bloody halloween pt. 2 and the future

I might rewrite this chapter


"BAJI-SAN!" Chifuyu ran up the cars, his eyes showed nothing but worry for his friend. He then turn towards Kisaki, "KISAKI YOU BASTARD! WHAT'D YOU DO TO HIM?!"

"You saw didn't you?" Kisaki questioned, his face held no emotion. "I didn't do a damn thing."

"BAJI-SAN!" Chifuyu snapped his head to look at Baji, his eyes widen when he saw blood pouring out of the black haired boy's stomach. "Blood.." Chifuyu muttered, "you got stabbed?!" He looked at Baji, "Did you get stabbed?! When..?!"

"Huh.." Y/n's e/c eyes widened, That time.. he was seriously injured!

"Kazutora.." Chifuyu looked down at Kazutora who mumbled inaudible words. "KAZUTORA!!" The blond then yelled.

"I see now! He lured Baji into Valhalla so he could kill him when he least expected it!" Kisaki spoke before turning to Mikey who was standing with his head low, "Right, leader?"

"M-Mikey-kun!" Takemichi stuttered out. "Kazutora-kun was.."

"I wanted to kill you." Mikey said in a low voice, "For so long.. as soon as you got out of Juvie, I was gonna kill you. But the one who kept telling me not to... was Baji."

Mikey started taking steps down, walking closer to Kazutora. "Baji said, "Kazutora just wanted to make you happy, Mikey. That's why he can't accept it. Even though he killed your brother.. to make himself believe that he wasn't the bad guy, Kazutora had no choice but to decide you were, his enemy."

"Mikey.." Draken gulped, "Kenchin, this fight is over." Mikey declared, still not showing any emotions.

"Huh?!" Hanma let out, then bringing both his arms out, "Hey, hey, hey!! The fight's over?! You tryin' to fuck with me, Mikey? That's not something you get to decide, bitch!!"

Mikey quickly interrupted him, doing his roundhouse kick, he knocked Hanma down to the ground. "See? It's over."

Murmurs started going around the ground, all the Valhalla members stared at Hanma's body in shock and fear.


Mikey he stared at Kazutora who was crouching on the ground. "People can betray anyone." Kazutora said then standing up, "Let's end this, Mikey. Will you die? Or will I?"

Mikey said nothing but instead replied with a punch, "If all you can do is destroy the things I care about.. then I'll destroy you, right here and now." He kicked Kazutora's chin, resulting in the male to drop to the ground.

"If all you can do is destroy." Mikey stepped closer to Kazutora, once reaching his body, Mikey sat down on his stomach, keeping the boy in place.

"Then I'll destroy you, Kazutora." The blond held up a clenched fist.

With that, Mikey started giving hits to Kazutora's face, not making any signs to stop.

"He's gonna kill him.." Y/n spoke from beside Takemichi who panted like crazy.

"I'm so fucking helpless!!" Takemichi sobbed, tears welling up in his eyes and confusing the girl beside him.

"Mikey." The voice of Baji made Y/n snapped her head at where he and Chifuyu was. "MIKEYYYY!!" Baji called once more before coughing out a pool of blood.

Mikey stopped what he was doing and turned his head to the side to see Baji smiling at him, "You got mad.. just for me? Thanks man."

"Baji-kun?!" Takemichi called in shock to see him still conscious.

"You gotta stay down Baji-san!!" Chifuyu said but got ignored as Baji walked closer towards Mikey.

"I'm not gonna die." Baji spoke, "This wound, ain't gonna kill me. So don't worry about it." He took out something. A knife. "Kazutora."

Y/n's eyes widened, Don't tell me he's gonna.. a memory flashed back in her mind.

"Kazutora.. you wont.. be the one.. to kill me." Baji raised his arms up, ready to stab himself.

Everyone watched with wide eyes as blood splattered to the ground.

But it wasn't Baji's.

"The hell are you doing?" Y/n asked in a low voice, her trembling hand gripping onto the blade of the knife.

She might not be Baji's friend- or know him that well. But she knows one things for sure, she didn't want to see anyone taking their own lives anymore.

"Damn.. you-" But before Baji could even complete his sentence, his eyes rolled back as he fell unconscious from too much blood loss.

"Baji-san!!" Chifuyu rushed towards Baji and quickly and placed the unconscious male's head on his lap.

