
nvm im back

just to write the ending tho cause i at least want to complete my book instead of leaving it uncompleted so sorry if u wanted like a full story

but i might make multiple types of ending for you guys if u want y/n to end up with someone

honestly i don't even know if anyone is still reading this but hope you'll enjoy this anyway :D

spoilers for the latest chapters for those who haven't read it yet!!!



11 years later, july 3rd 2017.

this is it. Takemichi thought, my big day.

he stared at himself at the mirror in awe. he wondered, how could he have been so lucky? he nearly (was) got killed, yet somehow he was given a second chance to fix everything again. but this time, with someone's help.

now here he is. standing in a white tuxedo, heart pounding at an insane speed. wide green spread across his face. he was about to get married to the one and only love of his life. Hinata Tachibana.

i did it. he thought proudly.

hearing a loud sigh, the black haired male turned around to meet the eyes of Mikey. whom had also travelled back in time and stayed beside Takemichi's side to help get the ending everyone needed.

"i guess you and i can't do anything rash anymore, huh?" Mikey spoke, "I'm gonna be lonely Takemichi." he then said sadly, he had grown used to being right by takemichi's side. but nevertheless, happy for his friend.


"lord farquaad in the building!"

the iconic voice of the one and only y/n l/n boomed throughout the hallway as she and chifuyu walked beside each other.

"is that good?" she looked at her shoulder. a familiar green frog sat comfortably there, wearing a suit designed just for him by mitsuya.

chifuyu was slightly panicking, this was his best friend's wedding after all.

"aren't you nervous?" the blond asked.

"oh i am, my heart is literally going boom! boom! but try to stay calm, okay?" y/n patted the male's back.

he did try to stay calm— until he looked at his watch.

"shit- SHIT SHIT SHIT—!" he grabbed y/n wrist and ran like his life depended on it. "WERE LATE!! WERE FUCKING LATE!!"

"WHAT?!— BITCH BYE-" y/n let go of their hands and sped up, leaving chifuyu behind.



"Okay, deep breaths- deep breaths." Y/n whispered as she and chifuyu stood at the door calming themselves down. "This is the day our dearest takemichi is finally getting married." Chifuyu started getting emotional.

"wait do i look okay?" chifuyu asked. he needed to make sure he looked clean and neat for his best friend's wedding.

"i don't knowwww- hmm.. pose for me."
y/n eyed him up and down as he did some poses for her. "i said pose not twerk."

she stepped closer as chifuyu straightened up. she then started wiping off some dust that were on his suit before fixing his uneven sleeves.

as she did this chifuyu notice her hair being quite messy, not wanting her to blame him later on for 'not telling her sooner' he gently patted down the small strands that were sticking out from her [hairstyle] and fixed her hair.

"okay good." they gave each other a thumbs up.

"you open the door."

"huh why me?!"

"cause, ladies first."

"you pussy! you open the door for the woman!" 👩

"i thought u said 'you were the man in this friendship'" chifuyu said, recalling the times where y/n had told him and takemichi that she felt like the man in their friendship most of the time.

"not today—"

"guys..?" the soft voice of draken made their heads turn towards the now opened door, revealing draken and mikey who was standing right behind him, waving at the two. "hellooo!"

"hellooo!" y/n walked inside and greeted mikey and who was still waving since before.

"mikey-kun, draken-kun." chifuyu greeted the two with a smile.

"Dude listen," draken pointed at mikey. "you know what mikey did? i bled on an important race of a sudden!"

"eh? i guess mikey-kun fumbles too, huh?" chifuyu said.

its been 11 years since the tokyo manji gang disbanded. everyone's gone forward on their own paths. Mikey-kun is a motor racer, with draken-kun the mechanic for mikey-kun's team.

y/n became a quite well-known detective, i sometimes make her solve the case of who ate my sandwiches. most of the time, it turns out to be the detective herself.

coco-kun and kisaki are the president and vice president of the "teiko(?) group" those two men are from a totally different world than myself.

izana-kun travels the world as the director of a non-profit organization called, "tenjiku"

mochi, with izana and the others volunteer for the underprivileged orphans.

the haitani brothers run a club. as usual, they're talking out of their asses.

the akashi siblings! chifuyu's eyes sparkle, haruchiyo and senju are striving as two beautiful sibling youtube stars. the money is apparently being spent out of pocket by takeomi, the self-proclaimed producer.

shinichiro-kun runs s.s motors with inupi who also works there.

waka-kun and benkei-kun run a martial arts gym, the gojo gym.

terano south is a heavyweight champion of foreign martial arts. when he visits kapan he hangs out at the gojo gym.

taiju owns many restaurants. hakkai is working as a top model overseas with yuzuha-chan as his manager.

mitsuya-kun is an up-and-coming fashion designer.

the beaver duo own a real estate.

the kawata brothers run a ramen shop together.

akkun's a hairdresser. takuya's a pharmacist. yamagishi's a civil servant. makoto took over his family's temple.

hanma spends his days roaming the world as a freelance photographer.

naoto is a journalist for an occult magazine.

emma-chan is a house wife.

and as for me,


chifuyu turned around, his eyes met with two pairs that belonged to kazutora and baji.

