Chapter 2

[Tigerstripe's POV]

I had to let her go. I knew how much Metalclaw meant to her. I couldn't keep her away. I knew I still had to protect her but I know I couldn't anymore. I looked back to the camp and saw everyone asleep. I smiled. It was peaceful.

Soon it was morning and Flamefur had come back looking extremely tired though also not tired at the same time. I didn't say anything since she was having fun. I was just a little worried though.

I saw Spokenstar coming out of her den. She nodded to us and I headed to the warrior's den and laid in the front since that where there was room. I felt Flamefur lay by me and I smiled to her. I soon fell asleep.

I woke up to Nightmoon nudging me and Flamefur to get up. I sighed and got up and pushed Flamefur up to her paws. She growled a little but finally got up.

"Come on, we are going on a battle patrol, you are two of the best fighters." Nightmoon said. I didn't disagree. We were two of the best fighters. Flamefur had trained in the Dark Forest and she taught me a lot of what she learned. We just nodded and followed her and saw three other warriors and Spokenstar. Nightmoon nodded.

"Why is Spokenstar coming too?" Flamefur quietly asked me. I looked at her trying to tell her I didn't know at all.

As we got closer I realized Spokenstar was just talking to the warriors trying to tell them what had happened. We didn't know what happened but we were going to find out.

"Nightmoon, when you get there make sure to tell them to give us our territory back." So that's what had happened. They had taken our territory from us. I wondered what clan though. No one had said which clan and I started to worry it was Mapleclan. I was not going to fight Silverpaw or Moonpaw.

"Alright, come on now." Nightmoon said and took the lead out of the camp. I stayed in the back with Flamefur. I felt a small thing of cold air and looked to Flamefur's other side and saw Metalclaw. We fell back a little so we could talk to him.

"I'll be helping you two, it's Mapleclan if you were wondering." He said and I nodded. Of course it was. That new leader wasn't the best.

"Alright, thanks Metalclaw." Flamefur purred a little. I looked at her but her fiery glare was stronger and I stopped even trying.

"Make sure not to hurt Silverpaw or Moonpaw." I said to both of them.

"It's Silverhawk and Moonflash now." Metalclaw said. Of course he knew. He could always just got to them and watch over them.

"Those are nice names," Flamefur started, "I wish ours where really creative like that." I kinda agreed with her on that. 'Pelt,' 'fur,' and 'stripe' aren't that creative. 'Snow' was though and I was glad Bluesnow got a cool name. She deserved it. 'Hawk' and 'flash' were much cooler though. At least that's what I thought. I nodded slightly in agreement and I saw Metalclaw nod too. I forgot his was normal too.

That's another chapter, well vote and comment please I really love it. I usually do respond if there is a comment.
