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Me and Maya have been friends for awhile but she's never actually put the 'best friend' label for me, even though I've been there longer than Anna has, but I guess it's fine.

I've noticed the Anna has been acting a little strange when Shuji was around and I wasn't sure if Maya noticed. I mean, most of the times she did and she didn't like it.

"Alright, girls! Guess what!?" Maya smiled happily.
-"Oh my god what?" Anna smiled.

"My mom is taking us to the beach!" She said and jumped up and down excitedly.
-"OH MY GOD!!" Anna yelled happily as they both hugged each other.
When I'm around both of them I feel like a third wheel..They're always with each other and it's like I don't exist!

"That's sounds exciting." I smile slightly.
-"I know right! We gotta get some bathing suits! Y/n, do you think your mom could buy us some?" Maya asked as I looked at her in confusion.

"Why would she-"
-"I mean, you know..Because she has money? And you get allowance too, so she definitely has money." Maya shrugged as I rolled my eyes because she cut me off mid-sentence and had the audacity to ask that!
'Who does she think she is with her Dora lookin' ass?' I thought as I got up from the couch.

"Uhm, I don't know what my mom will think if I ask her to buy us bathing suits, and I have to use the bathroom." I say and head to the bathroom, leaving the two girls groaning.

After I was done doing my business in the bathroom I washed my hands and headed out but bumped into Shuji.

"You never watch where you're going right?" He says as he looked at me.
Shuji has always been an enemy of mines since me and Maya first met, He's always rude towards me and I don't know why, He's always teasing me about my height just because I'm shorter than him, older than Maya by three months and I'm still shorter than her and Anna!

"Guess I don't." I shrug as he rolled his eyes and wraps an arm around my shoulders and we walk back towards to living room.

"Okay, Anna's mom decided to buy us some!" Maya smiled but it quickly faded away once she saw Shuji's arm around me.
-"Shuji!! Get your hands off her!" She whined as she pushed his arm off me.

"FYI, I had one hand around her." He said and Maya rolled her eyes.
-"Whatever, that's why nobody likes you." She said as Anna chuckled.

"That's a bummer because i actually like Shuji..You know, I think he's cool." Anna smiled as Shuji made an awkward face.

"Let's go to the beach, y'all are being extremely loud!" Maya's mom said and we headed in the van.
-"Can we stop at my moms house? 'Cause she got us some bathing suits." Anna asked and she agreed so we stopped at her moms house then headed to the beach.

"I think this is mine, this is yours, and Y/N's." Maya handed us our bathing suits and we put them on.

"Why do I look so bad?!" Maya said as she looked at herself in the mirror with her bathing suit.
-"No, you look amazing!" Anna joined her to look in the mirror.

"I look terrible in it." Anna frowned.
-"no you don't! Don't say that, Anna! I do!" Maya yelled as I rolled my eyes, letting out a sigh escaping my lips.

"At least I know I look good." I say and fix my hair while looking into the mirror.

Once they were done talking about how ugly they looked in the bathing suits we headed out the bathroom.
While they were looking at themselves, thinking they looked terrible, I didn't bother telling them that they looked good because when did they ever try to keep me confident in myself? Never..They never helped me be confident in myself, it was just all about them two.

We made it to the beach and the girls ran into the water, splashing each other, giggling, and smiling while I stood there, watching them while they did all that fun stuff.

"Are you not gonna join them?" Shuji asked as he stood next to me.
-"I don't want to, look at how happy they look..and if I join I'll just ruin the vibe, apparently I always do." I shrug and he lets out a sigh.

"Why are you even hanging out with them if you know they're just gonna third wheel you like always?" He asks as I look up at him, squinting my eyes due to the sun in my face.
He laughs and takes me into some shade so we could talk.

"If I don't hang out with them, they'll think I'm some bitch or a bad friend for not being with them."
-"So? I mean, Maya is the one that invites you to hang out with them and they ignore you, but I definitely won't ignore you." He smiles softly, holding onto my hands.

"When she invites you we should hangout. It's not like she'll even notice you're gone." He added.
-"You mean it?" I ask, not believing him because when is Shuji ever nice to me?

"Uh, yeah? Do you not believe me or something?" He chuckles as I nod.
-"I don't believe you."

"Do you want company or not?"

"Alright then, let's go have some fun and forget about those two." He smiles and we head towards the water and splash each other.

He kept pushing me into the water and I almost drowned!

"Shuji!" I yell as he laughed.
-"My bad, I didn't know it was gonna be that deep for you if you fell." He said and I knew he was making fun of my height like always.

"Sure you did." I roll my eyes and I pushed him into the water but he pulled me in with him, lifting me up once we hit the water.

I think I'm falling for him.

A/n- Not sure what I think abt this one.
