when the duo becomes a trio


School had just ended, everyone went to go home - everyone but a certain h/c haired who stayed on her chair sleeping.

"L/n!" The loud voice of her teacher woke her up, "H..huh?" She looked at him with half lidded eyes.

"School had just ended, I suggest that you leave now. Or do you want to be locked in here until tomorrow?" He asked to which the girl just shrugged and went back to sleep,


Sighing, the teacher gave up and placed an apple on her desk, "Please, just leave.." he mumbled impatiently.


Y/n groggily stood up from her desk and lazily grabbed the apple before walking out of the classroom.

Lifting her hand up, Y/n took a bite out of the apple as she pushed open the school door. As she was yawning, she heard a very familiar voice.

"Wait- Y/n?"

Y/n turned her body around lazily, staring at the blue eyed boy with her half lidded eyes. Though what surprised her was that he wasn't alone, beside him was a boy with a wolf cut, some parts of his hair was dyed blonde whilst others were black, a tattoo of a tiger on his neck and an earring on his left ear.

"Takemichi..?" Y/n mumbled as both males walked up to her.

"Oh? Y/n.. Y/n.." Kazutora whispered before snapping his hands, a smile appearing on his face. "Y/n L/n! Right? Also known as Lord Farquaad."

"Huh?" Y/n let out, confused by his sudden question.

"Ah! What a coincidence, Takemichi and I were just about to head to your school!"

Realizing that she could've avoid getting involved and head home if it wasn't for Takemichi calling her, Y/n gave a hard glare to the yellow haired, resulting him in sweating furiously.

"Okay! Let's go to Valhalla's hideout!" Kazutora pulled on Y/n's sleeve,

"Wait what-"


"Um, Hanemiya-kun?" Takemichi called, breaking off the silence. "Hm? Kazutora's fine." Kazutora said.

"..Kazutora-kun, you're a third year at our school?" Takemichi asked the male who only replied with a simple, "Yeah."

"Um.. if someone as famous as you has been in our school all this time.. I figured everyone would make a much bigger deal out of it."

"I only went for the one semester as a first year. I've been going to reform school."

"What?! Reform school..- you got arrested?!" Takemichi asked in shock.

Kazutora looked down as shadow covered his eyes, "It was his fault."

""His?"" Takemichi and Y/n asked at the same time.

"Look, we're almost here." Kazutora changed the subject.

"This is the place?" Y/n questioned, standing in the middle of the two males and staring at the arcade which had a headless angel panting on the wall. "An arcade?"

"Closed down a long time ago, though."

"The headless angel.." Takemichi stared at the painting of said angel. Both him and Y/n followed Takemichi into the arcade, once they stepped in, the atmosphere was tense, every one of Valhalla's members' gaze was on them.

In the center, many members were circling - what it seemed to be someone beating up another person.

"Isn't that Baji?" Y/n who was now fully awake, asked Takemichi.

"What's going on here?" Takemichi spoke, Kazutora stared at him with a bored face and replied, "What do you mean? It's a test of faith."

"Test of faith..?" Y/n repeated, "Of Baji's belief in our group, leaving Toman to enter Valhalla is like switching religions. So he needs to show us he's ready." Kazutora explained. "The guy Baji's beating up right now is Toman's first division vice captain, Baji's most trusted retainer."

"The first division vice captain!?" Takemichi exclaimed before looking at Y/n who had her phone out and slapping her arm. "Stop recording."

"Toman is Valhalla's enemy." Kazutora continued, "If he's betraying his old "God," Mikey.. then he's got to curb stomp his old beliefs."

Once Baji was done beating up the first division vice captain, he looked at Hanna, "Well? Is this good enough for you? Hanma-kun? For my initiation into Valhalla." He pulled out his hair tie, letting his hair wave freely into the air.

Hanma grinned, as two members of Valhalla commented,

"You're a real bastard, he was with you for a long time, right?
"I'm surprised you went this far."

"Shit man," Baji cussed, "I didn't come here for a damn lecture."

"Kazutora!!" Hanma called, "Yeah?" The said boy asked.

"You ready?"

"Yup." Kazutora gave a small nod, then turning his head to look at Y/n and Takemichi. "These two.. are Takemichi Hanagaki and Lord Farquaad. Toman's newest member."

Y/n didn't know why he introduced her as Lord Farquaad when he already knew her name, but said nothing about it.

Whilst Takemichi was screaming in his head thinking that he was about to be the next test of faith, Y/n happily pointed at herself with a smile,

"Oh? Am I gonna get beaten up next?"

