Chapter 14

[Spokenstar's POV]

Finally the gathering was done and I jumped off the rocks in the middle and started to head out of the gathering place and toward camp. I knew my clan was following me since I could easily hear their pawsteps. Nightmoon walked next to me trying to stay at the same pace as me. I heard some other pawsteps but I wasn't to worried.

Once we got farther away from the gathering place I kept hearing the other pawsteps. I turned around and stopped telling the others to stop. The pawsteps contained though. I let out a low growl and the bushes started to rustle.

"Who ever you are step out!" I hissed and kept low ready to attack. The bushes rustled again but no cat came out. "Step out!" I growled louder. Nightmoon stayed by me ready to attack to.

Soon two cats came out of the bush. One was a golden tom and the other was a grey tom. I knew instantly who they were. Lionclaw and Smallclaw. Nightmoon jumped up from her attacking position to stand regularly. I followed her.

"L-Lionclaw? Is that you?" I asked softly as Nightmoon asked the same thing for Smallclaw. My eyes were wide. I knew my warriors probably didn't know who they were. I thought they were dead myself.

"Yes, it is us." They both purred to us. I started to smile and took a step closer to Lionclaw. He smiled and stepped close to me. "Sorry to took so long, it was hard." He whispered in my ear. I looked to him.

"Hey, it's alright. The only thing that matters is that your back." I whispered back to him. "Come on, let's head back to camp." I said and held my head back up and flicked my tail for the rest of the cats to follow.

We soon got to camp and I saw Tigerstripe head straight to the warriors den and let out an ear-piercing yowl of despair. I ran over to the warriors den and saw him sobbing on the ground.

"Tigerstripe! What's wrong?" I asked him and Nightmoon came to my side in seconds. The rest of the warriors were up in alarm.

"He's gone! Cheetahpelt is gone!" He hissed still sobbing. I walked next to him and wrapped my tail around him like a caring mother.

"We will find him. He couldn't of gone far." I said calmly trying to calm him down a little. I would need his help the most to find him again.

"Yea, he was here when I went to sleep and I was the last one up except him." Shinyfall said poking her head up from her small ball form.

"Thanks.." He muttered and walked out with a lash of his tail and headed off to the woods.

"Tigerstripe! Wait till morning, please." I said and Angelwing was already going to follow him. She turned back to me and smiled a little.

"I'll take care of him. I'll make sure he doesn't get hurt. We will bring Cheetahpelt back." She said. I saw Shinyfall get up and hurry over to them.

"If she's going so am I. I'm not letting her go without her best friend." Shinyfall laughed and stayed by Angelwing.

"Fine, you both can come." Tigerstripe mumbled with a slight growl.

"Be safe all three of you. Come back within a moon!" I called to them. I knew Flamefur and Bluesnow would be back soon and we would have those two warriors back but we just lost four warriors. We needed them to come back soon.

I walked toward my den slowly and tiredly. I was really tired by now. I walked into my den and went back to my nest and fell down and laid out. I yawned and closed my eyes trying to fall asleep. It didn't work though. I was to worried about my warriors to even fall asleep.


Well, I tried with this chapter. I think it's pretty good though. And yes Spokenwrites Lionclaw and Smallclaw are back. Lionclaw and Spokenstar where mates right? I'm pretty sure they are, I remember a little and I couldn't remember if they were so I kinda just guessed. I hope you all like it.