"what do you think you're doing? you're late!" kazutora pointed out the obvious.

"i'm guessing you were nervous to sleep, huh?" baji grinned.

im the president of "peke-j land" and i've got the two uncooperative and arrogant employees.

"i had to clean up the neglected work you two left behind." chifuyu replied with a small glare, "and i also had to pick up y/n because she crashed her car just a few days ago."

"Baji-san, you should be a vet by now." chifuyu changed the subject, "how much longer do you plan on being a student?"

"moron, being a vet is hard work!" baji exclaimed as he pointed at his friend.

"to be honest, i'm not really sure if i'd trust you with my pet." y/n joined into the conversation. just thinking of what that dumb boy could do to her beloved frog made her body tremble in fear.

"you know i'm still surprised that shrek is still alive—"

"the hell do you mean by that?!" y/n glared at baji as the said frog revealed himself, popping up from her collar. face showing both disgust and anger towards the male. saying shrek was offended was an understatement.

"woah- the both of u look alike-" kazutora joined in, staring at y/n and shrek's mad faces.

"it's called meant to be. let's go shrek!" y/n walked away with her forever best friend. leaving the three men.


"it was like just yesterday that takemichi proposed to her.." y/n whispered as she recalled the memory of when takemichi made a promise to marry hinata while she and chifuyu hid in the bushes, watching the whole scene in front of them like it was some type of kdrama.

"stop.. i remember that." chifuyu started tearing up.

both takemichi and hinata stood in front, facing each other with eyes full of love and adoration.

"literally me and who???" Chifuyu mumbled. Yes, he was still unlucky in getting a girlfriend.

"that's why don't be homeless."

"It's happening!!!!" mikey - who sat on the other side of y/n - whisper-shouted and y/n joined him in squealing, both of them were lighting slapping each other's arm excitedly.

"my best friend right there!"

"groom takemichi, do you take hinata to be your wife? for as long as you live, do you wish to devote yourself with all sincerity to her?" the priest's voice was loud enough for each and every individual in the room to hear.

"yes, i do." takemichi said.

"bride hinata, do you take takemichi to be your husband?"

"yes, i do." hinata replied, the couple were still staring at each other. the love in their eyes never seem to fade away.

"you may now kiss the bride."

"make me happy okay?" whispered the bride. their soft lips finally connected as they share a memorable kiss.


"PISS HAIIRRRRR!!!!!!" y/n yelled out and she ran towards the groom who stood right beside his now wife.

"y/n!" takemichi exclaimed, happy to see her.

"CONGRATULATIONS!!" y/n cheered as she jumped up and down. eyes moving towards hinata, she stopped and gave out the biggest smile ever. "my girl you are stunning!"

"thank you y/n." hinata laughed. Just like takemichi, she was happy to see the girl. because of her work, she rarely had time to hang out with them.

"MY BEST FRIEND!!" another voice came.

"chifuyu!" takemichi exclaimed.

hinata excused herself, she wanted the three friends to have a small reunion together. she found emma and draken and went towards the couple.

"y—y..you're all grown up now.." chifuyu choked out, his eyes began watering for the second time today. shrek who sat on his head was judging him.

"and you call me the crybaby.."

"shut up!!!"

"i'm gonna miss the times where we work together to save everyone.." y/n confessed. "those days were so fun."

"hey but you're still saving people!— i mean you helped solve hundreds of cases!"

"yeah but it isn't the same, this time i'm doing this by myself." y/n said before mumbling; "without you guys.."

realizing that none of them are saying anything and keeping quiet, y/n looked up to see both males trying to keep in their tears. "huh—"

"Y/N..!" both of them yelled, touched by what she said.



"we didn't know you missed us!!!" takemichi choked out.

"don't worry we miss you too!" chifuyu continued. "our dear y/n! our one and only lord farquaad! our happy virus! our lifesaver! the man in our friendship! the light of our lives!"

the girl could only blink, not knowing how to react. she then clicked her tongue and walked away with light pink dusted on her cheeks. "you two are embarrassing. stop embarrassing me."

but as she walked away, the corners of her lips turned upwards as a soft smile made its way onto her face. even if sometimes she felt embarrassed to be friends with them, she couldn't stop thinking about how they felt like home to her.

❝  遇见你是最美丽的意外。❞
meeting you is the most beautiful accident.