"So.." Hanma walked front, "You're Hanagaki and Farquaad? Step forward!"

Why did I let Kazutora-kun lead me straight into the enemy's hideout, like we were going to have a picnic. Not to mention, I stupidly got Y/n involved in this!— He thought looking at Y/n who stepped forward without thinking, On second thought, she'll be fine.

"It's you.. from before." Baji's eyes widen, recognizing Y/n and Takemichi, "Did you both come here to be killed, or what?"

"We will now summon witnesses!!" One of the Valhalla member announced.

"One of Toman's founding members. The first division captain, Keisuke Baji. He claims he wants to abandon Toman and enter the ranks of Valhalla." Hanma announced to the members of Valhalla, murmurs started going around,

"One of Toman's top brass wants in Valhalla?"
"Ain't that a bad idea?"
"No, this is fuckin' huge!"

Hanma continued, "Indeed! This is a very serious matter! Enlisting Baji will aid us us greatly in crushing Toman. But there's just one problem remaining. He might be one of Toman's spies!! So I had Kazutora prepare two witnesses for us! I will call both witnesses forward! Takemichi Hanagaki, Lord Farquaad!"

"Y-..Yes?" Takemichi stuttered while Y/n only let out a small, "Hm?"

"At Toman's gathering, what did Baji say in front of everyone?"

"He said that he's going to Valhalla and Toman is his enemy." Y/n answered. Takemichi from beside her nodded, "Yeah."

Hanma stayed silent, then looked at Kazutora. "What do you think, Kazutora?"

"The "Test of faith" and the "witness summoning" don't you think that's good enough? He'll be useful for fighting other gangs and he knows what went on in Toman while I was away at reform school. Even if Baji was a spy.. it's still worth letting him into Valhalla. Right Baji?" He questioned the raven haired, "We will crush Toman. And then, we'll kill Mikey."

Baji stared at the boy for a while before bowing, "Yeah. I'll help you with that, Kazutora."

"All right," Hanma spoke. "From this day forward.. Keisuke Baji is a member of Valhalla!!"

"Oh wait-" Realization struck Y/n, "We were suppose to bring him back, right?" She whispered to Takemichi.

"You forgot?!" He whisper yelled.

Then, Takemichi clenched his fist, yelling out; "Wait a minute! Baji-kun, you helped found Toman alongside Mikey-kun and the rest, didn't you?! Why are you betraying them?!"

"Just because I'm a founding member.. means I can't betray Toman?" Baji said, "What a joke." His eyes then travelled to Kazutora. "That guy's one of the founders, too."

Y/n blinked twice with a dumbfounded look, "ehh.." She kept staring at Kazutora till realization struck her like lightings, "Oh! He's that guy in the picture who had an arm around Baji!" She whispered to Takemichi.

"Huh?!" Takemichi stared at Kazutora with his eyes wide and mouth agape. He then gulped when Baji started talking,

"Kazutora resented Toman." The raven haired said. "I can never forget, in 2003, the summer of our first year of middle school.. we ran wild. It was a bit chilly for a midsummer day."


Mikey-kun's older brother died.. Takemichi looked at the two former Toman members after Baji had finished telling his story. Because of these guys..!

"Kazutora stood up for me, so I didn't end up in juvie. I've been waiting for Kazutora to get released." Baji said.

Takemichi's eyes widen at this, So, Baji-kun was on Kazutora's side from the start..? It's not like he left Toman on a whim. That means there's no, no way.. Y/n and I can bring him back.

"Nice, Baji." Hanma grinned, "In that case, I'll be more than happy to have you aboard. Here." He tossed the male a Valhalla uniform. "It's Valhalla's uniform."

"Hanagaki! Farquaad! Give Mikey this message," Hanma started then let Kazutora finish, "A week from now, October 31st. In the abandoned car lot. Valhalla VS Toman. Our final fight."


The next day,

"Didn't sleep a wink. Even though I'm 26." Takemichi let out a sigh, muttering the last part.


"Same here." Y/n said as Takemichi placed a hand on the back of his head where Y/n had just slapped him.

"What was that for?!"

Y/n ignored him and looked at the sky, "How do we explain this to Mikey?" She asked, remembering the events that had happened on the previous day.


The two middle schoolers turned their head around to see who had called them, "C'mere!" A boy with a choppy undercut style, the top being blonde and the sides black, light blue eyes, a piercing in his left ear. He had bandages all over him with an eyepatch, giving off an intimidating look.

"Have a seat." He pointed at the empty swing beside him.

