Campus Vicious Female Supporter

  But he kept his lips tightly pressed and said nothing.

  She was always like this, playing with him and taking pleasure in teasing him.

  always like this.

  "Aren't you going to tell me?" Jiang Fei raised his eyes, glanced at the unprecedentedly chaotic favorability score above his head, and moved slightly.

  Song Yan's body tensed up, and he clasped her waist in the next second. He turned from passive to active, pressed her on the bed, and kissed her red lips hard.

  "I don't love you, Jiang Fei..." A breathy murmur escaped from the kiss, "I don't love you..."

  If he falls in love with someone who has been playing tricks on him, then who is he?

  He murmured: "There are so many people in the world, but I just... don't love you."

  However, Jiang Fei heard the sound of the system.

  Song Yan's favorability rating: 100.

  At nine o'clock in the evening, when Jiang Fei came out of Song Yan's bedroom, he had already fallen asleep - naturally it was the system's credit.

  There is a small suitcase in the side hall downstairs. It must be something Song Yan needs for his business trip.

  Jiang Fei thought about his favorability, and in a good mood, he wrote a note and stuck it on the suitcase: Bon voyage.

  Then he turned around and walked out.

  The moment she walked out of the villa, she slowly took out her phone and sent a message to Shen Fang:

  I've thought about it, let's talk?

  Chapter 76 The vicious female supporting character on campus 23

  When Shen Fang woke up in the morning, he felt light-headed and light-headed. His mind was in a blur after staying up for several nights. His stomach was throbbing with pain, and he was covered in layers of cold sweat.

  He did not go to the company and lay in bed all day, half-conscious and half-conscious, his consciousness wandering and confused.

  In a daze, he felt like he was back on that vacation. When he had a stomach attack, Jiang Fei would be beside the bed with red eyes, holding hot water and medicine, looking at him with concern.

  At that time, he was very impatient with her and even thought she was too annoying.

  But at that time, he forgot that Jiang Fei was always the first person to notice that he was sick and the only one who would stay with him all night.

  Shen Fang smiled bitterly and forced himself to dig out the stomach medicine, but there was not even a drop of hot water in the entire apartment. In the end, he swallowed a few pills and fell on the bed again.

  The effects of the medicine gradually took effect, and my stomach was still hurting, but my consciousness gradually became blurred.

  The sky outside was gradually getting darker. Shen Fang had been lying on the bed. He seemed to hear the vibrating sound of his mobile phone in the hazy place. He wanted to take the phone but couldn't. His arms were extremely heavy and he could only let his body fall into a deeper sleep. middle.

  In the dream, I seemed to hear knocking on the door again and again, and then I realized that it was not a dream.

  Shen Fang reluctantly stood up, his eyes were spinning, and he only had time to turn the door handle open before he completely fainted and fell to the ground.

  Jiang Fei opened the door and saw Shen Fang lying on the ground.

  No wonder he never replied.

  Jiang Fei raised his eyebrows, glanced at the 99 favorability score above his head, which was just shy of the final goal. He bent down to lift him up, threw him on the bed, thought for a while, turned around and walked out.

  When Shen Fang was conscious again, he heard the footsteps and said nothing. His stomach ached and his forehead began to feel hot. His vision became blurry and his whole body felt like it was being burned by someone.

  People outside...except for the cleaning lady, no one will come here again.

  No one will come again.

  Shen Fang closed his eyes, shrouded in darkness.

  He felt his forehead being probed, and then there was the sound of fire in the kitchen, and someone fed him something.

  The burning heat all over my body began to fade away, and the throbbing pain in my stomach gradually eased. An ice pack was placed on my forehead...

  There was a familiar light fragrance lingering around him, and even the haze in his dream was dispelled.

  Shen Fang opened his eyes suddenly.

  It was already bright outside, and it was already the next morning.

  His forehead felt a little heavy. Shen Fang touched his forehead. It was an ice pack that turned into water wrapped in a towel. There was a half-drunk glass of water and medicine on the bedside table.

  The sound of a movie playing came from the living room, very softly.

  Is it aunt? still……

  Thinking of the light fragrance in his dream last night, Shen Fang's heart trembled, and he walked barefoot to the living room.

  There was a movie on the TV, but there was no one around.

  Shen Fang's breath tightened, but he still searched the kitchen, bathroom, and guest room without giving up. Finally, he stood in the living room panting.



  There was a soft knock at the door, and the door was opened from the outside.

  "Are you awake?" the girl said in surprise.

  Shen Fang's body was stiff, still standing there and not daring to turn his head, fearing that this was his illusion again.

  That voice, that voice...

  Until Jiang Fei walked up to him, holding a paper bag in his hand, which contained a breakfast.

  It's really her.

  Shen Fang's eyes suddenly turned red when he looked at the light-colored dress on her body and the long hair that hung down in front of her because she bent over.

  Scenes like this only appeared in dreams later on.

  "Sorry, I saw you were asleep and took your key." Jiang Fei put the key on the coffee table and said calmly.

  Shen Fang's Adam's apple twitched, and he wanted to tell her that there was a key to this apartment that belonged to her, but in the end he didn't say it, and just said in a difficult tone: "Why are you here?"

  Jiang Fei put down his breakfast and said calmly: "I sent you a message, but you didn't reply, so I came to take a look."

  Shen Fang looked at her blankly: "You were the one who took care of me last night..."

  It's not the aunt, it's her.

  Jiang Fei smiled distantly: "It's just a little effort."

  Shen Fang opened his mouth, his chest felt tight, and he took the phone covertly, but paused when he saw the unread message.

  She said she had thought about it.

  "This is..." Shen Fang looked at her steadily.

  "As for what you said that night, I think I can give you an answer." Jiang Fei paused for a while, "I..."

  "Jiang Fei!" Shen Fang suddenly interrupted her, his voice mixed with panic, "It's already half past eight..."
