lord farquaad and his ugly guards


"Okay. Everyone's here." Draken nodded as his eyes scanned the whole room.

"Enter! Takemichy, Y/n, Hakkai!" Mikey called and the three of them walked in the room.

"As you all know, four days ago. Takemichy and Y/n were beaten by the head of the black dragons. He committed violence on them knowing damn well that they're important in the gang. Which means that this, is a declaration of war by the black dragons." Draken said with a low voice.

It's shocking how we're middle schoolers. Y/n thought.

"Cheeky motherfucker." Smiley smiled, a vein was visible on his cheek. "Let's stomp their asses."

"We already crushed the Black Dragons once. It'll be easy, right?" Mutou asked. Mitsuya stayed silent for a bit before saying, "We beat the ninth generation before. The tenth generation's totally different."

"You're missing the point!!" Smiley exclaimed, "It wasn't Takemichy's nor Y/n's fault that they didn't know where the Black Dragon's turf was. So why the hell did you take them there, Hakkai?" The peach haired boy turned towards the said boy.

"Hey, Hakkai." Mutou took a step forward, leaning his face closer to Hakkai's nose almost touching. "Are you, acting as a spy for the black dragons?! You son of a bitch."

"You're the boss' little bro, aren't ya?" Smiley asked.

"Tried to hide that from us, huh?!"

"W-..Wait just a minute, Hakkai didn't mean to..." Takemichi tried to stand up for the Shiba though was interrupted by Mutou.

"Shut the hell up!!"

Takemichi flinched at the harshness that was in his voice but then remembered what he, Chifuyu and Y/n had discussed.


"Listen up, you two." Chifuyu said sternly. The three of them (Y/j, Taekimichi and chighuyu) sat on the cold ground, forming a circle.

"At the meeting two days from now, Hakkai's probably gonna quit Toman. Which will lead to the future you told us about. To change the future, we absolutely have to stop Hakkai from leaving the gang."

"But, how do we do that?" Takemichi questioned hesitantly.

end of flashback,

"I won't make any excuses. Hate me, beat me, do whatever you want." Hakkai kneels in front of Mikey, then glance at the leader. "As his little brother, I'm prepared for the consequences. So leader!! I, Hakkai Shiba, Tokyo Manji Gang's second division vice captain, request permission to leave Toman!!"

"Is that okay with you?" Mikey tilted his head, showing no emotions whatsoever.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" Takemichi butted in as he walked forward while Y/n walked towards Chifuyu and Baji.

(I nearly forgot that I made Baji alive in this fic😟)


"Takemichy.." Hakkai mumbled.


"But.. how in the world, can we stop Hakkai from leaving Toman?" Takemichi asked.

Y/n shrugged, playing with her fingers as she said; "Let's just break his legs or stitch his mouth."

"No-" Chifuyu narrowed his eyes at her, "I've already got a plan."

"What is it?"

"First, plan A! Mikey-kun's our critical point! As our boss, if Mikey-kun doesn't accept Hakkai's request to leave, then we've got this." Chifuyu explained.

"I get it now!" Y/n and Takemichi exclaimed in unison.

The blond continued, "And I know Mikey-kun's weakness."

"Chifuyu, I never knew you were smart!"

"The hell is that supposed to mean?!" Chifuyu jumped at Y/n's sudden statement.

end of flashback,

Chifuyu! Takemichi smiled at his friend who gave a thumbs up. "Mikey-kun." He called, voice softening. "Take a moment to  calm down and consider." He reached into his pocket and pulled out some dorayaki. "With a tasty snack! Here you go."

Mikey only stared blankly at the snack Takemichi was offering him before slapping the dorayaki away. "Don't want it." He simply rejected and an irk mark appeared on the side of his cheek. "Don't interrupt."


"You think this is funny, you shit?!" Baji asked, cutting off Takemichi.


"Don't worry Takemichy! just in case, on the off chance, if that fails then there's plan B that Y/n and I prepared!" Chifuyu told the yellow haired.

