december 31st 2005, new years



"Wow!! What a crowd!" Hinata exclaimed happily as she walked beside Takemichi.

"Yeah, really." Takemichi said, his eyes were similar to Hina's - mesmerized by the sight of bright and colourful lights and the everybody who attended the festival. "Wonder if Mitsuya-kun and the others are here, too?"

Just as he said that, a familiar voice called. "Piss hair! Hinata!"

Turning around, Takemichi and Hinata saw Y/n running towards them with a large smile. "Hey hey hey!"

"Y/n!" Hinata waved at the hyper girl before asking, "Did you came here alone?" She asked before her eyes travelled to a familiar green frog on top of Y/n's head.

"Takemichy! Y/n!" The voice of Mitsuya reached their ears as they looked to the side and saw him with his sisters and the Shiba's.

"Looks like you're all dressed for shichi-go-san." Mitsuya commented with a smile.

Takemichi's eyes wandered off to the two smal girls that stood beside each other hand in hand. "Mitsuya-kun, are those two the little sisters I've heard about?" He then crouched down to match with them. "How old are you?"

The two girls merely stared at him with an uninterested look. "I'm not a little kid, dumbface." Luna said.

"Dumbface." Mana followed.


The two then went towards Hinata and Y/n. "Yay! Pretty ladies!!" They cheered as they hugged Hina and Y/n's waists.

"How are you raising them?!" Takemichi irked, pointing at them.

"Yuzuha-chan, have you and Hakkai-kun healed up already?" Hinata asked as beside her was Y/n waving at Luna and Mana.

"Yeah! Hakkai's completely recovered!" Yuzuha nodded with a soft smile.

"Big sis, hold my hand!" Luna raised her left hand up, wanting Hinata to hold it.

"Sure sure." Hinata nodded and held Luna's small hand.

Y/n felt a tug on her outfit and looked down to see Mana staring up at her. "Big sis, I want a piggy back ride!"

"Okay Bartholomew!"

"It's Mana but whatever.."

Y/n crouched down a bit and let Mana jump on her back before quickly wrapping her arms around Mana's legs and catching up with Hinata.

Takemichi was left dumbstruck.

"Hey hey- that's my Hina!! Just take the other one!"

"How can you yell that and not die of embarrassment?" Mitsuya questioned.

"There goes my date." Takemichi slouched in sadness to which Mitsuya patted his back for comfort, "Sorry bout' that Takemichy."

"I see now, Yuzuha." Hakkai spoke when he had realized that his sister was staring. "Anyone would fall for him, after how badass he was on Christmas!"

"..Yeah." Yuzuha nodded, "Taiju, when he left home two days ago, he said,

"I wanted to raise Hakkai to be strong. His weakness pissed me off. What the hell is Takemichi Hanagaki? I couldn't change Hakkai, but he did. There's no need for me to stay here any longer. I'm not gonna reform or anything, but I'll accept that violence isn't everything. This is goodbye, Yuzuha. Bet that's a relief."

"..Taiju said that?" Hakkai hesitantly asked.

"Yeah," Yuzuha nodded. "In the end, he changed you and Taiju." The corners of her lips unconsciously curled upwards as she held a small smile on her face, "To me, Takemichi Hanagaki is..—"

"HUH?!" Hakkai interrupted, he did not expect the name of that piss hair to come out of his sister's mouth. "W-Wait a minute, Yuzuha! Aren't you in love with Taka-chan?!"

"Hm? Mitsuya? I just see him as a brother, cause his hair's short."

"WHAAAAATTTT???!!!" Hakkai yelled once more, "YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH TAKEMICHY?!"

"NO, STUPID! I'M NOT! HE'S GOT HINA-CHAN!" Yuzuha calmed down then looked at her brother with a soft smile, "There's nothing wrong with a one-sided crush, right?"

"What's goin' on?" Mitsuya turned to look at the Shiba siblings when he heard their loud voices.



"Ah! Takemichy-kun." Hinata called when something had caught her eye. "They got ema here!" She gestures towards the stall.

"Oooh! Let's get some to right on!" Takemichi suggested with the others agreeing.

"I want to be good.. at fighting.. next year." Mitsuya voiced out the words he had written, "There."

"I hope mommy will play with me more." Luna wrote down on her ema. "Me too." Mana said.

