Chapter 11

[Tigerstripe's POV]

I watched as Spokenstar called those that were going to the gathering. I stood by Angelwing and smiled softly to her. She smiled back and Spokenstar started to walk out of the camp. I followed in the back and Angelwing stayed by me.

"Hey Angelwing." I smiled to her softly. We kept walking through the forest heading to the gathering.

"Hey Tigerstripe." She said looking around barely looking at me. I could tell she was focused on something else.

"What you looking around for?" I asked her. I just wanted to know.

"Oh, I just want to memorize how we get to the gathering place for when I go again." She said looking to me now. She had sparkling light blue eyes. I tried to hold back a purr but that didn't work at all. She heard it and perked her ears up a little but seemed not really care. Did she not like me?

"Alright..." I mumbled and kept walking in silence. I wasn't sure what to say anymore. I kept walking and we soon got to the gathering place. It seemed different but it was probably only looking strange since I haven't been there in a while.

Mapleclan was already there. There was a new leader. I looked through the warriors trying to see Bluesnow or even Flamefur if she had even came back to anywhere. I soon saw the white fur of Moonflash. She wasn't next to Silverhawk though. I walked over to her quickly.

"Is Bluesnow here?" I asked her in a hushed voice. I knew most of the Mapleclan warriors still didn't really like Depthclan for what happened.

"No, she stayed back. Flamefur is fine though. She's staying with her and Embercloud." She said softly. Wait, who was Embercloud? I didn't feel like asking right away but she must of read my mind or something. "Embercloud," she paused and took a deep breath, "Embercloud is Bluesnow's mate."

Once I heard her my eyes widened. Bluesnow had a mate already? My little sister? I sighed and slouched a little.

"I guess the three toms will be the last ones to get mates then." I chuckled and she opened her mouth to say something but then closed it after about a second. "Wait, did Silverhawk already ask you to be his mate?" I asked.

"How did you guess?" She laughed nervously. "He asked me the night after we were made warriors." She said. I sighed. Was I going to be the last to get a mate? Was I even going to get a mate?

"Well I'm happy for you. I guess Cheetahpelt and me will be left behind." I said and looked around. I saw Angelwing sitting with her white tailed curled around her feet. She did look like an angel to me. I doubt she even liked me though.

"Who you looking at? Do you like someone?" She asked me trying to bug me like a little sister. I held back a chuckle.

"I'm looking to Angelwing, and yes I do like someone. It's her. She's amazing." I said with a small purr I couldn't hold it back anymore.

"Go talk to her!" She said and pushed me a little toward her. I pawed at her laughing a little.

"No! I'm already embarrassed." I said and scrunched up next to her scared. She looked to me and I could tell she was trying to hold back a laugh.

"I've never seen you this scared, it really amuses me though." She said and nudged me barely and made me fall down. I laughed and I felt eyes on me. I got up.

"Moonflash!" I hissed and pushed her. "You made everyone look at me." I said under my breath.

"I thought you would be used to it, or maybe your just so used to being in your sister's shadow!" She accused me! Me of all cats! I growl slightly.

"I am not my sister's shadow!" I growl at her. I couldn't believe she thought that. Her of all cats!

"Whatever you say." She rolled her eyes playfully at me. I chuckle.

"Alright, alright, I might be a little jealous." I admitted. I was jealous of Flamefur though. She was an amazing fighter, a beautiful shecat, a natural born leader, and most of all just an amazing sister. I couldn't best her.

"Hey, don't be jealous of her, she's jealous of you too though." She said. My eyes widened again. Flamefur was jealous of me? My brave big sister was jealous of someone smaller then her.

"Is she really?" I asked. I just had to know. Moonflash nodded and kept looking pass me.

"Hey Tigerstripe, hey shecat I don't know." A voice said softly behind me. I knew who it was right away. It was Angelwing.

"This is Moonflash, my brother's mate." I said turning to her. Her blue eyes sparkled with curiosity.

"I thought Cheetahpelt didn't have a mate?" She asked a little.

"I have another brother. His name is Silverhawk-"

"-and he lives in Mapleclan and he asked me if I would be his mate." Moonflash cut in. She flicked her tail back and forth hitting me many times.

"Oh, alright. That's cool I guess." She said softly.

"Yea," Moonflash said and leaned to me, "I'm going to go talk to someone in my clan. Don't be shy!" She basically hissed the last part in me ear. I turned to her and begged her with my eyes to stay here with me. I couldn't help but be shy with her.

Moonflash walked off to chat with her clan. Angelwing and I was led there sitting in awkward silence.

"Angelwing, you look amazing right now." I said. She looked down.

"Thanks Tigerstripe. You actually always look amazing and handsome." She said looking up to me in my eyes. I gulped nervously. Could I do this? Would I be able to ask Angelwing, the most beautiful shecat I know, to be my mate! I don't know. I took a deep breath.


Cliffhanger, I think it's going to be a mean one too because I might go back to the other cats. Tell me how you liked the longer chapter. Did I do good? I tried my best. It was harder because I usually don't write that much.