"If something comes up, read our notes!"

end of flashback,

That's it!! Takemichi thought, he then pulled out a notepad that had the word 'secret' on it. The notes!

Plan b! He opened the notes, thinking that it would be something helpful. But what came was not expected—

COURAGE??!! He screamed in his mind.

Are you kidding me, Chifuyu?! Y/n?! Takemichi snapped his head at the two, who only gave a thumbs up.

I forgot.. tears of hopelessness formed in his eyes. That they're, idiots.

"What's you're decision, Mikey?" Draken asked, turning to face his friend. "I'll leave it up to Mitsuya, since he's the second division captain." Was what Mikey answered with.

Mitsuya then stood up from his spot, walking to Hakkai who was still kneeling down. "Sorry Taka-chan.. I've already made up my mind." Hakkai apologized.

"Don't look so sad, Hakkai." Mitsuya said. "I understand."

"Taka-chan!" Hakkai stood up in an instant, then bowing. "It was a pleasure working with you!!"

"Huh?" Mitsuya stopped walking, "What are you saying? I didn't say you could leave." He turned his head back to look at Hakkai with a soft look, "Let me talk to Taiju!"

"What?!" Takemichi exclaimed in shock.

"Taka-chan.." Hakkai mumbled.


"Taka-chan." Hakkai called out as he and Mitsuya walked together, "Maybe it's not a good idea to meet with Taiju after all. Nothing you can say will get a good result out of him. He's a piece of shit."

"Would you stop?" Mitsuya asked, "You always try to handle everything by yourself. By the way.." he tuned his head, glancing at the trio who were following them. "Why are they tagging along?"

"What? I was there when it happened." Takemichi gave his reason, followed by Y/n. "I'm part of your division, so I have the rights to follow."

"And I'm keeping an eye on them. Their morons, you see." Chifuyu said, pointing at the two.

"Hey-! Who are you calling a moron?!" Takemichi and Y/n snapped their heads at him.

"Oh!- and don't think I haven't forgotten about your shitty plans!!" Takemichi added with a glare.

"Isn't this a good result, though?" Chifuyu laughed and Y/n asked, "Did you clenched your butt cheek?"



"It's nice to meet you, Taiju-kun." Mitsuya greeted the male who sat right in front of him with his legs on the table.

"You're that Mitsuya fucker who's been manipulating my little bro!" Taiju spoke up with a glare.

"That's quite an accusation."

"I'll kill your ass!"

Y/n looked up from the ground when she felt someone glaring at her. There, she saw Koko staring right at her with narrowed eyes.

Knowing this would happen, the girl pulled out a piece of paper with the writings; 'Thanks for the donation♡' which made a vein appear on Kokomo's forehead.

"So? What did you wanna tell me?" Taiju questioned, the frown on his face never seeming to disappear. "Better keep it short."

"I'll give Hakkai to the Black Dragons, I'm not gonna see him again." Mitsuya said, surprising Takemichi. "What?! You can't be serious, Mitsuya-kun!!"

"Now that's funny!" Taiju laughed, "Didn't you come here to stop that from happening?!"

Mitsuya ignored him and continued. "In exchange, set Yuzuha free."

"Taka-chan.. why are you." Hakkai muttered, "Taiju-kun." Mitsuya called once again. "You're having Yuzuha do something, aren't you? Hakkai's been protecting Yuzuha this whole time. From your domestic violence."

"What a fucking joke." Taiju said with a toothy grin.

"Hakkai's not leaving because he's scared of you, he's doing it to protect Yuzuha."

Taiju suddenly dashes from the couch, swinging an arm towards Mistuya who luckily blocked the hit with this arm.

"Hey.. not bad." Taiju praised with a smirk.

"I'll say it again! I'll give Hakkai to the Black Dragons, so, let Yuzuha go!" Mitsuya repeated, this time, his voice got louder. "If you accept, these terms, Toman will leave the Black Dragons alone."

"And if I refuse?"

"Then it's all out war."