Y/n's ears perked up at the sound of police cars, "Ah shit." She breathed out. Whilst everyone started to leave the area, Kazutora spoke, "I'm staying here. You guys go on."

"Got it." Mikey said before walking away with the rest of Toman.

"Mikey." Kazutora called, the blond only stopped in his tracks, not bothering to look at Kazutora. "I won't ask you to forgive me, I'll live my whole life with Shinichiro-kun and Baji's death on my shoulders." He then bowed.

"Run faster you shits!" Y/n waved while slightly glaring to a group of medical professionals who were running towards them with a stretcher.

October 31st, 2005. Tokyo Manji Gang's 150 versus Valhalla's 300. The victor of this unprecedented conflict.. was the Tokyo Manji Gang. This battle was later known as
"The Bloody Halloween."


Keisuke Baji
Born on November 3 1990 and died on October 31st 2005

Y/n placed the pen down then turning towards Chifuyu, "Chifuyu, are you ready?" She asked in a stern voice.

"Yes." Chifuyu nodded, his eyes were glossy and nose was red.

Nodding, Y/n started to speak, "It's unfortunate that Baji didn't make it.."

Y/n took a deep breath before placing two fingers on the widget that was on the ouija board in between her and the blond. Chifuyu also placed two fingers on the widget, following the girl's action.

"Baji if you're here, say yes!"

Both Chifuyu and Y/n's eyes widen when the widget started moving to a letter.


"FHGHWQJHSAAAAAAA OH MY GOD—!!!" Chifuyu screamed.

The widget started moving again,


"CHIFUYU! WE DID IT! WE SUMMON BAJI!" Y/n jumped up in excitement, Chifuyu following her action.

They both connected their palms together then jumping in circles.

"We did it! We did it! We did it! We did it! We d—"

"SHUT UP!!!" Baji— who had just woken up to a stupid scene of Chifuyu and Y/n jumping around whilst chanting the words 'We did it'—yelled, jolting up from the hospital bed with a glare of annoyance.

"This is not the sight I wanted to see when I first wake up!"

"Tarzan!!" Y/n exclaimed in shock whilst Chifuyu lost all his colors, staring at Baji like paper.


Chifuyu screamed, running towards Y/n and hiding behind her. "Y/N I THOUGHT WE WERE SUMMONING HIM! NOT REVIVING!! THATS A DEAD CORPSE RIGHT THERE- A DEAD CORPSE!!!"

"UHH—" Y/n looked around for something to throw, seeing a pizza crust that she didn't eat cause there was no cheese inside, she grabbed it and threw it at Baji's head.

Baji stayed in his spot, mouth opened as he stared at the two. "The fuck?" Was the only thing that came out of his mouth.

The duo who stood beside each other stared at Baji with the same blank expression.

And that's when it hit them.

"WAIT- OH MY GOD Y/N HE WOKE UP!" Chifuyu yelled.

"QUICK GET THAT WOMAN!" Y/n shoved Chifuyu out the door, resulting him in tripping a bit, "DON'T PUSH ME I'LL FALL!-"

"I DON'T CARE!" Y/n pulled on the sleeve of Chifuyu and running out to find a nurse.

"YOU BOTH ARE ANNOYING!" Baji's voice could be heard echoing through the hospital's hallway.


"Draw four cards." Y/n placed her card down in the middle of her, Baji and Chifuyu. Baji clicked his tongue in annoyance before grabbing four cards from the stack of cards.

Chifuyu then placed his own card in the pile.

"Draw two cards." Y/n place her card. "Bitch..!" Baji glared at her but took two cards.

"Skip." Chifuyu skipped Y/n.

"Blue." Baji said placing down the wild card, honestly he himself didn't even have the color blue. He just liked the color.

Chifuyu placed down a blue card with the number 6, "Y/n your turn." He called when seeing the girl not paying attention and looking out the window and having a staring contest with a bird.

"Oh- uh." Y/n stared at her three cards before placing down one of them, "Skip."

Baji had his mouth open, Y/n had been either skipping or making him take cards for almost the entire game, poor boy now has about 22 cards.

As Y/n turned her head and continued having a staring contest with the bird, Chifuyu sneakily leaned over to see her cards.

"Huh?! All your cards are the special ones! You cheater!!"

At this, Y/n snapped her head at the blond. "We're you seeing my cards?! You're the cheater!"

