

Leader: Spokenstar
Deputy: Nightmoon
Medicine cat: Novastep
Medicine cat apprentice: Sparkpaw
Warriors: Reedeyes, Krestleleap, Fireclaw, Embersong, Blackwhisker, Snowfang, Darkstripe, Musicshine, Badgertooth, Shadowwing, Amberfur, and Tuxheart
Apprentices: Flamepaw, Tigerpaw, Cheetahpaw, Bluepaw, Spottedpaw, Softpaw, Firepaw, Shinypaw, and Angelpaw
Queens: none
Kits: none
Elders: none


Leader: Dimstar
Deputy: Leafheart
Medicine cat: Airflight
Medicine cat apprentice: Dovepaw
Warriors: Blackpelt, Flashfire, Jaypool, Thorntail, Tigerfur, Tornclaw, Ivystorm, Cinderscar, Honeyear, Dawnfur, and Leatherheart
Apprentices: Silverpaw, Moonpaw, Emberpaw, and Jaypaw
Queens: none
Kits: none
Elders: none


Deputy: Bloodface
Medicine cat: Stripeface
Medicine cat apprentice: Pebblepaw
Warriors: Slashfur, Lightfang, Dirtfang, Leaftail, Halfface, and Toadfang
Apprentices: Scarpaw, Skypaw, Greypaw, Goldpaw, Crookedpaw, and Seedpaw
Queens: Yellowfur
Kits: lionkit, whitekit, and Tallkit
Elders: none


Leader: Heronstar
Deputy: Oakpelt
Medicine cat: Clawfang
Medicine cat apprentice: Blizzardkit
Warriors: Breezewhisker, kinkpelt, lilyfur, Snowdapple, Woodfur, Redfur, Nightfang, Whiteblizzard, Ashstripe, and Thunderquake
Apprentices: Falconpaw, Ratpaw, Duskpaw, and Hollypaw
Queens: Breeezescorch
Kits: smallkit and Sandkit
Elders: none

Dark Forest

Leader: Bloodtear
Deputy: Maplefur
Warriors: Metalclaw, Hawkfeathers, and Fawntail
Apprentices (in or training): Flamepaw and Spottedpaw
