Cultivation Fairy Cannon Fodder

  The hot copper pillar burned her feet and emitted white smoke. She staggered several times and almost fell down. Her face turned pale, but she still moved forward firmly.

  Xin Qi's hand holding the water mirror trembled violently, and his eyes were red.

  Unbeknownst to him, she had sacrificed so much for him.

  There is also the Blood Pact Golden Pill...

  Xin Qi's body was completely frozen.

  "Do you know that there are so many demon cultivators in the world, why no one comes to compete for the blood contract?"

  "Because heavenly punishment can never be suppressed, swallowing the Blood Pact Golden Pill will share half of the heavenly punishment for the person who is punished by heaven. And every minor injury or illness you suffer in the future will be five times more painful than before. ten times."

  But even after he stopped saying these words, Jiang Fei still swallowed the blood contract without hesitation.

  No wonder the daily punishment from heaven no longer hurts so much since she came back.

  No wonder her bones were broken and reattached that night, but she lied to him to avoid the exorcist, when in fact she shared his divine punishment.

  No wonder...

  But she lied to him and said that she had never found the blood contract.

  "By the way," Rong Shu thought of something and said slowly, "During the calamity, even if the five senses are sealed, it is still useless."

  Xin Qi was stunned, silent for a long time, and suddenly vomited out a mouthful of blood, and then laughed. At first it was a sarcastic chuckle, but later it turned into a sad laugh.

  I can no longer comfort myself: I don’t like her at all.

  No wonder...the counterattack of Heavenly Dao is so weak.

  What did he do again?

  When she was happiest, he gave her a sword and killed her with his own hands.

  He thought he was letting her go without pain.

  But with that sword blow, she suffered ten times the pain.

  Even so, from the beginning to the end, she never said a word of resentment to him or cried out in pain.

  She is indeed...stupid.

  Rong Shu on the side felt his chest sink as he listened to the laughter. Looking at Xin Qi in front of him, his expression finally became solemn and he was ready for battle.

  He watched as Xin Qi's pupils turned strangely red, the white clothes on his body turned red out of thin air, the originally round nails gradually turned into pitch black and sharp, and his hair was flying.

  "She's still alive." Even the voice had a hollow echo.

  Rong Shu said nothing.

  Xin Qi was already overheated: "Where is she?"

  Rong Shu was silent for a moment: "Her spiritual roots have been destroyed and she has turned into a mortal in the human world. I don't know either."

  He didn't need to use his life to find out the whereabouts of the curse seal for others, he just needed to know that Jiang Fei was still alive.

  Xin Qi stared at him closely.

  The spiritual roots are gone...

  The next moment, his figure disappeared instantly.

  If she goes down to the underworld, he will surely find her.

  Rong Shu lowered his eyes.

  What does it mean to be possessed by a demon?



  Human world.

  Liu'an City.

  A luxurious carriage swayed down the official road,

  [System: Xin Qi’s favorability has reached 90. 】

  Jiang Fei leaned against the cushions comfortably, holding snacks in one hand and a storybook in the other. He only responded in a low voice when he heard the words.

  I think Xin Qi already knew about her getting the Blood Contract Golden Pill for him.

  As expected, the human world is the happiest, much more fun than the boring world of cultivating immortals.

  Even the most common snacks taste better than Lingcao.

  She took a few spiritual stones and exchanged them for several hundred taels of silver, which was enough for her to live a prosperous life in the human world.

  not to mention……

  Jiang Fei touched the money bag and found dozens of spiritual stones.

  The carriage suddenly shook violently.

  Jiang Fei leaned forward.

  Then there were several sounds of whips coming from outside: "You little beggar, you dare to steal from me, you are so unlucky! If I don't beat you half to death today, I will take your surname!"

  Jiang Fei frowned slightly.

  "Sorry, girl," the coachman's voice came quickly, "There is a beggar running out in front. It seems that he was caught stealing something and he is giving him a lesson. I will take a detour."

  "Yes." Jiang Fei responded in a low voice, and the next moment the system in his mind and the love-locking spell on his wrist moved at the same time, "Wait a minute."

  The carriage stopped.

  Jiang Fei slowly opened the sedan curtain and looked at the thin boy who was hugging the oil paper bag in front of the carriage, curled up on the ground and being whipped. His cheeks were dirty and his original appearance could not be seen clearly. There was a red cloud birthmark. , very conspicuous.

  Jiang Fei couldn't help but laugh.

  What a fate.

  Chapter 90 Cultivation Fairy Cannon Fodder 11

  The streets of the human world are bustling with a bit of fireworks.

  The tall, strong man held a whip in his hand and was still beating the little beggar who was curled up on the ground.

  Pedestrians passing by just glanced at it and then looked away.

  The little beggar didn't say a word from beginning to end. He only held the oil paper bag tightly in his arms. Blood stains were drawn out from under his ragged clothes, mixed with stains, and the blood that came out was dyed black and red.

  "How dare you steal my roast chicken without paying for it? That's what a beggar like you can afford?" The big man became even more angry when he saw that the little beggar refused to admit his mistake and refused to let go. He raised his whip high and was about to hit it hard again.

  "Wait a minute." A woman's clear voice sounded from behind.

  Many people followed the sound and looked towards the carriage. The big man turned his head impatiently, but they were all startled when they saw the woman slowly coming down from the carriage.

  The woman was wearing a white dress that looked like smoke, her long hair was tied up with only a silver hairpin, her eyebrows were charming, and they seemed to glow in the sunlight.

  "Girl, what's wrong?" The big man's tone softened when he saw the person coming.

  Jiang Fei glanced at the little beggar on the ground. The young man was still holding the oil paper bag tightly with a lifeless expression on his face, without even looking at her.

  "I wonder what this kid took from you? I just paid the money for him."

  The big man was stunned, looked her up and down, and stretched out a finger: "One penny."

  Although he knew that his words were exaggerated, Jiang Fei was too lazy to argue and took out the money from his purse and handed it to the big man.

  The big man's face softened, he put away his riding whip and stared at the little beggar: "You are lucky this time, you have met a noble man." After saying this, he left with a deep voice.
