Cultivation Fairy Cannon Fodder

  Xin Qi frowned and looked out the window. It was already dark. She had already come back at this time in the past. Why today...

  What does it have to do with him whether she returns or not?

  Xin Qi forced himself to look away, but the next moment he couldn't help but look at the door. Since he needed her to be willing to accept the love-locking spell, he should "care" for her.

  Thinking of this, Xin Qi got down and walked out of the room. The waiter was cleaning the table idly downstairs when he saw Xin Qi hurriedly smiled and said, "Sir, you are out."

  Xin Qi glanced at the street outside the door and said nothing.

  When the waiter saw this, he added, "Miss Jiang is at Aunt Li's place."

  Aunt Li?

  Xin Qi frowned. He had never known how Jiang Fei, an immortal cultivator, could be so close to these mortals. He smelled the filthy smell of the human world. He stood up and walked out of the inn.

  A whisper came from behind: "Who is this?"

  "Miss Jiang's husband," the waiter whispered even more quietly, "Miss Jiang is very kind to her husband..."

  Xin Qi paused slightly.


  But there seemed to be... no resentment in my heart.

  However, when he walked out of the inn and went to the next door, Xin Qi stopped again and looked at Jiang Fei, who was joking with a man dressed as a scholar not far away.

  This time, I felt very disgusted.

  He didn't know that she was so popular.

  "Miss Jiang, you must be careful when you go to collect herbs in the future." The man said politely.

  Jiang Fei also smiled: "Thanks to Mr. Li today, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

  "You're welcome, Miss Jiang. How long will Miss Jiang stay in Youfang Town?" The man felt abrupt and his ears turned red after he finished speaking. "I, what I mean is that there is still medicine at home. If Miss Jiang doesn't mind it..."

  "She dislikes it." A voice suddenly sounded from behind, interrupting the man's words.

  Jiang Fei turned around and saw Xin Qi's eyes lit up, then filled with worry: "Why did you come out?"

  Xin Qi glanced at the man lightly and smiled gently: "Nothing to do."

  The man looked at his smile and felt an inexplicable chill in his heart.

  Jiang Fei had already taken the bamboo basket on the side and walked to Xin Qi: "I went to the mountain today and accidentally fell. Fortunately, I met Mr. Li."

  The fact is that she was taking a nap on a branch on the mountain. She accidentally rolled over and almost fell. She was helped by Mr. Li who was passing by.

  Xin Qi glanced at the bamboo basket in her hand, turned around and headed towards the inn.

  Jiang Fei hurriedly followed him: "Xin Qi, what's wrong with you?"


  "Xin Qi, are you angry?"


  "Xin Qi, why don't you say anything?"

  Xin Qi listened to her voice and remained silent, but he couldn't help but think in his heart: At some point, she called him "Xin Qi" instead of "Mr. Xin".

  "Xin Qi!" Jiang Fei walked a few steps quickly and stopped in front of him, "Are you jealous?"

  Xin Qi paused and wanted to deny it, but then he thought about the relationship between the two. Wasn't his purpose just to gain her affection?

  Xin Qi smiled slowly: "Yes, so what?"

  Jiang Fei was stunned, as if he was shocked, and stood motionless.

  However, Xin Qi had already bypassed her and moved on.

  The next moment, his sleeve was gently pulled.

  "Because he looks like you." Jiang Fei said lowly.

  Xin Qi frowned: "What..." Before he finished speaking, he had already reacted.

  The man dressed as a scholar was very similar to the one he wore when they first met her.

  So, is it for him?

  On his wrist, the love-locking spell surged.

  Xin Qi looked at Jiang Fei, her attraction to him became more and more obvious.

  Calculating carefully, after the inner elixir was repaired, it would only be a few days before he suffered a calamity.


  The moonlight is in full bloom above my head.

  Xin Qi suddenly thought of something and looked up. Sure enough, he felt a huge pain in his chest the next moment.

  His body was slightly stagnant, extremely subtle.

  "Xin Qi, what's wrong with you?" Jiang Fei looked at him with worried eyes.

  Xin Qiruo said, "Nothing happened."

  As soon as he finished speaking, he got up and walked into the inn first.

  Jiang Fei looked at Xin Qi's figure and raised his eyebrows slightly. He could still be so calm under the punishment of heaven. It seemed that he was really used to it.

  After thinking for a moment, Jiang Fei walked quickly behind him, reached out and held his arm: "Xin Qi, I'll help..."

  The words stopped abruptly before he finished speaking.

  Jiang Fei lowered her head. She could clearly feel Xin Qi's bones breaking in her palms, and she could hear faint sounds. .

  Xin Qi noticed her reaction, lowered his eyes and smiled mockingly, quickly retracted his arm, and hurried back to the guest room, lowering the curtain to block the outside view.

  He still remembered that when he was a child, in that man's mansion in the human world, when he secretly cultivated demons and suffered the punishment of heaven for the first time, the maid who had taken care of her for more than ten years was so frightened by him that her face turned pale and her hands and feet trembled. There was a look in her eyes. Bright fear.

  Fear of an unknown monster.

  After that, he was put into a cage by the man. The golden cage where the woman once stayed was like watching his bones being shattered and reattached, watching him turn into a puddle of mud and then rebuild his body.

  Later, everyone who saw him suffer punishment from heaven all died.

  Jiang Fei is no exception.

  "Xin Qi." Jiang Fei's voice came from outside the curtain.

  Xin Qi never said anything.

  "I know you're not asleep yet." Jiang Fei whispered.

  Xin Qi looked at the slightly swaying curtain above his head, his face expressionless.

  The curtain was gently lifted, and Xin Qi only smelled the fragrance of acacia, and his arm was caressed: "So, is it because of this that you can't sleep well?"

  Xin Qi tightened his arms and felt a faint murderous intention in his heart.

  However, the next moment, he only felt that he was being hugged into a fragrant and warm embrace, accompanied by the woman's distressed murmur: "I'm with you."