After a minute of silence Taiju finally gave his reply, "Alright." He shook hands with the shorter male, "We got a truce! Though I don't commit any domestic violence.. I'll keep my word. I won't ever hit Yuzuha again."


"I'm thinking of returning to the future." Takemichi spoke as he along with Y/n and Chifuyu walked towards an empty spot.

"Huh?" Y/n let out, "Why?"

"Hakkai joined the Black Dragons. So you haven't achieved anything, right?" Chifuyu questioned, sparing a glance at his friend.

"To protect Yuzuha-chan from Taiju's violence.. Hakkai's gonna kill Taiju." Takemichi said.

"Yeah, that's what we've guessed."

"But, since Mitsuya-kun freed Yuzuha-chan from Taiju. Hakkai no longer has a reason to kill him. Shouldn't that change the future?"

"Yeah, maybe."


"But what if nothing's changed."

Takemichi thought for a while, "Then I'll come back here."

"Aren't you in jail?" Y/n brought up and Takemichi jumped in realization.

"Ah! You're right!"

"If you go to the future now, you might not be able to come back. It's way to risky!" Chifuyu said and added; "Besides, Mitsuya-kun's the one who freed Yuzuha-chan. Not you. If you haven't changed anything, then the future won't change either, will it?"

"..Good point." Takemichi mumbled, Chifuyu said something smart for once.

"You're such a dumbass. Takemichi! Are you really 26 years old inside?"

Y/n let out a teasing laugh, "Old man."

"Hey! Watch what you say!!"

"Takemichy!!" A voice called, earning the three's attention. "I finally found you." Hakkai breathed out in relief.

The four then sat on separate spots: Hakkai on the bench, Takemichi on the stair and Chifuyu on top of the slide with Y/n sitting on the bottom.

"Can you guys tell Taka-chan, that I said thanks?" Hakkai started, "Huh? Uh.. sure." Takemichi responded then the blue haired male continued,

"..My home like is complicated. We don't have a mom in our family, and since we're little, our dad's hardly ever been at home. So the one in charge, is Taiju, the oldest sibling. He's been a "King" since he was a kid. Though he was bigger and just plain stronger than the others kids, more than anything, he's great at capturing people's heart. All of Taiju's followers love him. Taiju's an expert at using violence, he doesn't pull any punches, if he beats someone he does it thoroughly. Even to his own siblings."

There was a long pause before Hakkai continued his story with the other three listening, "I.. thought that love was supposed to be painful, because that's how I was raised. That was normal for me. Take-chan turned my world upside down, it was a real shock. Even though he could've been playing, he had to look after those two little kids. His home life looked really hard, but he smiled about it. When I ate the food Taka-chan made.. I don't really know why, but it made me cry like a baby. I was like "This miso soup is so salty."" Hakkai smiled.

"He told me something, "use violence to protect"" Hakkai said, "Back then, I swore.. to protect my family. Since then, I've been taking Yuzuha's beatings for her. I protected her this whole time, but he.. broke his promise. He hit Yuzuha, just like always."

"That dirty bastard!" Takemichi exclaimed with Chifuyu and Y/n agreeing.

"What a total asshole!"

"You see? He thinks nothing of the agreement he made with Taka-chan. He'll never, let Yuzuha go free!"

"That's awful.." Takemichi muttered and asked; "Then.. how can we help Yuzuha-chan?"

"I'm embarrassed to admit it, but even now, just standing before Taiju makes me shake. I can't do a damn thing." Hakkai stood up from the bench. "If Taiju wasn't around, that's why I decided. That's why I quit Toman. I didn't want to give Toman a bad name. To protect my family, I'm going to use violence." The blue haired looked down before looking back up— though this time, he had a stoic expression on.

"I'm going, to kill Taiju."

"What??!" Takemichi yelled out, worry lace in his voice.

"I'm prepared to get arrested, too. So don't worry. About me anymore!" Hakkai said, giving them a small smile.

"Why are you telling us this?" The h/c haired female spoke, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion as she stood up from the slide, Chifuyu sliding down and following her towards the other two boys.

