Chapter 13

[Silverhawk's POV]

I walked over to Flamefur and laid by her. I was worried about Moonflash a lot.

"You would of let me go to the gathering with Moonflash right?" I asked her looking to her.

"Of course I would of, but I'm not the leader. I was never the leader, and you know that." She purred and laid her head down. She stretched a little and sighed.

"Thanks Flamefur, I'm just worried about her." I said and sat up, "I'm going to go check on Bluesnow, want me to say anything to her from you?" I asked.

"Just tell her I said hi and if she wishes she can stay here in Mapleclan with Embercloud." Flamefur said barely. I could see the tears in her eyes. She didn't want to let her sister go.

"I will, be strong Flamefur." I said and got up and headed to the medicine den where Bluesnow and Embercloud were.

Once I walked in Bluesnow poked her head up from next to Embercloud. Embercloud was still asleep as I could tell.

"What is it Silverhawk?" She asked looking up still at me and blinking her tired eyes. She yawned a little and sat up.

"I just came to see how you are, and Flamefur said hi." I said and came to sit across from her. "And she also said that you could stay here with Embercloud if you want." I said looking down.

"I don't know where I want to be really. I just want to be with Embercloud and that's all I know." She sighed looking to me. Her blue eyes were huge as she looked into my green eyes.

"Hey, you will figure out where you want to be." I said softly to her as I saw Embercloud twist and turn a little as if he was about to wake up. Bluesnow looked back to him and scooted away a little in case he did wake up.

"I know, I just want him to be happy." She said still looking to him. He opened his eyes with a small smile as he looked up to her.

"And I want you to be happy too." He mumbled and leaned up and licked her cheek. She purred and nuzzled his head.

"Hey! I'm still here unless you want me to leave." I growled slightly. I would leave if I had to. I just didn't really want to leave though.

"Oh sorry Silverhawk." Bluesnow said and laid back down looking to me. Embercloud just scoffed and licked her head.

"I say you should leave." He said glaring at me. I growled and lashed my tail.

"Fine." I said and stalked out of the den and back over to Flamefur. She looked up to me slowly as I came over.

"What's wrong? Is it Embercloud?" She asked. She knew I hated him for many reasons. Another reason to add to the list now was that he had taken my one sister away from me.

"Yes it's Embercloud! It's always Embercloud!" I hissed and laid down with a huge sigh.

"It's going to be ok, just try to ignore him for now please." She asked me.

"Fine." I sighed looking to her slightly. I did want to ignore him but I also wanted to kill him.

"You will live, trust me." She smiled and yawned and laid her head back down and closing her eyes to fall asleep. I sighed and headed to the warriors den to go to sleep.


Well it was shorter, I think I might just write until I feel like it's good so there might be some really long chapters and some short ones but I promise all of them will be over 500 words for the actually chapter. The authors note doesn't count as the words or they could be really long sometimes. Go ahead and leave a comment if you like Embercloud or not. And don't forget to leave suggestions and other things like votes and how much you love/like/dislike/hate it. Go ahead and leave a hate comment if you want.
