Sad News for my Readers :(

Okay, guys, so I have some horrible news to tell you all.ย 

The CW has cancelled Containment. :"(ย 

I'm so heartbroken over this news because I loved the show so much as I know you all did as well :( It's just not fair because this show was so amazing!! >:( I'm not sure how much longer the show will run although it will be cancelled just after this first season.ย 

My Jake One Shots will continue till the end of the show though but I'll most likely end this book after the show itself ends. I'm so sorry and sad to say this :"(ย 

But I can't thank you guys enough for all of your views, comments, and votes!! It's meant the world to me honestly and I'm still in shock over the success of this. :")ย 

After this ends, I'll still be writing on Wattpad, of course. And who knows? If Chris Wood has another TV show, I might do some one shots for that if it happens :)

But again, you guys are THE BEST! Thank you so much for coming on this journey with me :")