Hakkai's smile disappeared right away at the voice of Y/n, not even batting an eye on her, he explained;

"Putting my determination into words.. I guess, If I don't, then I'll get too scared. I'm weak like that. We didn't know each other for long. But it was fun." He walked up the stairs as the trio watched his figure disappearing into the distance.

"You know," Takemichi started with a frown, "This really pisses me off!"

"Huh?" Chifuyu glanced at the boy.

"He's so cornered.. by his brother, that he thinks he has to kill him, you know? We can't let Taiju Shiba get away with this!!"

"Takemichi.." Y/n mumbled,

The said boy turned towards his two friends with a determined look. "This is what's gonna happen, you two. We're gonna crush the Black Dragons!!"

"You're a idiot, you know that?" Y/n spoke, but Takemichi kept his determined look.

Chifuyu sweat dropped, "Isn't it better tot think of a way to stop Hakkai from killing Taiju?"

Both of them stared at Takemichi's face for a good minute before giving up, seeing as Takemichi was too stubborn to drop his plan. "Quit making that face!!" Y/n exclaimed.

"We get it, jeez." Chifuyu sighed. "If we can crush the black dragons, the future will change for sure!"

"Yeah!" Takemichi finally spoke, nodding his head.

"Count me in!"

"Me too!" Y/n followed after Chifuyu.

"Alright!!!" Takemichi yelled.


"Ah? Then, you wanna fight the Black Dragons?" Draken asked after Takemichi had explained Hakkai's situation to him and the other admins who they invited to a restaurant.

Takemichi nodded, "Yes!"

"Quit fuckin' with us, jackass. I've said "I'll kill you" a million times already!" Smiley smiled though a vein was seen on the side of his cheek.

"If you actually kill people every you say so, you'll end the world, you moron." Mutou said to the boy beside him.

"I'll kill you, Takemichy! Ah! See, I said it again! Anyway, we rejected the decision to crush the Black Dragons to stop Hakkai from killing Taiju!" Smiley said, then turning his gaze from Takemichi, to Draken who sat next to Baji and Y/n - who we're having an eating contest.

"Whaddya think, Draken? Baji?"

"Rejected." Baji simply shook his head, his voice sounded muffled as he spoke with his mouth full.

Draken hummed in thought before giving his final answer, "Rejected." He stared into Takemichi's eyes. "Takemichy, I know you probably have your own considerations backing this up. But do you really wanna ruin the peace pact Mitsuya worked for? Doing this would ruin his reputation. This discussion is over!"

With that, all the division captains had gone up to their feet and went out. The only ones who stayed in the restaurant was the #MostAmazingGirlToEverExist— oh yeah and her two piss hair friends.

"Ruin Mitsuya-kun's reputation.. yeah it would." Chifuyu trailed off, recalling Draken's words then face Takemichi who was giving Y/n a napkin to wipe her mouth. "There's no good way to do this, Takemichy."

"In that case.." The said boy mumbled out, "The three of us have to solve this, then."

"Let me join in."

"Huh?" Y/n turned around to see a fucking ugly ass goblin.

"Want to work together with me?" Kisaki was straightforward with his question. "I want to stop Hakkai, too."

Chifuyu jolted up from his seat in anger. "Think I cant see through your bullshit?!! Why the fuck would we ever wanna work with you?!" He stood right in front of Kisaki, giving the tan male a glare.

"You got a better idea?" Kisaki asked, raising his eyebrows, leaning closer to Chifuyu. "As long as the truce Mitsuya made with the Black Dragons is active, the other Toman admins won't lay a finger on them. That said, there's no way the three of you alone can take on the Black Dragons." He then paused for a while before saying in a lower voice,

"Mikey is weak right now. Seeing how the Black Dragons are gaining power, I want to crush them. Right here an now—"

Chifuyu quickly grabbed a broken shard of glass, pointing it straight at Kisaki's throat. "It's not "Mikey!" it's Mikey-kun!! Got that??!" A vein appeared on the side of Chifuyu's cheek.

The blond continued, "Even if you are a captain, we're still the same age. So, don't act like you're any better than me!!"

