Chapter 20

[Cinderscar's POV]

I started to lead a small hunting patrol that only had three other cats on it. We were going to split up into teams. I'm going to be with Thorntail and Tigerfur was going to be with Ivystorm.

"This is good, let's split up now." I told them once we got away from the camp a good ways. Tigerfur and Ivystorm nodded and headed the other way quickly leaving me with Thorntail.

"Let's go!" He said quietly so he didn't scare any prey away. I nodded and opened my mouth a little to see if I could scent anything. I scent a bird and a couple of rabbits. The rabbits where fresh too.

I looked up to find the bird and I saw the red feathers of one. I smirked and started to climb up the tree slowly so I didn't make to much noise. I got up to a branch and crouched down on it angled at the bird so I could get it easily.

I crouched down a little more and jumped heading right to it. It heard me and turned its head to me but it was to late. I had it in my paws and I snapped it's neck. It became lifeless in my paws. I smiled and jumped back down to the ground.

I quickly buried the bird and saw Thorntail with two rabbits in his mouth. It must of been the rabbits I scented. I could of been a family. He carefully buried them with the bird and looked up to me.

"Good job." I told him and tried to find another scent. He just nodded and went off to find more prey. I quickly marked the hole with some sticks and leaves so I knew where it was and headed off with him.

We kept hunting a little longer. We missed a couple of things but over all we got five rabbits, three mice, a vole, a fish, and a bird. It was going to be hard to get it all back to the camp. I sent Thorntail to go back and get Dawnfur and Jaypool to help us.

They soon came and I divide it all up. Thorntail took three rabbits, Dawnfur took the three mice, Jaypool took the last two rabbits and the vole, and I took the first and the bird. We headed to camp quickly and I saw Tigerfur, Ivystorm, and Honeyear. They still could of caught more then us if they had smaller prey like mice.

We put ours in a small pile and Tigerfur's group did the same. I started to count how much we had and how much they had. Thankfully we had eleven pieces of prey. I walked over to the other pile and looked at it and started to count.

They had seven mice, two rabbits, and one vole. They only equaled ten pieces of prey so my team won. I laughed a little and we all put our prey into the food kill pile. Thorntail got a bird and went to go eat it though.


Another special POV chapter. This was a cool one to write since it was just hunting and not talking so it was kinda easier. I'm only going to be doing three more special ones and a couple more regular ones then this book is going to be done. I probably have already finished it by the time you read this. It all depends if I have time to write or not. Well I hope you like it and go ahead and leave suggestions for the next book's name in the comments!!
