Campus Vicious Female Supporter

  Like, somewhere he had a reaction.

  Song Yan managed to calm down his breathing, stood up, picked up Jiang Fei who was sitting on his lap, leaned over and put her on the seat opposite the coffee table, and then turned back to his seat.

  Jiang Fei didn't say anything more this time. He just sat in his seat and pondered for a while before saying, "I'm very satisfied."

  Song Yan's voice was still a little hoarse: "What?"

  "I actually don't like forcing others to make things difficult." Jiang Fei said slowly.

  Song Yan glanced at her, thinking of what she had done before, without comment.

  Jiang Fei smiled and said: "It's not sweet to be strong," she looked at him, "We have been together for a few months, just like we did just now, Song Yan, you know what I'm going to do as soon as I bend over, how wonderful .”

  "So, even if you feel unwilling and humiliated in your heart, as long as you can understand what I mean and take action, it is not impossible to return to the previous relationship."

  Song Yan's eyelashes trembled slightly, and finally she lowered her gaze in resignation: "Grandma misses you."

  "Yeah." Jiang Fei responded and said smoothly, "What about you?"

  Song Yan paused with his fingers, lowered his eyes and said nothing.

  Jiang Fei didn't care, took a sip of coffee and stood up: "Let's go."

  Song Yan looked up at her with a somewhat puzzled expression.

  Jiang Fei raised his eyebrows: "Didn't you say that grandma misses me?"

  Song Yan was startled for a moment, then stood up and walked outside.

  The waiter not far from the door looked at the two people coming out. Thinking of the erotic scene he just saw, his face turned red and he hurriedly said: "Thank you for coming."

  Song Yan's limbs became a little stiff when he thought that what had just happened was seen by an unknown number of people.

  Instead, Jiang Fei calmly walked to the door, opened it, and then stopped.

  At the door, the young man stood there quietly, looking at Jiang Fei with dark eyes, and the corners of his lips slowly curved into a harmless smile: "Sister."

  Jiang Fei: "..."

  Song Yan's expression on the side changed slightly, he stared at Jiang Cuo silently, and clenched his hands slightly.

  Today at noon, the scene of this young man kissing Jiang Fei came to mind again, and a violent anger suddenly emerged in his heart.

  "Xiaocuo?" Jiang Fei looked at the time, "It's not school time yet, why aren't you in school?"

  Jiang Cuo looked at her and waved the mobile phone in his hand: "I came to see you. I'm worried because you didn't reply to my message."

  "I didn't expect that my sister had an appointment with someone else, and I interrupted her."

  As he spoke, his eyes swept over Song Yan.

  Wild, male, human.

  Jiang Fei smiled: "Discuss something with my classmates." As she said that, she thought of something else, "By the way, Xiaocuo, I have something to do tonight, so I might go back late. Please help me tell Dad and Aunt Wen."

  Song Yan frowned.


  Even though he knew what she said was right, he still couldn't control his anger.

  Jiang Cuo still nodded obediently and said with a smile: "Okay."

  Jiang Fei smiled, stepped forward and rubbed his hair: "Then I'll leave first."


  It wasn't until he watched Jiang Fei and Song Yan leave that Jiang Cuo slowly raised his head, stared at the backs of the two men, and suddenly raised his voice the next second: "Sister."

  Jiang Fei turned his head in confusion.

  Jiang Cuo glanced at Song Yan and pointedly said, "Have fun."

  The word "play" emphasizes the tone.

  Song Yan frowned.

  Jiang Cuo's words seemed to directly reveal that Jiang Fei was just playing.

  But he pretended to be innocent.

  Jiang Fei understood in his heart, his expression remained gentle, he smiled and nodded: "Okay."

  Behind him, Jiang Cuo was still standing where he was. It wasn't until the two of them disappeared that he looked back and glanced at the location on his phone.

  The next second, he suddenly noticed something, raised his head and looked around.

  In the corner to the side, a man in a suit quickly hid.

  Jiang Cuo frowned and looked at the black car parked on the roadside.

  Jiang Lin's car.

  People from Jianglin.

  Is it because he hasn't been back to be his human punching bag for so long?

  Jiang Cuo sneered, turned around and walked in the opposite direction.

  On the other side, in the car.

  Jiang Fei lowered his head and looked at the phone thoughtfully, and asked in his mind: "System, is there something wrong with the phone?"

  Otherwise, how could the little pervert find her so quickly.

  [System: There is a positioning tracking device installed in the mobile phone. 】

  Jiang Fei snorted lightly, and sure enough.

  She knew that when that little pervert took her phone that day, it was not just as simple as changing a note.

  Even if a little pervert becomes a good person, he will not change his perverted nature.

  Song Yan looked at Jiang Fei, who was always staring down at his phone, and his hand hanging by his side paused slightly.

  In the past, there was no driver. She would sit on the back of the bicycle and hug his waist. When she was sleepy, she would say, "Ride slowly, don't move around, I'll take a rest." Then she would lean on his back confidently. .

  Now, there is no longer the "contact" that was natural at that time.

  Song Yan frowned, and when he came to his senses, he met Jiang Fei's gaze.

  She was looking at him: "What?"

  Song Yan was confused and quickly looked away. He was silent for a long time before saying, "What is the relationship between Jiang Cuo and you?"

  "Xiao Cuo?" Jiang Fei asked, and then smiled, "I remember I didn't mention his name to you."

  Song Yan hesitated. The news about her and Jiang Cuo spread a lot on campus. He... also investigated Jiang Cuo.

  "However, when it comes to my relationship with him," Jiang Fei glanced at the calm favorability score above Song Yan's head, "Things like guard inspections must be done by people with status. We..."

  She paused deliberately for a moment and raised her eyebrows at him, "Why don't you confess your love to me and I'll tell you?"

  After all, the two of them are not in a relationship.

  With Song Yan's self-esteem, it was not easy for the two to return to their previous relationship. He probably didn't want to admit that he not only wanted to go back to the time when he was being toyed with, but even fell in love with the person who was toying with him.