"Chifuyu..—" Takemichi mumbled but was interrupted with Hanma who pointed a knife at Takemichi's throat, his other hand was on the blue eyed's shoulder, keeping the boy in place.

"Hey, now. You should know that infighting is strictly off limits." Hanma started, "Break that taboo, and I'll have to go a little crazy ya fucks♡"

The knife that Hanma held in his hand suddenly flung out, creating a loud noise as it hit the ground. "Stay away from them." Y/n spoke with a low voice.

It was then that Hanma realised - Y/n had thrown her own knife and aimed it at the blade that Hanma had held, resulting in it to slip out of his hand.

"What good would it do us to join forces with you?" Chifuyu said, lowering down the glass shard.

"There's a mole within the Black Dragons." Kisaki started and walked passed them. "I hate wasting time, come with me!"


"Make sure nobody knows about this. Because if this gets out, I'm good as dead." The mole spoke after he was gave the money.

The Toman members were at a karaoke place. Sitting together at a table with the mole Kisaki spoke about.

"Are you guys gonna drink that?- thanks." Y/n took Chifuyu and Takemichi's drinks, not letting them say anything.

"Don't worry." Kisaki assured, "Nobody here's gonna rat you out. So, do you know?"

"Yeah." The mole nodded and then asked, "You wanna know the boss's movements?"

"Taiju's movements?" Chifuyu mumbled.

"Yeah." Kisaki replied, "If we wanna beat the Black Dragons, we need info on Taiju. What he does on a typical day, where he is, what he's doing, and at what time. Knowing your enemy make them easy to defeat, right?"

"Oh, I see." Takemichi muttered.

"I'm one of the boss' assistants, so I'm familiar with most of that. First of all, the boss-" but before the mole could even finish his sentence, Y/n heard the sound of footsteps from outside the room and interrupted.

"Someone's coming."


The door slammed open revealing a familiar black haired male. Kokonoi then spoke up with a smirk, "What's goin on?! Smells like a rat in here!"

"Koko-kun.." the mole mumbled, frightened at the sight of the said male.

"The hell? We're already busted?" Chifuyu asked while Kisaki clicked his tongue in annoyance.

Kokonoi proceeded to lean on the wall, right beside the mole who was caught. "Our last rat had it real bad, you know.. couldn't take the heat, so I think he killed himself?"

The mole's eyes widen as he tried to find a way to defend himself. "Y-.. You got it all wrong, Koko-kun! I was just.."

"It's torture.. for youuu." Kokonoi leaned closer towards the Mole's face with a malicious grin.

Turning towards the other two Black Dragon members Kokonoi ordered; "Get this shit-stain outta here."

"Yes, sir!"

Y/n heard the pleas and cries of the mole, begging for them to let him go yet was ignored. "Now then!" Kokonoi face the Toman members. "How to deal with the rest of you?"

Takemichi visibly shivered at Kokonoi as Kisaki spoke up with a stoic face. "We're not here to fight."

Kokonoi stayed silent before his eyes landed at the envelope that had a hundred thousand inside of it, then looked at Y/n.

"A hundred thousand.. and my wallet." He said slightly glaring at the female.

"Huh?" Takemichi raised his brows in confusion.

"For 100,000 and my wallet, I'll tell you bastards.. what you wanna know."

Kisaki had no hesitation to giving Kokonoi the money. Takemichi nudged Y/n, internally telling her to give back his wallet.

Letting out an annoyed 'tch'
Y/n pulled Kokonoi's wallet out from her pocket and threw it at him.

"I want to know when Taiju is alone." Kisaki wasted no time in telling the Black Dragon member.

Kokonoi stayed silent for a while until he answered, "The boss is never alone. He's always got five soldiers with him, except for one day."

"And when's that?"

"Christmas day. Despite appearances, the boss is a rather zealous Christian. Every year, on Christmas night. He goes to church to give worship. Always by himself!"

"I see.." Kisaki mumbled.