What.. whos that scary dude? He's totally up to no good! And he's beat to hell, too. Takemichi questioned in his mind, "Just ignore him." He then whispered and started walking.

Y/n followed beside Takemichi but added, "We don't have any money!"

Chifuyu Matsuno flinched at her words, feeling kinda offended that she thought he was a homeless person.

Shaking his head and choosing to ignore the girl he spoke, "Yesterday was a total disaster for us three, huh?"

"..Yesterday?" Takemichi repeated.

"Baji-san's a total badass, ain't he?" Chifuyu smiled.

"You were.. Baji-kun's friend?"

"Tokyo Manji Gang. First division vice-captain, Chifuyu Matsuno."

"Eh?!" Y/n's ears perked up at his introduction as she sprinted towards him and pointed a finger, "You're that guy Baji beat to a pulp!.. Man you look like shit!"

"Yeah." Chifuyu nodded, deciding to ignore her insult then turn to look at Takemichi. "You should be thankful to him."

"Why should I?!" Takemichi questioned.

"You ruined the nomination ceremony. If Baji-san hadn't decked you.. something even worse would've happened to you. I got beat up so he could join Valhalla. But.. Baji-san didn't get into Valhalla to destroy Toman."


"Baji-san's got something else in mind. Kisaki." Chifuyu stated, "Baji-san joined Valhalla so he could get at Kisaki!"


Sano Family Grave

"I see," Mikey mumbled, "So you heard.. about my older brother."

"Shinichiro-kun was an awesome guy." Draken said as he held the umbrella. "Yeah." Mikey agreed.

Y/n, Takemichi and Chifuyu stood behind the two leaders, holding their own umbrellas.

"Takemitchy, Y/n.. we know too." Draken spoke. "We know that past incident can't be undone. Baji and Kazutora didn't intend for that to happen."

"Yeah, it's too late to changed what happened. I know that." Mikey stood up, "But deep down, I can't accept it. The CB350T that Baji and Kazutora were trying to steal, was the one my brother rode. It was supposed to be.. my birthday present. That CB250T's a memento from my brother. Now, it's my beloved ride." He looked back at then with a small smile.

Mikey then continued, "It's been two years since then, I've forgiven Baji. But.. even if he didn't know.. even if it's too late to change the past, I can't forgive Kazutora for killing my brother. And I can't forgive Baji for siding with him, either!"

Both Y/n and Takemichi shuddered at Mikey's hard glare that the blond sent to them, "Takemichy, Y/n. I told you both to bring Baji back didn't I?" Mikey looked at Chifuyu, "So, why's his team's vice-captain here.. but Baji isnt? What do you want to accomplish? Takemichy, Y/n. Do you really want to die that badly."



"Baji-san joined Valhalla so he could investigate Kisaki." Chifuyu explained to the two.

"You mean, Valhalla and Kisaki are connected somehow?" Y/n asked in which Chifuyu answered, "Probably."

"If Baji-san is investigating from within Valhalla's ranks, then I wanna do my own investigation from the outside. Help me out, Takemichy, Farquaad!"


"If I don't do something, he'll.. fly outta control if he's left on his own."

Takemichi spoke up, "Did Baji-kun himself say that he wants to investigate Kisaki?"

"Huh? No he didn't. But I know him. I know how he thinks. I've stuck with him for a long time!" Chifuyu turned his head at the duo, a small smile over his face.

"What I wanna do is simple, I wanna help Baji-san. What about you guys?" The blond asked, making Y/n and Takemichi let out a sound of confusion. "During the nomination for the third division captain, you picked a real bad time, to punch Kisaki. What the hell, are you trying to accomplish?"


"Mikey-kun." Takemichi called, "I.. want to be the top guy in Toman. I'll make you realize that some day, Mikey-kun! That's what I want to accomplish!!"

"Pfft..—" Y/n covered her mouth in attempt to hide her laugh.

Mikey laughed along with Draken as the two started walking away, "That guy's an idiot." Draken laughed.

Mikey's lips formed into a small smile. "..Yeah."

"Better check yourself, dude." Chifuyu said as he with Y/n and Takemichi walked away from the graveyard. "You went way beyond failing to read the mood, there."

"I guess so.." Takemichi started questioning his stupidity, "Why'd I even say that..?"

"How about this?" Chifuyu said, bringing up a hand. Y/n stopped waking when she saw the hand in her view, her right hand grabbed something out from her pocket, she then place the money on Chifuyu's palm.


Letting out sigh, Chifuyu brought back his hand and spoke, looking at Takemichi. "I'll help you become Toman's leader." He then turned his head to Y/n, "And I'll help you with whatever you want. So you both help me out with what I wanna do!"

