
Hey, my awesome readers!!! I know that some of you may have noticed the #Wattys2016 tag on my story and I wanted to explain that. I've entered the Watty Awards! :)

I've never ever entered the Wattys before and honestly, I don't know if I'll win or not. Probably not but I figured it was worth a shot. Honestly, it's been such a crazy year for me already. I never expected this many views on this story at all. I thought if I hit 100 views, then I'd be happy....and then I did....and then it became a 1,000 lol XD

I can't thank each and every one of you enough for all these votes and comments and views - it's meant the world to me ^_^

Honestly, I don't expect to win and that's okay with me :) Everything that's happened so far has been such a blessing and I couldn't ask for more :) I first started posting on this story not knowing if anyone even cared to read it but you guys have given me so much confidence in my writing that I never had before.

So here's to the #Wattys2016! Let's see what the future brings ;)