"Is that all?" Kokonoi asked to which Kisaki nods, "Yeah. That's enough."

"The boss is strong, even when he's alone. Think the five of you could win?"

"With a gun, yes!" Y/n was the first one to answer.

"Why are you betraying Taiju-kun?" Takemichi questioned Koko who stopped at the door. "I just like strong guys. That's all. If you wanna know more." He walked out. "That will be another 100,000."

"Guess the Black Dragons aren't a monolith." Chifuyu spoke.

"Takemitchy." Kisaki called, "I didn't wanna know when Taiju would be alone, just so we could kill him."


"You said Hakkai was gonna kill Taiju, didn't you? When do you think he'd do that?"

"Uh.." Takemichi thought for a while before the answer went in his head. "Ah! On Christmas night!!"

"This way, you can stop Hakkai, right?" Kisaki asked once again.

Takemichi stared at the male for a good second before asking, "Kisaki.. that's why you went to all this trouble?"

"What's wrong with going to the trouble to help a teammate?" Kisaki tilted his head. "The five of us will stop Hakkai and defeat Taiju." He then declared. "Christmas night is when we'll have our decisive battle in secret."


"I'm against this." Chifuyu stated as he with Takemichi and Y/n walked on the street from the karaoke place. "We don't have to join forces with Kisaki, Takemichy!" Y/n continued for Chifuyu.

"..Can we?" Takemichi asked.

At this, a vein popped on Chifuyu's cheek as he grabbed his friend's shoulder. "He's the guy who nearly got Baji-san killed and murdered Hinata Tachibana! Don't you know that?!"

"Yes, I know!!" Takemichi raised his voice to match with Chifuyu. "But what else are we supposed to do?! Kill Kisaki?!! We can't do that!!"

"Why not?" Y/n furrowed her eyebrows in disappointment.

"What we really gotta do is get Kisaki the hell outta Toman! And we gotta stop Hakkai from Killing Taiju!! I dont wanna join forces with that bastard Kisaki either! But if we do, we might learn something about him! We could find out how to get him kicked out of the gang! I dont wanna see.. a bad future for us ever again! I'll work with Kisaki if I have to! So please, Chifuyu, Y/n. Help me do this!"

The other two stared at their yellow haired friend before sighing in defeat. "I'm only helping cause I'm nice!" Y/n looked away.

"..Ah jeez," Chifuyu huffed. "Got no luck with the ladies this Christmas again!"

Takemichi looked at them before a smile formed on his lips. "Thanks, you guys!!"

"You're lucky you got a girlfriend, you know that?" Chifuyu turned his body around, about to walk away.

"That's cause you're homeless." Y/n stated in a matter-of-fact tone as she and Takemichi followed the blond. "Do better."


Chifuyu then let out a breath of annoyance. "What so fun about meetin' up with dudes to beat up some other dude on Christmas?"

"I dunno. I'm going shoplifting for Christmas gifts after this battle with Shrek though! That'll be fun!"

"Y/n I swear to god- you're going to get arrested one of these days." Takemichi sighed, shaking his head.

"...I was about to ask if you guys wanted to join me."


The three of them met up with Kisaki and Hanma at a nearby bridge. "That didn't take long." Kisaki spoke as he watched the figures' coming closer to him and his partner.

"Got an answer for me?"

"We'll work together with you til Christmas is over!" Takemichi responded.

"A wise judgement." Kisaki smiled, "That really helps me out!"

"We just wanna protect Hakkai. So, we're not gonna be all friendly with you guys!" Chifuyu added.

"This is one crooked team." Kisaki commented as the five of them all leaned on the railing.

"Our goal's the only thing we got in common." Takemichi said.

Chifuyu placed his cheek on the palm of his hand as he stared into the distance. "I can't fuckin' stand you two."

"Why am I even with you trash?" Y/n frowned.

Hanma spoke up. "What's our team name gonna be? The Hanmas? How bout' Team Kil-'em-all?"

"Those are some bad names.." Y/n trailed off. "Lord Farquaad and his ugly guards!"


Me and who????🥺