Both Y/n and Takemichi were still writing on their ema's, seeming to be focused on them. "Done!" Y/n picked up her ema and stared at it before showing it to Shrek and quickly hiding it from the others' view.

"Yeah!" Takemichi finished his and lifted up, re-reading his to make sure that there wasn't any spelling mistakes.

"What did you write?" Hinata leaned in, curious of what Takemichi had written.

But Takemichi didn't give time for her to see as he instantly shoved the ema in his chest, hugging in for dear life. "Hina.. well, you see.. if I let anyone see it, then it won't come true!!" He tried making an excuse which only made the others more curious.

"Huh? What is it?" Hakkai asked.

"Lemme see, Takemichy." Mitsuya lended out his hand, wanting to see Takemichi's ema too.

"I want to see it too!" Y/n said with Shrek croaking in agreement.

"No, no!!!" But in the result of panic, Takemichi accident let go of his ema, making it get flung away. "Ah!-" he realised what he had done—


Both Y/n and Takemichi chased the ema, but as it landed, a hand grabbed it before they could.

"Hm? What the hell?" The voice of Chifuyu was heard.


"Takemichy?" Chifuyu recognized that voice he turned around and saw the said male, and behind him was the h/c haired girl. "Y/n?"

"Chifuyu! Peyan!" Y/n waved.

"Gimme that back!" Takemichi yelled, desperate to get back his ema. He was about to snatch it back but failed as Chifuyu dodges and threw the ema away.


"Sorry, reflex."


"Your Emma?"


"What do you mean your Emma?" Emma asked with a face of disgust.

"Oh! Takemichy." Draken said.

Mikey then spoke up, holding an ema. "Did you mean this?"

Letting out a scream of worry, Takemichi reached his hand out to grab it back. "Please give that back!!"

"You look pretty desperate. Okay! Here you go." Mikey listened and gave the ema back to its owner.

Suddenly, everybody started letting out cheers. Confusing most of the Toman members. "What's going on?" Takemichi asked.

"10 seconds until new year!!" Someone from the crowd announced excitedly.

"Let's jump together guys!" Mikey exclaimed, looking back at the others who nodded, agreeing.

Only Takemichi was left confused. "Huh? What?"




"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" everyone shouted in sync with each other as they jumped up, each having a smile of their own.

"I̶ w̶a̶n̶t̶ t̶o̶ I will protect everyone."
—Y/n L/n


"The first meeting of the year!! Of all members of the Tokyo Manji Gang will now begin!!" Draken announced as he stood in his usual spot whenever Toman held a meeting.

Once he had got everybody's attention, Draken continued. "Toman and the Black Dragons faced each other in conflict. We originally had a peace agreement, but that failed. It was caused by discord between the brothers Hakkai Shiba and Taiju Shiba. Toman clashed with the Black Dragons on Chirstmas claiming victory after a hard fought battle. Three people here today will discuss this matter with everyone. The first person! Hakkai Shiba, to the front!!"

Just as Draken shouted his name, Hakkai stepped forward and stood up front with a stoic face.

Hakkai began to speak, "It all started with a stupid lie I told. To keep up that lie, I dragged my family.. I dragged Toman into it. Then the problem grew bigger, resulting in the conflict between Toman and the Black Dragons. I'm responsible for all of this. ..Everyone." He bowed. "I'm sorry."

"Hakkai.." Y/n heard Takemichi mumbled. Everyone else seemed to be chatting with each other, thinking of whether or not they should forgive the Shiba.

That's when the fifth division caption Yasuhiro Muto, spoke up. "Don't worry about it, Hakkai! What sparks conflict in the first place is always somethin' small anyway!"

"Besides, we beat the Black Dragons." Smiley added with his usual wide smile. "So things ended up fine, right guys?!"

"Hakkai!" Mitsuya called out, "You've still got a place with us as Tokyo Manji Gang's second division vice-captain!" He then turned towards the rest of the members. "You guys cool with that?!!"

Each and everyone of Toman started cheering for Hakkai, chanting his name loudly.

"The battle with the Black Dragons.. just saving Hakkai was worth all that trouble. Takemichy, Y/n." Chifuyu said.

"Yeah!" Y/n and Takemichi nodded their heads.

"Now!" Draken yelled, moving on to the next topic. "Inui! To the front."

Following Draken's words, Inui stepped up to the front, shocking almost everyone at his presence. And beside him was Kokonoi with his usual smirk.

