Chapter 17

[Metalclaw's POV]

I walked around the Dark Forest a little bored. It was morning for Flamefur so she wouldn't come and train anytime soon. I was alone for a while. I rested in a small patch that was grass and soft just to rest. That's when I heard Fawntail and Hawkfeather talking. Usually I wouldn't eavesdrop but by their voice I could tell I needed to.

I got a little closer to them trying to stay up in the trees so they wouldn't see me. I had to go down a little so I could hear them better so I held myself close to the branch so it would be harder to see me. Anyways the branches in the Dark Forest where grey because of something I didn't remember that much. Bloodtear had told me why everything was either black or grey in the Dark Forest but I didn't bother to pay much attention to him.

"Metalclaw would never let him!" Fawntail hissed at her mate. You see Fawntail and Hawkfeather were mated before they died. They were pretty evil. Bloodtear and Maplefur trained them together. I didn't know much about them but I heard they almost killed their whole clan at night.

"Bloodtear doesn't care what that mousebrain says, he's going to kill her anyways!" Hawkfeather hissed back. He lashed his dark brown tail back and forth like he was mad. I guess he was mad. Who was the 'her' he was talking about anyways? It couldn't be Flamefur could it? She had been really been loyal to the Dark Forest. He couldn't possible be thinking of killing her.

"We can't tell Metalclaw he's going to kill Bluesnow though. He will go crazy!" Fawntail said trying to calm down. She was now sitting down with her tail wrapped around her paws. She looked more proper now. It was like she was trying to prove a point.

"Fine, I won't tell him but I won't let Bloodtear kill her either. No queen deserves to die before she has her kits. I'll let him kill her after she has the kits but not a moment before." Hawkfeather said. Wait, Bluesnow was expecting kits? Why did I not know about that? I should of known that first! That means I have to protect her more. I couldn't let Bloodtear kill her and her kits that aren't even born yet.

"Alright, I agree. We have to at least protect her until she has her kits." Fawntail said with a small nod. I sighed in relief. I quickly pinned my ears back so I blended in with branch easily. They just ignored me and went back to talking.

"Ok, remember, don't tell Metalclaw at all cost. We can't tell him or Flamefur especially. They both could freak out very easily." Hawkfeather said. I forgot about Flamefur at the second. She would freak out too. She would want to be with Bluesnow a lot more then she already did. I couldn't let her do that. That would take away from her time in fighting and helping her clan.

"Alright, let's go now before he finds us." Fawntail purred and started to run off. I saw Hawkfeather follow her closely behind her easily catching up to her and staying next to her. I sighed and laid on the branch trying to think about what just happened.


Remember a really long time ago Metalpaw promised to protect them. Well he hasn't forgotten. He's still going to protect them no matter what.
