Life Together {AU}

Note: Okay, guys, this one is an idea I had and it's a lot different from my others. This is kind of what I'd like to happen on the show so it's an AU one :) Enjoy! :)

It was over. The virus, the Cordon, all of it. The walls had been lifted 5 months ago. Everyone had cried tears of joy and hugged one another when it happened. No one cried harder though than Jana who had clung to Lex. Jake chuckled at the memory. Those two were so in love, it was sickening.

Things were different now though than they had been before. Once the Cordon had been lifted, Jake had sent inquiries to find Quentin's father and grandparents but they had gotten bad news. Apparently, during the outbreak, all of them had perished. Now Quentin had no one and no where to go. Jake, of course, wouldn't let him be sent into foster-care so he had adopted him himself. Now they lived in an apartment not far from Atlanta Midtown Hospital.

Quentin hadn't wanted to leave the city or be so far away from where his mother was buried. So this was their life now - just him and Quentin. It wasn't what either of them expected but they were family now. They were all each other had. Tucking a foot underneath him while he sat in his armchair in their small apartment, Jake's thoughts drifted to Jana's best friend, Suzy. He had met her before, once or twice but never really got to know her.

Although after hearing about her impending motherhood, he thought maybe he should. Since Denis had left her, she'd have to raise the baby on her own. He knew how hard it had been on Katie to raise her son on her own. And something deep down inside him, knew that Katie would want him to help any way he could.

A tug on his sleeve ripped him away from his thoughts as rain pelted the windows from outside.

"Can we get pizza now?" Quentin asked as Jake looked down at him.

Jake barked out a laugh and nodded.

"Sure, buddy. We'll get some pizza, I promise." he nodded, grinning.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Jake's eyebrows furrowed. Who could that be? Lex had already visited him today. Quentin jumped up from his seat and raced over to the door, shouting "PIZZA!" at the top of his lungs.

"I haven't even ordered it yet!" Jake called after him, chuckling slightly.

The door swung open then to reveal a soaked Suzy, her jacket barely covering her baby bump.

"Oh my gosh, Suzy! Come in!" he said, ushering her inside.

Her wet clothes dripped onto the carpet as she trotted in. With a wary look at her, Quentin crossed his arms.

"You're not pizza," he said disdainfully.

She gave him a wry smile as she slipped off her saturated jacket.

"Not the last time I checked, kid." she said, smiling tiredly.

Huffing loudly, he went to his room, shutting the door in anger. Jake smiled sheepishly at her.

"Sorry, he's um...he was really wanting pizza," he shrugged, gesturing for her to sit down on the couch.

"It's fine, I get it. I was a kid once too." she smiled, slowly sitting down.

Jake glanced at her a moment before walking out of the room. Furrowing her eyebrows, Suzy turned her head in the direction he went. Seconds later, he was back with an armful of his mother's old maternity clothes and a large red blanket.

"Here," he said, handing the clothes to her, "So you can get dry."

Beaming at him, she took the clothes and he steered her towards the bathroom.

"It's down the hall and to your left."

She nodded and walked off. Sitting back in his armchair after setting the blanket down, he sighed. This girl needed all the help she could get. There was no way she was ready to raise a baby on her own. She needed someone to be there for her. And not just Jana either but someone who.... his thoughts trailed off as he looked up to see Suzy, dried off now, with a fresh pair of clothes. He smiled.

"You look great," Jake smiled at her as she sat down on the couch once more.

She scoffed, looking down at her hands in her lap, "For a woman as big as a barn, you mean,"

"I mean, for anyone," he said softly and she glanced up at him.

Gradually, a smile lit up her face and she glowed as she tucked a strand of brown hair behind her ear. Mumbling a thanks, she picked up the red blanket and looked up at him, wordlessly asking permission. He gave a nod to her and she happily wrapped the warm red blanket around her. For the first time since he'd met her, something dawned on Jake then. Just how beautiful she really was. Sure, her hair was still wet and you could clearly see the exhaustion on her face but...there was an inner strength about her that reflected in her eyes....and it made her so beautiful to him.

Clearing his throat, he started to speak.

"Look, Suzy...Jana told me everything about your...situation. And I know that we don't know each other and you probably don't have any kind of feelings for me but..." he looked up then to see her watching him, a curious look on her face.

Slowly, she rose from the couch and walked over to him.

"If you want, I can be there for you...I can be your baby. If you'd want. I mean, if you don't want me to, I completely understa-"

Suddenly, he was cut off by sweet warm lips on his own and he slowly closed his eyes as he kissed Suzy back. Lifting up from the armchair, his arms encircled her waist and he brought her closer to him. Her hands cupped his face and he deepened the kiss, gliding his lips over her own. Finally, he broke away from her, a huge grin splitting his face as he held her.

"I would love that," she choked out and he reached up a hand, brushing away the tears that had started to fall from her eyes.

"But...I want the whole thing...I want to marry you...give you the life you deserve to have," he spoke gently as his hand found their way to her stomach, his fingers caressing her growing baby bump.

She squeezed her eyes shut and nodded as more tears came.

"Suzy...will you let me have that life with you? Will you marry me?" he asked, tears forming in his blue eyes.

"Yes! Yes, I will!" she sobbed and he captured her lips with his own.

They were married two months later in a little chapel in Atlanta. Lex, Jana, Quentin, Teresa, Xander, Leanne, and the rest of their friends they'd made along the way were in attendance. It was a happy day for the both of them. Jana had helped Suzy find a wedding dress that would fit her and Jake adored her in it. To him, she looked just like an angel as she had floated down the aisle that day.

A month later, Jake and Suzy welcomed her daughter into the world: Nadine Christina Riley. Jake had been insistent that the child have his last name. Of course, Suzy hadn't wanted it any other way and Quentin was more than happy to finally become a big brother to the newest addition. More children were born to them - three children in all to be exact.

Suzy sat reclined in her rocking chair on the porch as Jake raced after the children in the backyard. Her hands rested on her huge belly and a grin lit up her face as she watched them. Oh, yes, nearly forgot about the fourth child on the way.

"You'll never catch me!" 6 year-old Brandy giggled as she ran away from her father, her bare feet kicking up blades of grass.

Jake panted as he chased after her, his son, 4 year-old Jaime, running the opposite way. Stopping a second, he put his hands on his knees as he bent over, still panting.

"You guys...I can't...need...break..." he said breathlessly as an 8 year-old Nadine ran past him.

Suddenly, Quentin, now 18 years old, swept up Brandy in his arms and she laughed as he lifted her to sit on his shoulders.

All of a sudden, a tug on Jake's pants leg made him look down. Grinning a toothless smile, his 2 year-old daughter, Carla, held up a daisy to him.

"Fowah!" she beamed and Jake laughed at her child-like wonder.

He grabbed her by the waist and hoisted her up onto his hip, all while Suzy watched from afar. She smiled. Life definitely wasn't perfect but to her, it felt like it was...

Note: The final two one shots are coming either Wednesday or Β Thursday but I'll have them up as soon as possible :")
