

They gave me what I needed and I had to look for my locker too. I was honestly so tired of this shi already!

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"Alright, So Heather and you are dating again?" Brandt said in annoyance as he leaned against my locker with his arms crossed.
-"Yeah, what's wrong with that?" I shrug and pull out some of my notebooks I needed for my classes.

"Dude, You've been off and on with that whore." Dustin joined in on our conversation.
-"That's a bitchy thing to say, Dustin.
Why would you call her a whore?" I looked at him angrily.

"Maybe it's because she is?" Dustin shrugged and rolled his eyes sarcastically.
-"Whatever, y'all are some assholes." I sigh and shut my locker as my eyes found their way towards a girl who had a paper in her hand as she looked at all the lockers.

"Who's that?" Dustin asked as if I knew.
-"I don't know." I responded as the girl stopped at the locker next to mine and opened the locker.

"So small." She mumbled and noticed us - well, me staring.
-"Can I help you?" She asked as she looked me up and down.

"Uhm, no? Can I help you?" I asked as she nodded.
-"Yeah, thanks for asking! I could really use some help right now." She smiled softly. I mean, I thought she was just being sarcastic.

"Yeah, I can help, what's up?" I said and she stood next to me, showing me her schedule.
-"You have the first three classes with me, two with my friend Dustin, and one with Brandt." I say and introduced Dustin and Brandt as she nodded.

"Who said I was helping her get to them classes?" Dustin scoffed and I nudged him.
-"Why don't you be a gentleman for once and help her get to her next classes." I roll my eyes as he shrugs.
"I guess." He groaned in annoyance.

"Soo..I guess I'll be helping her too?" Brandt asked as I nodded.
-"Apparently Alex is the boss of us now." Dustin and Brandt walked off to make fun of Maya who is known as the UGIS.

"I'm sorry about them." I apologize to her as she smiles.
-"It's fine." She responds and we stood there awkwardly without saying a word.

"Hey, Alex! Oh, who's this?" Heather asked as she looked at the girl in front of me in disgust.
"Oh this is- uhm.."
-"Y/n." She said.

"Y/n..I'm not trynna be rude or anything but what is that style?" She said in her annoying, squeaky voice.
"I'm just being honest." She cut me off.

"Okay, Heather..I don't really remember asking for anyone's opinion on my clothes." Y/n said as Heather rolled her eyes.

"Whatever! I gotta get going, Alex." She said and kissed me on the cheek.
"Love you!" And she walked off.

"I'm sorry about her." I apologize, completely embarrassed about Heather's behavior.
-"It's not your fault or anything, but I do have a question." She says.

"What is it?"
-"Are you dating her?"

-"Out of any girl! You chose her?" She laughs as I nod.

"I don't really want her anymore." I look into her eyes.
-"I can tell." She said.
"How?" I asked, hoping that she didn't notice that I sorta liked her.

"You didn't say that you loved her back after she told you." She shrugged as I nodded.

"Right." I chuckled as I began to lead her to the first class period.

"You have to introduce yourself, the teacher won't let you sit down 'till you do. Trust me, I've tried that before.." I let her know as she rolled her eyes.

"Are you being serious?" She asked

We entered the classroom and the teacher pulled Y/n from me and made her stand in front of the class.

She sighed and introduced herself and told everyone that she enjoys listening to music when she's bored or on her free time.
After she was done she sat next to me and we spoke, we got to know each other more.

But can we talk about how beautiful this girl is?
He e/c eyes are the ones that I could get lost into for hours! It's like she was hypnotizing me with them.
I'm not trying to be a creep or anything, but I've never been the type of guy to like someone because of their lips, but hers were a beautiful shade of pink and looked soft.

A/n-Not sure what I think abt this one and I just wrote whatever came to mind because I was watching Ghostbusters Afterlife while writing this and my mind was not focused.