"Seishu Inui, from the 11th generation Black Dragons." He introduced himself then followed by the black haired.

"Hajime Kokonoi, from the same gang."

"Black dragons?!!"
"Didnt they get crushed?!"

Murmurs started going around the crowd. Meanwhile, Both Takemichi and Y/n had horrified faces— for two separate reasons.

AH FUCK- IM FUCKED! Y/n cursed in her mind, staring at Kokonoi in horror as she recalled what had happen before.

"The 10th generation Black Dragons lost to Toman. Our former leader, Taiju Shiba, has retired." Kokonoi declared. "We have succeeded the gang as the leaders of the 11th generation."

Inui continued. "And, after discussing with Mikey, we've decided to join under Toman!"

"I assign the Black Dragons to the first division." Mikey said. "In other words, under Baji Keisuke's command!!"

Baji let out a frustrated groan but spoke nothing of it.

""If we're going to be part of Toman, we'd rather be with him." That is want they want." Mikey repeated the sentence that Kokonoi and Inui had told him.

"I'm 100 sure there's another side to this.." Chifuyu whispered as he watched the two former members of Black Dragons walk towards them.

"Glad to be here, Captain!" Kokonoi stuck out his tongue as he greeted Baji.

"I won't ask you to trust us, just tell us when you need us. We'll help you." Inui told Takemichi with a low voice.

"Lastly, I want to talk about something.—" Mikey announced, walking closer towards the crowd.

"Ooh- is he giving us our pay?" Y/n's lips formed into a wide smile as she muttered.

"—Involving the Christmas conflict."


"Tetta Kisaki!" Mikey called out loudly. The tan male stepped forward, "Yes!!" He wanted for what Mikey needed to tell him.

"You're fired."

Y/n's eyes widen as she mumbled, "Those are like music to my ears." and the words, "Kisaki Tetta, you're fired." Circled in her mind at a certain pattern.

"Kisaki got fired?"
"For real?"
"Huh? But why?"
"I dunno."

Once again, murmurs started going around. Though this time, it was because of both confusion and shock.

"Y/n and I gave Mikey-kun a general report of Kisaki's betrayal." Chifuyu told his yellow haired friend.

Takemichi turn to face him with a bewildered expression. "Huh?"

"But we never thought that Mikey-kun would respond like this. He was even a captain, you know? Didn't think he'd get fired."

Meanwhile, Kisaki stared at Mikey with wide eyes and a nervous smile, a drip of sweat could be seen dripping down from his forehead. "What're you saying, Mikey? You're joking, right?

Mikey merely stare down at him with no no emotions. "I'm not joking here. You're fired."

"Whoa whoa." A new voice came. Hanma. "Hold the phone, Mikey." Hanma went towards the front. "If you fire Kisaki, then I'm out, too. Which means." He grinned widely while spreading his arms. "Of the 450 total members of Toman, the 50 former members of Moebius and the 300 former members of Valhalla will all leave. And Toman will shrivel to a mere 100. You sure about this?" He smirked, thinking that his plan was going to work.

"I don't care." Was Mikey's response which caught Hanma off guard. "Toman's gotten too big, anyway."


"Gotten to big?" Kisaki growled under his breath in irritation. "What the hell Mikey?! Isn't that Toman's goal?!"

"Then, was your instigation of the Christmas conflict done to make Toman bigger?" Mikey asked.

"Christmas conflict?"
"Huh? Kisaki was involved, too? Wasn't it just the first and second division members?"

"You spurred on Takemichy and the others, and gave Yuzuha a knife, so she could kill Taiju. Mitsuya, Chifuyu and Y/n told me everything." Mikey continued.

"Huh? What does he mean? What's going on?"
"What? So Kisaki was behind all of it?"
"The fuck? What a Scumbag."

"Still, I didn't think Kisaki would get thrown out over this." Chifuyu said to Takemichi. "We didn't have any proof at all."

"In order to make Toman bigger, I've ignored your underhanded methods until now. But that ends here."

Kisaki seemed to be panicking as he looked around with cold sweat dripping all over him, and Y/n took her chance when he looked over at him, raising a middle finger with a shinobu-like smile.

"No!!" He screamed out, sped walking to get closer to Mikey. "You'd grown weak! Taiju was a threat to Toman! I acted for your sake!!—"

"Hey!" Draken interrupted, stepping in front of Kisaki to prevent him from going any further. "Who said you could come up here?"

