Pickles & Swordfighting

Note: To Mina, for getting me into Game of Thrones in the first place ;)

"Stark or Lannister?" I asked Jake before taking a bite of my pickle as we sat on the rooftop of Atlanta Midtown Hospital.

Jake slung an arm over my shoulder and I snuggled into his chest. We'd been friends forever so we were comfortable being this close to each other without it being weird.

"Stark, definitely. Why would I wanna be a Lannister?" he scoffed and I giggled.

"Okay, then. What would I choose?" I asked, looking up into his sapphire-blue eyes.

He smirked down at me, "Lannister, of course. You forget I know you."

I laughed out loud at his answer and bit my lip.

"I wonder what's going on in Winterfell since we've been contained in here," I pondered as I held out the jar of pickles to him.

He dipped his hand into the jar and fished out a pickle. Biting into it, pickle juice ran down his chin. I grinned and reached a hand out, wiping it off with my fingers.

"Arya's probably sword-fighting somebody, Sansa wants a new gown, and Jon's using hairspray on his curls," Jake quipped making me burst into laughter once more.

"And the Lannisters?"

He arched an eyebrow at me.

"Paying their debts of course," he stuck his tongue out at me.

"Well, of course," I mocked, taking the jar back from him and sitting it beside us on the concrete.

"You wanna have a Game of Thrones marathon once this is all over?"

Flashing me a smile, he leaned in close and whispered in my ear, "Of course, Lady Lannister."

Butterflies erupted in my stomach at his hot breath on my cheek and I blushed scarlet.

"Then you'd have to be Jaime," I smirked at him.

He rolled his blue eyes and blew a raspberry.

"Yeah, right," he argued, "Jaime has nothing on me. I'm way better."

"Excuse you! Did you just insult the Kingslayer?" I demanded, crossing my arms.

"Kind of what it sounded like," he grinned mischievously as he lifted himself up off the ground.

I stood up as well, giving him a mock death glare.

"Well, since you unabashedly insulted Lord Jaime, I guess I'll just have to fight you," I stated, picking up an old mop that stood against the far wall.

Moving it from hand to hand, I twisted it around until it's head was pointed at Jake.

"Oh, so that's how it's gonna be?" he laughed, "Well, I have to warn you. Game of Thrones has taught me well and I'm the best sword-fighter there is."

"Is that so?" I mocked as he found a mop as well and pointed it in my direction, "Today's the day you meet your match then."

Arching an eyebrow at me, he thrust his mop head forward and I dodged it. Swinging my mop into action, I parried his blows as he came at me, one after the other. We "danced" across the rooftop, laughing and fighting. The hot sun beat down on us and sweat dripped from Jake's gray tank top.

"Getting too hot out here for you, sword-fighter?" I joked, parrying another blow.

He grinned and stepped far away from me, setting down his mop.

"Maybe," he winked.

Suddenly, Jake peeled off his tank top, revealing his sweaty abs. I gulped and looked away.

"Whatever. Come on, let's get back to our duel," I said, looking anywhere but at his shirtless body.

Smirking, he swaggered over to me, stopping at a dangerously close proximity. He leaned in closer and I could feel his warm breath hit my lips.

"Are you sure you want to get back to the duel?" he mocked, grinning down at me.

He placed a finger underneath my chin and forced me to meet his eyes.

"Or would you rather I do this?" he asked before closing the gap between us and placing his soft lips on mine.

Shock coursed through me before I melted into the kiss. We'd been friend since Kindergarten. Sure, I'd harbored a crush on him for years but....he felt the same way? But I didn't give it another thought and kissed him back as he brought his hands to my waist and mine found their way to his neck. His lips were warm and tasted like red velvet cake. It lasted what felt like an eternity but was probably only a few seconds before he pulled away from me.

Resting his forehead on mine, he smirked once more.

"What do you know? I guess I am Jaime."
