Cultivation Fairy Cannon Fodder

  Jiang Fei.

  "Feifei..." Xin Qi murmured.

  Jiang Fei had already walked up to him, glanced at the door and said, "The Hundred Lantern Festival is over."

  "It doesn't matter……"

  Although Jiang Fei was puzzled, there was no longer any emotion in his eyes, only a faint ripple of stagnant water.

  Xin Qi laughed, stepped forward, carefully held her hand, and walked out.

  The Hundred Lantern Festival has come to an end, and several vendors are packing away the trinkets in front of their stalls. The lanterns are dotted in the distance, and the market has long since fallen asleep.

  The people playing with the fire dragon in front also put the fire dragon away.

  Jiang Fei looked at the remaining grand scene quietly, his expression always calm.

  But at this moment, someone tapped lightly on his shoulder.

  Jiang Fei turned around and saw Xin Qi wearing a green beast mask standing behind her, still holding a mask in his hand and handing it to her.

  Jiang Fei lowered his eyes and paused slightly as he looked at Dai Mian.

  Xin Qi tightened his hand holding Dai Mian: "You used to do this to me."

  At that time, even if she was wearing a mask, just by looking at her bright eyes, people could recognize her at a glance.

  Jiang Fei was stunned.

  After a long while, he stretched out his hand and took Daimian over.

  Xin Qi's eyes were full of surprise.

  Jiang Fei took the noodles and looked at them for a long time. Suddenly, a voice came from the front: "We have gained a lot tonight!"

  Jiang Fei turned his eyes and saw that a vendor wearing indigo linen clothes was picking up bamboo arrows that had fallen on the ground, with neat pottery pots beside him.

  Throw pot.

  Xin Qi followed her line of sight, his face slightly startled, and the past came flooding back: "But you want to play?" He asked in a low voice, "I'm going to buy bamboo arrows."

  "No need..." Before Jiang Fei could finish his words, Xin Qi had already walked towards the vendor and said something unknown. He came back with two barrels of arrows in his hands.

  "Here." Xin Qi handed one of the bamboo arrows to Jiang Fei, with a smile on his lips.

  Jiang Fei glanced at him: "I don't need it now, Xin Qi."

  Xin Qi's hand tightened slightly, but he still stretched it out in front of her stubbornly.

  Jiang Fei paused for a while and finally took the bamboo arrow.

  The favorability level on Xin Qi's head moved slightly.

  Jiang Fei lowered his eyes, raised his eyebrows slightly, turned to look at the pottery pots, and then looked at Xin Qi.

  Xin Qi smiled and nodded at her.

  But the next moment, the smile on Xin Qi's lips completely froze.

  The bamboo arrow missed.

  He finally knew what Jiang Fei meant when he said "It's no longer needed now."

  Today, she is no longer the one who could easily hit with magic.

  As early as when he stabbed her with the sword, she was just a mortal with a spiritual body.

  Jiang Fei stretched out his hand to continue throwing pots, but his wrist was caught.

  Jiang Fei was puzzled.

  "We won't vote." Xin Qi's voice was hoarse, and then he took her hand and walked towards the way he came.

  Jiang Fei let him hold his hand and remained silent.

  Xin Qi's steps were not fast, and he suddenly stopped after an unknown amount of time.

  Jiang Fei turned his head and saw the endless grass and trees in front of him, as well as the fireflies flying among the grass and trees.

  Just like the one she gave him back then.

  Jiang Fei raised his eyebrows, knowing that Xin Qi wanted to relive the past, but he never thought that he could even remember the little things in the past clearly.

  Xin Qi stretched out his hand, and a firefly stayed on his fingertips.

  He presented it to her like a treasure.

  Jiang Fei looked at the firefly and laughed softly for a long time. He stretched out his hand to take the firefly, but in the next moment, her face turned pale, her breathing became difficult, and she fell forward weakly.

  Xin Qi was shocked and hurriedly hugged her waist. The life in her chest was released faster and faster.

  The fireflies on her fingertips were frightened and disappeared. Xin Qi's hand trembled, and he pressed his palm against hers, constantly bringing life into her body.

  "Don't worry..." He murmured in a low voice, his voice trembling.

  "Feifei, you'll be fine..."

  When he talked about it later, his voice was full of panic, and his body was as stiff as iron. It wasn't until he noticed that her cold body's breathing was gradually calming down that he stopped moving, hugged her forcefully in his arms, and buried his cheek into her shoulder.

  "Feifei..." After a long time, a choked and hoarse voice escaped from the depths of his throat.

  He didn't know how to save her.

  There was nothing he could do.

  He is like a waste. He has achieved the magic power he has today in vain, but he can't even save the one he loves.

  Until the sky gradually turned white, and the woman in his arms gradually woke up.

  Xin Qi lowered his eyes almost immediately: "Feifei?"

  She finally woke up.

  She slept for two hours.

  Jiang Fei's eyes were blank at first, but when he saw him, his eyes suddenly shimmered: "Xin Qi..." His voice was soft.

  So much like... when they first met.

  Xin Qi's fingers trembled violently and he looked at her steadily.

  The next moment, he bowed his head and pressed a gentle kiss on her pale lips. His lips were still trembling, but full of piety.

  But at this moment, the clouds and mist surged behind, bursts of spiritual energy were carried by the wind, and golden fairy light mixed with red swept over.

  The man's voice sounded cold and sinister: "What are you doing?"

  Chapter 113 Cultivation Fairy Cannon Fodder 34

  The cold voice was like quenched ice, wrapped in anger and carrying a thick echo, resounding in the lonely forest.

  Jiang Fei's expression was dazed for a moment, but he suddenly reacted and pushed Xin Qi away slightly, staring at him blankly: "Why..."

  Even though Xin Qi was interrupted, his expression was still gentle, but when he opened his eyes and saw Jiang Fei's expression clearly, his body froze.

  Does she have feelings?

  It's not that she doesn't have any feelings for him...

  "Feifei..." Xin Qi murmured, his voice full of hoarseness, "Let's leave here and go to a place where no one will disturb us..."

  After saying this, he took Jiang Fei's hand and asked cautiously.
