Campus Vicious Female Supporter

  Jiang Fei raised his eyebrows and looked at Song Yan: "Will you promise her, Classmate Song?"

  Her tone was calm, but the tone behind her words was clearly threatening.

  The joy that just rose in Song Yan's heart gradually cooled down and turned into an inexplicable anger. He looked at Ruan Tang: "I'm sorry..."

  Before he finished speaking, Ruan Tang's eyes turned red and he turned around and went to the other side.

  Jiang Fei sat next to Song Yan and raised his eyebrows proudly at him.

  Song Yan pursed his lips and ignored her. He only looked at the books in front of him, and the confusion in his heart disappeared for no reason.

  Jiang Fei smiled slightly, glanced at Ruan Tang, turned his eyes slightly, and leaned over to Song Yan: "Did you miss me?" He didn't deliberately lower his tone, and his tone was particularly ambiguous.

  Without the obstruction of books, these straightforward words and the intimate actions of the two easily attracted everyone's attention.

  Song Yan stared at her blankly, feeling panicked as she became more and more unscrupulous.

  Jiang Fei chuckled, "Huh?" As he spoke, he moved closer and closer to him, his voice rising and charming.

  Her lips were no more than a knuckle away from his.

  Some people around him had already turned their eyes away in embarrassment.

  —There was the sound of a chair scraping against the ground nearby.

  Song Yan suddenly came back to his senses. From the corner of his eye, he saw Ruan Tang looking over here. He felt annoyed and backed away suddenly, avoiding her approach.

  "I've already chosen you, what else do you want?" he asked in a low voice, his voice a little confused.

  She didn't need to deliberately approach Ruan Tang just to make him angry.

  Hearing this, Jiang Fei raised his eyebrows slightly: "Are you willing?"

  Song Yan's eyelashes trembled slightly, and he looked down at the book without responding.

  Jiang Fei smiled and didn't ask any more questions, nor did he make any excessive moves.

  lunch time.

  The two went to the rockery behind the school as usual.

  Jiang Fei ate so quietly that Song Yan looked up at her several times.

  Just as Jiang Fei picked up a piece of cut egg and put it into his mouth, someone suddenly grabbed his wrist.

  Jiang Fei raised his eyes and met Song Yan's gaze: "What?"

  Song Yan looked at her: "You don't eat eggs?"

  Jiang Fei glanced at the egg in his hand and put it into Song Yan's bowl.

  Song Yan looked at her movements and felt relieved for no reason. After thinking about it, he picked up the peeled shrimps and put them into her bowl.

  Jiang Fei looked at the shrimp meat in the bowl, squinted his eyes and looked at Song Yan again: "Do you have something to ask me for?"

  Song Yan frowned: "What?"

  Jiang Fei picked up the shrimp and said, "Otherwise you would be so kind suddenly?"

  Song Yan was stagnant, lowering his head and eating his meal in silence, ignoring her again.

  Jiang Fei watched his movements and suddenly chuckled, pushed the lunch box aside, leaned over and rested it on his knees.

  Song Yan's body was stiff.

  Jiang Fei squinted her eyes and looked at his jaw and Adam's apple rolling up and down. She thought for a while, then reached out to touch his Adam's apple and rubbed it gently. Song Yan noticed that she was playing wantonly because of teasing, and the hand holding the chopsticks paused. He felt humiliated but seemed to have been used to it, and said hoarsely: "Don't make trouble."

  "Huh?" Jiang Fei refused to listen, instead stroking lightly, tapping his fingertips to the rhythm of his Adam's apple rolling.

  "Jiang Fei." Song Yan's voice was low and hoarse. He looked down at her and his eyes fell on her red lips.

  Jiang Fei chuckled, and at the angle where he lowered his head, he put his arms around the back of his neck: "Are you still going to work tonight?"

  Song Yan paused for a moment before responding softly: "...Hmm."

  Jiang Fei curled his lips, and the strength in his hands became stronger, forcing him to lower his head.

  Song Yan leaned over slightly, his breathing entangled with hers in confusion. The fragrance of her body penetrated his nose, and her warm breath sprayed on his lips. Even his heart was beating lightly, making him more and more conscious. Confused, her eyelashes trembled slightly, waiting for her next move.

  Jiang Fei laughed, then let go of him, sat up and said seriously: "This will have a bad influence."

  Song Yan's tense body was stiff and he was stunned. A sense of loss and grievance suddenly surged in his heart.

  Why had she never noticed the "bad influence" before, but now...

  What made Song Yan awkward was that in the afternoon, Jiang Fei didn't do anything unusual to him anymore, and instead listened quietly to the class.

  —The weather became increasingly gloomy until school ended.

  Song Yan took Jiang Fei with him on a bicycle. She sat quietly in the back seat, gently hugging his waist, and stayed silent all the way.

  Downstairs of the Song family, Song Yan couldn't help but say: "How did you..."

  "Huh?" Jiang Fei looked at him puzzled, then smiled, "Why do you want to kiss me goodbye?"

  Song Yan suddenly came back to her senses by her words.

  Yeah, what is he doing? Wouldn't it be great if Jiang Fei didn't force him to do things?

  Pursing her lips, Song Yan disappeared from the intersection on her bicycle.

  Jiang Fei looked at his back, curled his lips and walked upstairs.

  The old man was still as enthusiastic as ever. After Jiang Fei looked at the old man's eyes like a formality, he also looked at the old man's legs. The legs that have shrunk due to old age are not diseases and are difficult to cure. He can only move around regularly.

  After the old man rested, Jiang Fei discovered that it had started raining outside at some point. The rain was not heavy, but it easily wet the ground.

  Jiang Fei pondered for a moment, picked up his umbrella and walked out.


  Dining room.

  Ruan Tang waited uneasily for a long time before finally seeing the familiar figure, and she quickly stood up.

  Song Yan walked in and handed the velvet brocade box in his hand forward: "Happy birthday."

  Ruan Tang opened the brocade box, her eyes full of surprise: "It's a star ring necklace!" She said, looking at her excitedly, "I knew it, Song Yan, I knew you still remembered that I said I liked this..."

  "Don't waste time on me anymore." Song Yan's voice sounded in the quiet restaurant, cutting off Ruan Tang's words.

  Ruan Tang's voice stopped suddenly, and the joy in his eyes froze just as he rose: "What are you talking about, Song Yan?"
