Not Your Pickles!

Note: Don't judge - I always eat that kind of pickles while watching Containment lol XD

"THOSE ARE MINE! PAWS OFF!" I yelled, throwing a spoon at Jake as I did.

Jake dodged the flying utensil and took one of the pickles out of the jar, his tongue sliding over its bumpy skin.

"Mmm, it tastes so good though!" he teased, trying to bite back a grin.

Since we had been locked in here, the only food the cafeteria held were old frozen meals that everyone had grown sick of. The last "real" food left was a jar of Vlasic Kosher Dill pickles that Jake and I had found pushed to the back of the refrigerator. And being my favorite food, it was mine.

"Gosh, I really wish you could have some, but I don't think there's enough for you." he mocked, fishing another pickle out of the jar and crunching it.

I glared at him and balled my fists.

"Oh, that is it! YOU'RE DEAD NOW, RILEY!" I shrieked, picking up another spoon as I began to chase him.

We weaved in and out of the empty tables, him knocking a few chairs over as he went. He laughed evilly as I tripped over one of them. I hurriedly got up and began to chase him again - right through the halls of the hospital. He laughed as he ran, holding the jar of pickles tightly against his chest. We passed nurses and doctors who gave us strange looks but we paid them no mind as we went flying past them. Suddenly, Jake turned a corner and nearly ran into Katie AKA "Miss Buzzkill".

She looked at us quizzically - Jake, holding the jar of pickles to his chest like it was a child and me, trying to use a cafeteria spoon as a weapon.

"What are you two doing? We're in a virus outbreak right now and you two are acting like children!!" she yelled, trying to separate us.

Jake rolled his eyes at her and I pointed to the pickles.

"Those are mine and he-"I said, moving my finger to point at Jake,"-won't give them to me!"

Katie just looked at me like I was stupid and shook her head at me.

"You're both being ridiculous right now. Look, Jake, just give her the pickles and act like adults, the both of you." she said, exasperated.

Jake and I looked at each other for full 10-seconds before he spoke up.

"You're gonna have to catch me first because THESE PICKLES ARE MINE, WOMAN!" he yelled, grinning gleefully as he fled down the hall.

I gasped and began to chase him again, my spoon held high in the hair.

"FOR NARNIA!!!!!" I screamed as Katie just watched us go.

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, trying to catch up with him. But I didn't notice him stopping ahead of me and I plowed right into him, knocking us both to the floor. I landed on top of him and the jar of pickles rolled onto the floor beside us. Suddenly, I was looking into Jake's piercing blue eyes. They were so beautiful - dark and serene, almost like an stormy ocean. Before I even knew what I was doing, I leaned down closer to him and my lips touched his.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and I felt him kiss me back. His lips were so soft as they moved with mine...but soon enough, we both ran out of air and I pulled back. My long hair had fell around my face and he reached up a hand, brushing it out of my eyes. I climbed off of him and held out my hand then. He took it and pulled himself up but didn't let go of my hand. Then he reached his strong arms around my tiny frame and pulled me closer to him.

He leaned his forehead against mine and for a second, I thought he was going to kiss me again. His hot breath tickled my lips as he inched closer.

"They're still not your pickles." he said cheekily then.

He turned on his heel and picked up the jar of pickles as he sauntered back down the hallway, leaving me flustered and a bit agitated. I still didn't get my pickles...