"You know what-?! I don't want to play this game anymore!" Baji slammed his cards on the hospital bed and took one of the card, ripping it in half. He looked at Y/n and Chifuyu who were in the middle of a wrestling match.

Baji then added; "Also guys- please do not break any cards, my mom will get mad."

Chifuyu and Y/n froze in their spot, staring at Baji with an 'are you fucking serious' expression.

"Umm.." Chifuyu's eyes went from Baji to the card he ripped, then at Baji, then at the card. "Baji-san.. you're the only one who has broken a card."

"Huh?— oH FUCK!!"


Next day,

Y/n had gotten a call from Mitsuya, telling her to visit his school. Finally reaching the school gate, she saw Takemichi standing to too far, "Piss boyyyy." She called him.

"Y/n?" Takemichi turned his head to look at the h/c haired, he knew that she was the only one who had even called him 'piss hair'— or really anything related to piss.

"Did Mitsuya called you out here too?" Y/n questioned, throwing her now empty soda can into the nearest bin.

"Yeah.. but he's sure taking his sweet time." Takemichi mumbled, "Hi shrek." He greeted the frog that—like always—sat on Y/n's head. Then averting his eyes back to the building.

"Hey, Takemichy, Farquaad!!" A voice called. "That voice.." Takemichi slowly turned his head back to see; "Peyan-kun?!"

"You go to the same middle school as Mitsuya?" Y/n asked.

"Yeah, c'mon." Peyan walked forward as if to lead the way, "Mitsuya's got his hands full right now. So I came to get you instead. I mean he is our captain." He added once they reached inside.

"Here it is!" They finally reached a classroom. "Home EC room?" Y/n read the sign.

"I just can't stand that girl." Peyan suddenly said. "Huh? That girl?" Takemichi tilted his head, then suddenly the door opened—rather harshly.

"Hold it! Hayashi-kun!" A girl asked with a loud voice. "Are you here to cheat the club leader out of his time again?! He's busy now, so leave!!"

"No!" Peyan quickly defended himself, "I was just.."

"What's with that dumb shirt anyway?! Don't you know your stupid outfits always make the teachers suspicious of you??!"

"Whats goin' on?" Mitsuya butted in.

"Leader!! It's Hayashi-kun again!" The girl said.

"Mitsuya-kun!!" Takemichi called in surprise, "Hellooo!" Y/n waved, "Hey, you two." The lilac haired boy greeted them back. "And Shrek." He added when seeing the frog.

Mitsuya then turned to look at the fuming girl, "Chill out, Yasuda-san. I asked Peyan to do something for me."

"You're the only delinquent I don't hate, leader!" Yasuda exclaimed.

""Leader".. Mitsuya-kun?" Takemichi asked. "Yeah," Mitsuya looked back at him, "C'mon."

"Hold on, Takemichy, Y/n. It'll be ready in a sec." Mitsuya smiled then went off to help some of the club members.

"What'll be ready?" Takemichi asked and Y/n from beside him also questioned, "Is he making something? Why'd he want us to come here, anyway?"

"Your gang uniforms." Peyan answered them, "Better appreciate it. Mitsuya has personally, been working on your uniforms."

"Mitsuya-kun's making our uniforms?" Takemichi repeated, dumbfounded.

"You are the first other than the founding members. Right, Mitsuya?" Peyan questioned to the said boy who was seeming to be working on the uniforms.

"For us, the most formal wear, is our gang uniform." Mitsuya spoke, "This is my way of showing thanks, Takemichy, Y/n. For saving Draken on the battle of 8/3.. and for stopping Baji from killing himself. So I wanted to make damn sure.. that I'd be the one to make you're uniforms."

"Thank you very much!" Y/n and Takemichi thanked the division captain. "It's no big deal. I'm doing this because I want to." Mitsuya smiled before announcing, "I'm done!"

He stood up and pushed the uniforms closer to the two, "Try them on!- also Y/n, may I borrow Shrek for a while?" He lend out a hand which Y/n quickly backed away from.

"Is your hand clean?"

Mitsuya nodded and Y/n gently grabbed Shrek from her head and placed him on the lilac haired's palm.

Y/n then snatched her uniform and went to a private area to change. After finally changing, she made sure that the belt was tight enough so that the pants won't slip off.

Turning around, she speared her arms out and turned her head to look at the mirror. "Wow.." she mumbled, her eyes widening in admiration.

