Cultivation Fairy Cannon Fodder

  Not long after, the door to the inner bedroom was slowly opened. Xin Qi looked at the sound, and then his breath froze.

  Jiang Fei, who was wearing a red gauze wedding dress, stood there, looking at him shyly, her skin as white as jade, her cheeks stained with a hint of blush: "Does it look good?"

  Xin Qi's hands clenched tightly.

  In the past, Jiang Fei always wore white clothes, but this was the first time he wore red clothes, warm and charming.

  Back then... the woman whose heart was gouged out and raised in a gold cage was originally wearing red.

  Just like Jiang Fei.

  And he will become the executioner.

  "Xin Qi..."

  Xin Qi suddenly turned around and walked out of the palace, his back running away as if he were in a deserted state.

  Xin Qi's favorability rating: 60.

  Jiang Fei glanced at his back and chuckled.


  Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

  On the day of the wedding, the entire Demon Palace was as dead and silent as before.

  Only the doors of the Demon Palace and the branches in the courtyard were covered with red silk, adding a bit of joy.

  Xin Qi stood under a branch with red silk hanging behind him. He was dressed in red and looked at the main hall not far away without moving.

  This wedding was extremely bleak and not festive at all.

  There is no need to celebrate.

  He knew Jiang Fei was waiting inside, waiting to become his wife.

  He was also waiting, waiting for night to fall.

  Something was trembling in his heart, and his fingertips were cold.

  Xin Qi told himself that it was just because of the excitement of becoming a demon immediately, so there was no need to care.

  Night falls and the stars are shining.

  Xin Qi raised his head, glanced at the blood-stained moon, and walked towards the wedding room step by step.

  The Love Locking Spell is constantly surging, eager to find a host. Doesn't Xin know how deep emotions are needed to make the Love Locking Spell so restless?

  He had to use all his strength to suppress it.

  The palace door gradually opened.

  At a glance, Xin Qi saw the woman sitting beside the bed, covered with red gauze and waiting quietly. Her wedding dress was like fire, waiting for him in the extraordinarily warm palace decorated by her.

  Jiang Fei looked at Xin Qi who was slowly walking towards him through the red gauze and raised his eyebrows slightly.

  It finally came, and she was tired of being by his side these days.

  The red gauze was gently lifted, Jiang Fei slowly raised his eyes along with the red gauze, and looked at him with affectionate makeup on his face: "Xin Qi."

  Xin Qi paused with his fingertips, and the love-locking spell became more and more crazy, roaring and trying to rush out.

  Xin Qi tried his best to suppress it. He should have allowed it to be released, but instead he suppressed it inexplicably in his wrist.

  Seeing that he was silent, Jiang Fei said softly: "From now on, I will be your wife, and you will be my husband."

  Xin Qi's hands trembled.

  Jiang Fei noticed something was wrong, stood up and took two steps towards him.

  Xin Qi quickly moved back to avoid it. Jiang Fei looked at him at a loss, but couldn't help but frown in his heart. When did he become so lazy?

  Xin Qi stopped and stared blankly at Jiang Fei who was right in front of him, but his consciousness was a little dazed.

  As long as the love-locking spell is planted on Jiang Fei, everything will be over.

  So what about the way of heaven? Wasn't it deceived by him?

  At that time, the Three Realms and Yan'er will be in his hands.

  And Jiang Fei is not worth mentioning.

  "Xin Qi, what's wrong with you?" Jiang Fei walked up to him with worried eyes and reached out to touch his cheek.

  However, someone grabbed her wrist suddenly. Xin Qi looked at her expressionlessly, with the smell of blood filling her throat.

  The time is coming.

  He was kept in a cage like an animal when he was young, and he wanted to take revenge.

  The woman had clearly had her heart ripped out, but her eyes were still full of piety and admiration when she looked at the man. The word love was inherently cheap.

  Yan'er's smile.

  The power of the three realms...

  The scenes echoed in his mind.

  He can't give up.

  But why resist the love-locking spell?

  There was a voice in my consciousness: Do you like Jiang Fei?

  With just these words, Xin Qi suddenly opened his eyes.

  How can it be……

  "Xin Qi..."

  Jiang Fei wanted to speak, but all he saw was Xin Qi's wrist, the golden seal instantly emitted a dazzling light.

  Jiang Fei watched the light coming toward her eyebrows without dodge, but within a moment, the seal rushed into her body.

  Along with the seal, a red sword made of demonic energy and glowing with blood mist pierced her heart.


  Jiang Fei sighed and looked down.

  ——The red sword pierced her heart. Although it didn't hurt, it was very annoying to look at.

  She raised her head and looked at Xin Qi's messy black hair, his wedding dress standing in front of her like blood, and the favorability level above his head was constantly changing.

  Xin Qi was also staring at her wounds, his face expressionless, only his hands were shaking violently.

  He sealed her five senses, so she wouldn't feel any pain.

  When she lost consciousness, there was no more pain.

  But when he raised his eyes, he saw her confused eyes, just like the last time he sent her to the hands of the exorcist.

  She looked at him, her lips moved, and she murmured blankly: "...husband?"

  Chapter 89 Cultivation Fairy Cannon Fodder 10

  The wedding dress is as red as fire, burning people's eyes.

  And that weak "husband" sound.

  Xin Qiding stared at the woman in front of him, and felt that the last bit of strength in his body was being withdrawn from his body. He felt like he had fallen into an ice cave, and his whole body was in dense pain.

  From beginning to end, she had no idea what was happening.

  She knows nothing...

  She may only know that the man she happily married, the "husband" in her mouth, took her life with his own hands on their wedding night.

  Xin Qi's hands were clenched tightly and trembling uncontrollably.

  The red sword penetrated Jiang Fei's heart.

  The blood on her face has long been pale, and the vitality is slowly passing away. Her face, which was as bright as the sun just now, is now like a flower that is about to wither.

  Xin Bujue stretched out his hand, wanting to touch the woman in front of him.
