Hello from the Other Side

I placed my hand on my swollen belly while I stared at a picture of Jake in my other. When the virus broke out, I thought my world was falling to pieces. Everything was gone - my job, my way of life....Jake. We hadn't even been married that long. One year today, actually. Tears sprung to my eyes at that thought but I refused to cry. He would want me to be strong. And I had to be. Not just for his sake but for our baby's.

Suddenly, my cellphone rand, the screen lighting up. My eyebrows furrowed. Communication had been cut off days ago. Who was calling me? I swiped my thumb over the screen and put it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I answered, hesitantly.

"Sarah!" My friend, Jana, replied excitedly from the other end.

I grinned at the sound of her voice.

"Oh my gosh, Jana! How did you even- You know what? I don't even care. It's so good to hear from you! Are you okay? How's Lex? How's Jake?!"

Jana laughed.

"One question at a time, Sar. I made a phone to talk to Lex and I sent him a message. I can re-wire it to your phone so it can do the same for Jake but you need to do exactly what I say."

I listened carefully and followed her instructions exactly.

"Thank you so much, Jana!" I breathed out in relief.

"No problem. You just check on your hubby." Jana teased before disconnecting.

I rolled my eyes and then dialed up Jake's number, my hands shaking. Gosh, I hope he's okay. As the phone rang, my heartbeat sped up in anxiety and anticipation.

Hey, you've reached Jake. Unfortunately, I can't come to the phone right now so you'll have to leave a message. Beep!

I sighed and hot tears rolled down my cheeks at the familiar voice that I'd missed so much.

"Jake, it's me. I was hoping to talk to you but this will have to do. The baby and I are safe. you don't have to worry about us..."I said before breaking down in sobs before sobering up again,"I miss you...so much. I love you, Jake."

And with that, I ended the call. Suddenly, I couldn't control my tears any longer and they slid down my face. Sobs wracked my body as my arms encircled my huge stomach...the only thing I had left of Jake at the moment.

Please don't let it be the last, I prayed.