Y/n then went back to the others, there she saw Takemichi in his uniform. "The uniform doesn't suit you at all!" She commented.

"Right!?" Takemichi smiled.

"Here," Mitsuya held out his hand, revealing Shrek sitting on it, though what made Y/n's heart flutter was when she saw Shrek with a mini version of the Toman's uniform.

"Thank you, Mitsuya!!"


Days has passed and Valhalla had announced that they will now be affiliated with Toman, and Baji returned to Toman.

And now, Takemichi would be going back into the future.

Opening his eyes, he quickly grabbed his phone out from his pocket and saw the date,

November 18th 2017.

It's 2017, he thought. I haven't been to the present in so long. I'm in the rental store with my manager. Looks just the same as before.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." The manager bowed, surprising Takemichi. "The video you're looking for.. doesn't appear to be in stock at this location."

"Huh?" Was the only thing Takemichi could muster up. What the?! Something is different!! What's with this watch? And a top class bag..? He went to the nearest mirror he could find to look at himself. What the hell? What's with my hair? ..I don't look like myself.

"Please come again." The manager said as Takemichi walked out of the rental store.

"You're late, Takemichi." A voice said. Takemichi's eyes widen in a seeing a familiar yet not familiar guy. Who's that? He thought.

"Hurry up and get it!" The guy told him as they both went in the car. "Hey.." Takemichi spoke, breaking the silence. "Where we goin' from here?"

"Huh? The hell do you mean? We're goin' to your place, just like you ordered. Right, Koji?" The guy turned towards the driver.

"Yes, sir!" Koji replied. "I'm doing just as you asked!"

Takemichi took out his phone to call Naoto, he searched all the contacts in hopes to find the guy's number. I don't have.. Naoto's number?

"Hey! Takemichi!!" The guy called, opening the door and stepping out of the car, "What're you starin' at? We're here."

"Ah.. yeah." Takemichi nodded.

I can't get in contact with Naoto. Takemichi said in his mind before his thoughts were quickly interrupted by many people bowing down to him and yelling out,

"Good afternoon, Sir!"

What the hell?! Takemichi jumped back from shock. "You're late, Takemichi."

I don't know any of these scary-ass dudes!! Takemichi freaked out in his mind.

"Made us wait forever." One of the guys who had long hair and a collar-like choker said.

Huh..? Takemichi took a good look at him and the guy beside him. Those two though.. have I met them before?

"Yamagishi!!" The short haired one called, "Do your job better."


"Get off my back, he's the one draggin' his ass." Yamagishi said.

That guy.. is Yamagishi??! Takemichi snapped his head at the other two males. That's Makoto.. and Takuya!!

"C'mon let's get going." Makoto called Takemichi to follow him. "They're getting impatient." Takuya added.

What? In the future, I'm successful?! Takemichi thought in surprise. A high class apartment complex. The top floor.

Once reaching his room, Takemichi's eyes widen in seeing many guys inside of it. "Hello! Thank you for having us!" One exclaimed as they all bowed.

Is this.. where I live?!

His eyes travelled around the room in admiration, until they landed on two people who stood beside each other looking out the window, wearing suits.

"Answer your phone," the male with black haired spoke first, then turned around, revealing his face. "Takemichy."


"Your hair just keeps getting uglier." The female turned around, revealing a familiar face to Takemichi.

"Y/n?!— Thank god! I got no clue what's goin' on here!" Takemichi gave out a nervous smile as he stared at them both.

"Huh? The hell're you talking about?" Chifuyu asked.

"We got an admin meeting.. let's go." Y/n placed her hands in the pockets of her suit then walking past the two males.

"Admin meeting? Who does?" Takemichi mumbled.

Chifuyu followed Y/n, but not before called out to Takemichi. "C'mon, Partner! Who else? The Tokyo Manji Gang's top admin, Baji Keisuke."


The three stood behind a black haired male wearing a dark blue suit who stuffed food into his mouth and eating like there's no tomorrow.

"Calm down a bit would you?" Chifuyu whispered to Baji, "You'll choke."

"But I still want my goddamn fried rice." A guy who Takemichi recognizes as Pachin grumbled.

"Besides we're still waiting on someone else."

"Quit whining, Pah. Just shut up and eat your food." Another guy shushed Pachin.

I think that's.. the guy from the fifth division. Takemichi thought.