"..Huh? Does that mean, you guys think I can really be the top guy in Toman?" Takemichi asked.

"Not at all."
"Not one bit."

Both Y/n and Chifuyu bluntly replied.

"THAT FIGURES! YOU MAKIN' FUN OF ME?!" Takemichi irked, leaning closer to Chifuyu as he glared.

"But I will help you." Chifuyu stated. He stretched his arm further. Takemichi Let out a huff before shaking the blond's hair.

Chifuyu then let go and stared at Y/n. "So if I say I want to kill somebody, you'll help me?"

"What the fuck— uh.. I guess?" Chifuyu tilted his head at the question.

Y/n brought up her hand and shook his, Chifuyu smiled at this and tighten the grip whilst saying,

"I'm countin' on you! Partner!!"

"By the way, we're the same age, so you don't have to be all polite and formal with me." Chifuyu added.

"I never was anyways." Y/n said, beside her was Takemichi who had his eyes wide.


"You switched gears real quick." Chifuyu commented. He then looked back at them, "First off, I wanna do a thorough investigation of the connection between Kisaki and Valhalla."

Takemichi stayed silent for a bit before asking, "Any leads?"

"You both can do all the planning and thinking!" Y/n placed her hands inside her pockets.


"What's this place?" Y/n asked, staring at the building that was in front of the three of them.

"Let's go." Chifuyu said, walking to the entrance.

"Hey, you got visitors!" A voice yelled.

Sliding the door to the side, Y/n and Takemichi froze when seeing a familiar face.

"Hm? Who the hell are you guys?—"

"Cheese head!!?" Y/n interrupted.


"I beat up anyone I didn't like, nobody could stand against me. Before I knew it, I was alone. That's when Kisaki approached me." Osanai told the trio, "Weird as it sounds, when I did whatever Kisaki told me. Everything went smoothly. In just a year, I went from some punk who was only good at fighting to the guy in charge of Shinjuku."

"So, Osanai-kun, you became Moebius' leader, because of Kisaki?" Chifuyu asked.

"Yeah." Osanai answered, "Can't make a gang if winning fights is the only thing you got going for you."

This time, Y/n spoke, "So Kisaki was your confidant?"

Osanai stayed silent, then answering, "I was nothing but a skipping stone to Kisaki. I learned that during the battle of 8/3."

"The battle of 8/3?" Takemichi repeated, "You mean when Draken-kun got stabbed?"

"That fight was all arranged by Kisaki in the first place. Kisaki drove Pachin into a corner, creating a reason for Toman's infighting. And Kisaki made it my fault! And after I got stabbed.. he approached Mikey, saying he didn't like how I did things. Then, he said he'd get Pachin pardoned... to curry Mikey's flavor."

"Why would Kisaki go to all that trouble?" Chifuyu questioned, shocked.

"Kisaki's plan on the battle of 8/3 was to use the fight to get Draken killed. And take his place as Toman's second-in-command. Kisaki left me behind, but now he's got a new weapon. His latest destructive force is Shuji Hanma."

"Wait- isn't Hanma Valhalla's acting leader?!" Takemichi asked.


"If you know so much, then why haven't you dealt with Kisaki yet?" Chifuyu asked, "After he used and abandoned you like that!" Y/n continued for him.

"...If it was someone who's only good at fighting, or someone who's a little bit crafty, I'd be dealing with them. But Kisaki.. he's worse than I can explain. He's the kinda guy who can make plans to kill people without getting his hands dirty." Osanai said as Y/n's eyes narrowed at the guy's words. "If I mess with him, there's no telling what could happen. Anyway, I don't want nothin' more to do with that guy."

With that, the trio walked out of the building.

"Now we know one thing." Chifuyu declared. "Hm?" Y/n hummed, staring at the ground as she walk. "Valhalla's leader. The mysterious gang with no leader, otherwise known as the headless angel. The leader no one knows is about.. that's.." Chifuyu stopped in his tracks, the other two following.

"Tetta Kisaki."

"Huh?!" Takemichi's mouth fell wide open at this. "Kisaki's in Toman right now. That's why Valhalla doesn't have a leader!!" Chifuyu explained.

"Well- I'll go now, bye!" Y/n waved at the two boys who waved back as they watched her figure disappearing into the distance.

Opening up the door to her house, Y/n let out a long breath, deciding to train for the incoming Valhalla VS Toman fight.

She looked down at her right arm, although it was still throbbing every time she moved it, Y/n could deal with the pain. After all, it wasn't the first time she had broken a bone.

