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After our classes were over we decided to go out together as friends, obviously.

"Where do you wanna go? It's on me." She said.
-"I would love to take the offer but I'm the gentleman." I shrug as I put my hands up in defense.
-"Very kind of you but I asked first." She said as she mocked and did the same movements as me.
-"Haha, very Funny." I roll my eyes sarcastically as she laughs.

"But for real, where do you wanna go?" She asked.
-"Wanna check out McDonalds?" I questioned.
-"Bet" she smiled and we made our way to McDonald's.


Once we got closer to the fast-food-restaurant she began to speak,
"I'm really sorry about the way I acted back then." She apologized.
-"It's fine, Just drop it." I smiled.
-"I mean, I can't..I just can't believe I acted this way. I was a bitchy friend and you didn't deserve that." She sighed.

"Maybe I did," I shrug.
-"I was a real asshole back in middle school. I deserved it." I say.
-"What I did was worser. I played you and you didn't deserve that..It made me seem like some type of whore or something. That's what I kept calling myself ever since I did that. I should've known better and I just wish I was able to go back." She says.
-"Y/n, it's fine. Let's just spend some time together and talk about other things." I say and open the door for her.

"Thank you, gentleman." She smiled and I rolled my eyes.
-"just go in already."

We ordered our food and sat down somewhere inside where it was empty and no one else around besides the workers cleaning.

"Alright, anything new?" I asked.
-"Nope. Same old bullshit." She replied.
-"what about you?" She asked.
-"Well, I kinda got into drums." I shrug.
-"when did you first start?"
-"At my new high school. I did it to get everything off my mind and it worked. I enjoy beating the drums with sticks." I shrug.
-"Right" she laughed.

"Any new relationships?" I asked.
-"My last boyfriend cheated on me which was two years ago and ever since, I never dated anyone." She said.
-"Oh, I'm sorry."
-"It's fine, what about you? Any lover?" She raised her brows with a smirk on her face, teasing me.

"No. Not since high school." I laugh.
-"Not since high school?!" She said sounding pretty surprised.
-"Shocking isn't it?"
-"Real shocking! Why haven't you looked for a date?" She asked.

"I don't wanna. I haven't found someone I like. I don't have any connection with the girls at school." I stated.
-"Oh, that makes sense." She nodded slightly.

"What do you think about college so far?" She asked.
-"Eh, it's okay. I just hate Waking up so early in the morning." I replied.
-"That's what I'm saying! And my roommate says that it isn't so bad." She rolled her eyes.
-"They're out of their mind." I sigh.
-"That's what I told her." She shrugged.


We decided to go back to Y/N's dorm since her roommate wasn't gonna be there 'cause she's gonna be in the library studying.

"You know what I heard?" Y/n said as she unlocked her door.
-"What did you hear?"
-"Alex Nolan has a son." She said in shock.
-"For real?!"
-"Yeah! That's shocking." She laughed and we entered her dorm.

"I can already tell which side is yours." I say.
-"I still remember how your room used to look back then." I shrugged.
-"Right, right!" She nodded.

"You're still the same." I say as I look at the posters on her wall.
-"Guess so." She shrugged as she stood next to me.

"Who's that?" I asked as I pointed to a boy with short black hair with, like, blonde highlights and had makeup around his eyes.
-"Bill Kaulitz." She smiled happily.
-"Bill Kalitz?"
-"Oh, Kaulitz?"
-"Yeah" she nodded.

"What about these?" I asked and pointed to the boys standing behind Bill.
-"You've never heard of Tokio Hotel?" She asked.
-"Never" I shook my head.
-"Damn, that's sad. You're living under a rock, bae." She sighed and placed her finger over a boy that had shoulder length hair.
-"This is Georg Listing. Very attractive isn't he?" She smirked.
-"Uhm, I'm straight."
-"Of course you are." She rolled her eyes.
-"He's the bass guitarist in the band." She shrugged.
-"Oh, wow."

"This one is Gustav Schรคfer. HES so cute..I need to meet him." She smiled and pointed to another poster that Gustav was in.
-"Look at this boy. He's so fucking cute!"
-"alright, I get it." I say and pat her shoulder.
-"This one is Bill's twin brother, Tom Kaulitz."
-"Yeah, Twins. Isn't that cool?"

"Gustav plays the drums, Tom plays the guitar, Georg is the bass guitarist, and Bill is the lead singer, obviously." She said and pointed to every one of them.
-"Why are you calling kids cute? That's weird.." I laugh.
-"Younger by a year." She says.

"They look Like Kids." I say and pick up an album with the same four boys.
-"leave them alone." She sighs.

"Alright, give me this, I don't want you to ruin it." She says as she slowly takes it from my hands and places it onto her record player.

"Dramatic." I say.
-"Whatever. What do you wanna do? I got, like, 50 different albums." She said.
-"Yeah? Thats normal, right?"

"You're Making it seem like It's Bad."
-"It's Not."
-"Alright, let's just do something you like." She said.

"I wanna play my drums." I say.
-"Boring." She groans.
-"I'm just joking, where are they?" She asked.
-"My dorm." I responded.

"Let's go." She said and we made our way to my dorm and my roommate wasn't there.
-"Of course he's gone."
-"Jesus.." she sighed.


I picked up my drum sticks and began to play my drums while she watched. She was smiling softly as her eyes filled up with..adoration?

I don't know but Y/n didn't used to look at me the way she does now and I don't what what it is..

A/n- ofc I had to add my pookies Tokio Hotel๐Ÿซ€.

I also need to finish writing my Tom Kaulitz book๐Ÿ˜ฐ