The guy identified as Yasuhiro Motou continued, "As for who we're waiting for, you mean Mitsuya right?"

"There's others who aren't here yet." Pachin said. "Now where's my fried rice?"

"Hey shit-brain!" Nahoya Kawata— or rather known as Smiley called. "The fried rice comes last, you bald-ass teapot."

Y/n, Takemichi and Chifuyu all watched as the admins argue with one another.

"Shut up." A voice butted in, "Who do you think provides your meals in the first place? You don't even pay much, all you've got is seniority, arrogant lazy bastards." The male with a scar on his face said with a blank face.

A man who had black hair with white highlights or shit idk on his head snickered, "You're too blunt, Inupi."

Who are those guys? Takemichi asked in his mind as he continued to eye the two.

"Think that difference makes you better than us? Just because you're ex-black-dragons?" Baji joined in the conversation.

"What's up with Mikey, anyway?" Pachin asked. "As if he'd come to see a loser like you." The male with blue hair—Hakkai Shiba, spoke. "The second anything happens, you oldies are like "Mikey, Mikey!!" What are you? Goldfish poop?"

Out of anger, Pachin stood up and kicked his chair away before walking towards the youngest Shiba. "Let's take this outside, Shiba!"

"How dull," Hanma commented, "We're not having our usual meeting today, so we can discuss payments. Koko's business, Shiba's corporation front. And a number of other businesses our gang manages, we're searched by police three days ago. In other words." Hanma paused, pointing at the table,

"This is no kiddie playground. Somebody here ratted us out!"

The atmosphere was tense after Hanma's words. "Somebody snitched?" Peyan asked.

"Like hell any of us would do that!!" Pachin glared at Hanma, "Even if some of you are shit, I'd never snitch on my own gang!"

"You moron." Koko insulted, "If no one here snitched, then why did so many places get searched on the same day?"

"Hey! Who do you think you're callin' a moron?!" Pachin irritatedly pointed at Koko.

"If you want a fight, i'll take you down, fat boy!" Inupi stood up from his chair.

Hearing footsteps getting louder, Y/n turned her head from the scene to the door, there she saw the one person she hates the most. Tetta Kisaki.

"Aren't we having fun?" Kisaki spoke up as he entered the room.

"Good evening, sir!!" Everyone except Takemichi and Y/n bowed. Chifuyu eyed them both before quickly bring up his hands to their heads and pushing them down.

"Enough with the formality, guys!" Kisaki grinned, surprising Takemichi.

"You don't usually show up for our admin meetings, Kisaki-san." Hanma said, "I've got some minor business to deal with." Kisaki responded then looked at Baji.

"Baji, may I borrow your men for a while?" He asked with a smile.


Kisaki seemed to me quite shocked at his blunt and straightforward reply but kept him smile, "It'll be quick."

Baji narrowed his eyes at Kisaki before speaking, "Fine, but if anything happens to them." His narrowed eyes turned into a cold glare. "I'll murder you."

Kisaki waved his arms whilst softly laughing, "Takemichi, Chifuyu, Y/n, Follow me."


All three of them followed Kisaki into another room. "Nice place, isn't it? I had this establishment built recently." Kisaki spoke, breaking off the silence.

"Really? Wow." Takemichi looked around the room in amazement, behind him were Chifuyu and Y/n.

"Go on, have a seat." Kisaki said as he sat down. "Uh.. yes sir!" Takemichi obliged and sat on the seat without thinking twice.

"Sorry for taking up your time." Kisaki apologied, then turn towards the other two. "Take a seat as well, Chifuyu, Y/n."

"Sorry, I'm in no position to do that." Chifuyu told Kisaki while Y/n just shook her head.

"Uptight as ever, I see." Kisaki laughed, then gestured towards the four glasses that were on the table, "Let's have a drink."

Y/n watched as Chifuyu and Takemichi grabbed the glass with no hesitation at all, "No thanks." She shook her head, not trusting Kisaki.

"Oh c'mon!" Kisaki held up the glass closer to her, "Just this once."

"Have I even told you that I'm allergic to liquid?"

Then suddenly she heard two loud thuds from beside her, quickly snapping her head to the side, her eyes widen in seeing Chifuyu and Takemichi laying on the ground unconscious.

But before she could even do anything, she felt a someone hitting the back of her neck harshly, making her lose her vision and fall to the ground.