Hanma quickly raced to the scene and sent a punch towards Draken but failed as he had blocked it. "Shut up and let Kisaki talk, fucker."

"Asshole!" Draken glared back.

"Don't listen to these worthless fools, Mikey." Kisaki said, his eyes were full of panic. "Aren't you going to make a new age for delinquents?! Toman's gonna get bigger and become an organization that can bring anyone to their knees, if it gets bigger, it's sure to breed darkness. And I'll take on all that darkness. So that you can shine!! You need me, Mikey." Kisaki reached his hand out. "I am the shadow you cast. We need each other. So, reconsider this, Mikey!! You can't achieve your dream on lip service alone!"

"We're through Kisaki." Mikey turned around before sparing a glance at Kisaki who seemed to be visibly worried. "Your arbitrary decisions will screw up my dream."

"M-M-.." Kisaki watched in horror as Mikey's figure went further, slowly disappearing from his vision. MIKEEEYYYYY!!"

As Kisaki falls onto his knees, Draken went up to the front and announced, "This meeting is now over!"


Days pass and now Takemichi, Chifuyu and Y/n were at a riverbank. While Takemichi was staring ahead at the river, Chifuyu laid on the slope of the riverbank and Y/n was using it as a slide.

As she landed at the bottom, Y/n noticed that Takemichi was spacing out so she decided to ask him what was wrong.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Huh?" Takemichi snapped his head to face her, "..Um- Well.."

"Wondering what's gonna happen from here on out?" Chifuyu asked, joining the conversation. "The Black Dragons are under our command. Kisaki and Hanma left Toman. Right now, the first division's the biggest in Toman."

"Even if the Black Dragons have and ulterior motive. Taiju didn't die. And Kisaki got thrown outta Toman." The blond continued, staring up at the clear blue sky.  "You don't have a mission anymore. So, you're going back right? To the future."

"Yeah." Takemichi mumbled, looking down.

"Guess this is goodbye." Y/n gave out a soft smile as a gust of wind blew past her and the other two. "Your home is 12 years in the future. Not here. With Hinata and Akkun. Where they all are, 12 years from now."

Takemichi felt the corner of his eyes getting warmer by each second, "I.. I.." he tried to keep in his tears though it just kept flowing down from his eyes.

"Chifuyu! Y/n!" He yelled out. "Thank you for everything! I couldn't have gotten this far without you both! You're the best friends I've ever had!"

Both Chifuyu and Y/n showed him a toothy smile, "See you again in 12 years! 'Til then, we'll part ways, for just a little while."


"I actually called you guys here cause uh.. I wanted to take a group photo.." Takemichi scratches the back of his neck as he showed them a awkward smile.

"Why?" Baji furrowed his eyebrows, not really a big fan of taking photos.

"You know, to remember this occasion.."

"Sure, why not." Draken was the only one who agreed.

"What a pain." Chifuyu sighs while Mikey bluntly said. "Don't wanna."

"When're we getting some food?" Mitsuya asked.

Y/n turn to face him. "I was wondering that too."

"Stand together guys!" Takemichi exclaimed, setting up the camera. "Y/n stop posing like that and get closer!" He scolded the girl who was doing random poses behind Mikey who was trying to have a hot main character moment.

"Ready guys?" Takemichi asked once everyone had gotten into place. "Look this way everyone! Three, two, one!" As he finished counting, Takemichi ran towards them but unfortunately wasn't given enough time to go to his position as the camera clicked while he was still running.

"Hey hey! I wanna see." Y/n walked towards Takemichi who was holding the photo in his hand.

After seeing the photo, Y/n wrapped her arm around Takemichi's and showed him a small smile as she lowered down her voice. "I guess this is goodbye. I hope you'll have a great future with Hinata- and make sure to treat her well!"

Takemichi silently laughed, nodding. "Yeah yeah." He thought about all the times he had spent with her and whispered, "Y/n, thank you."

"No problem! Anyways, Shrek's probably hungry so I gotta head home. Bye-bye!"

Takemichi watched as she went towards her motorbike that Mikey and Draken had given. Of course- they have Takemichi one too.

And with that, Takemichi was now left alone. He furrowed his brows, preparing to head back to the future where he could hopefully have a future with his beloved Hinata.


Kiki do you love me?🥺