Takemichi snapped his eyes open as he started regaining consciousness, he let out a gasp and eyed the room he was in. I'm in.. the same room.

I can't move..?! He squirmed around.

"What?!" He exclaimed, What.. is going on here—? Takemichi then realized that he was tied up to a chair. "What the hell?!"

"Takemichy." The voice of Chifuyu made the male snapped his head at him.


He was shocked to see Chifuyu and Y/n badly beaten up. "You certainly were out for a long time, Hanagaki." Kisaki spoke.

That's when Takemichi remembered that he had a drink with Kisaki. He must have drugged me!!

"Y/n L/n." Kisaki called to the said girl who said nothing but glared at him. "You were always a thorn in my side, you've always held a grudge against me.." He paused for a bit before continuing. "Ever since you found out that I was the one who manipulated Luine Nishimura and talked her into killing herself.."

"Huh?" Takemichi let out as he did not recognize that name. Luine Nishimura? Talked her into killing herself? What does Kisaki mean by that..?

Hearing no response from the girl, Kisaki brought up his leg and kicked her side, making her cough out more blood. "Stop it! Kisaki!" Chifuyu and Takemichi yelled for Kisaki to stop.

"And Chifuyu—" He turned his head towards the said male. "You're the one who ratted out Toman, aren't you?!" He used his knee to kick the side of Chifuyu's face. "You picked a real shitty person to tattle to the cops."

"No!! The police are just out of control!" Chifuyu yelled, "I was just trying to get you out of Toman!! Toman's gone rotten, I just wanted to change that. Kisaki, it's just like you said. I'm the snitch."

"And I was the one helping him!" Y/n join in, "So let Takemichi go, he's got nothing to do with this!"

"Hey!" Kisaki shushed them, "I get to decide, whether he's involved or not. Hey, Hanagaki." He lifted up the pistol that one of his men gave him.

"Why have you been acting, like you're not connected to this at all?" He pointed the pistol at him. "What..? Umm." Takemichi hesitantly answered. Kisaki then pulled the trigger, aiming for the thigh.

"MY LEG!!" Takemichi screamed in agony.

"I said Takemichi had nothing to do with this!" Y/n yelled to Kisaki with a Chifuyu adding; "He doesn't know a goddamn thing!!"

"Shut the hell up, we're friends right?" Kisaki asked as Takemichi continue to scream in pain.

"Now then," he pointed the gun at Y/n's head. "You have 20 seconds to say your last words before I pull the trigger."

"Takemichi, quiet down." Y/n said softly but got ignore as Takemichi kept screaming. Finally losing her patient she shouted;


Takemichi froze at her sudden outburst, then turned his head at Y/n to see her.

"Takemichi, Chifuyu I know this is very cliche but, I'm honored—.." Y/n gave a closed eyed smile. "—That I got to work with you both."

With no hesitation, Kisaki pulled on the trigger. Both Chifuyu and Takemichi watched with teary eyes as Y/n fell to the ground, blood pouring from her head.

"Y/NNN!!" Takemichi screamed, tears running down his cheeks, squirming in his seat, wanting to rush over to her but was held back as he was tightly tied onto the chair. "Now then, how about you?" Kisaki now pressed the pistol into Chifuyu's forehead. "I'll be nice and let you take your time."

"Listen up, Takemichi." Chifuyu sniffed, then gulped. "These are my last words, a lot has happened over the last twelve years. Mikey-kun disappeared. Draken-kun got the death penalty. Before I knew it, I got involved in some real foul shit. We've done a lot of terrible things. But deep down we haven't changed!! I'll be joining Y/n soon, so," He looked at Takemichi with a sad smile, "I'll leave Baji-san.. and Toman to you, partner."

With that, Kisaki pulled the trigger, a loud bang echoed through the room.


Takemichi watched in horror; Chifuyu's body falling down and landing beside Y/n's lifeless body.

"How's it feel to have Toman's fate all on you?" Kisaki asked with a smile, "Don't worry! I'll let you join them soon." He pointed the pistol to Takemichi.

Takemichi said nothing but continue to pant whilst tears ran down his cheeks. "The fuck is wrong with you?!" Kisaki leaned closer to the black haired, "You gonna go out lookin' like that? Is that what you are?!! Huh??!"

After a minute of silence, Kisaki straightened himself and kept the gun pointing at Takemichi. "How disappointing." A tear fell from his eye.

"So long.. my "hero.""


