
Before everyone knew it, the morning came.

Dark was walking outside with his gear, he had his rifle upon his back as well as a pistol that rested on his right hip. In his hands was the map, that way he knew where they were going.

Carver gruffly walked up behind Dark, his expression was rather cold and distant. He had a bag on his back and a machete that rested on his back. His lips firmly held a cigarette as he walked by Dark, clearly he was not going to wait around.

Dark frowned at Carver, of all times to smoke.

Abe quickly ran to Dark, his expression was beaming with life. It would seem a simple kiss on a cheek could really get a guy going. "We ready to head out?"

Dark nodded as he smiled, he looked back at Riley who walked up.

"You better be careful out there.", sincerely spoke Riley as she looked at Abe and Dark with gentle eyes.

Abe nodded at her, "You can count on us! You just make sure everyone is safe until we get back."

Riley smiled as she nodded, "Of course."

Dark smiled as he began to walk, the sun was slowly beginning to rise up into the vast sky. The light from the sun will quickly cover the whole island, evaporating what little darkness was left.

"Dark!", spoke Riley.

Dark looked at her curiously as Abe turned to look over as well.

Riley gave them both a cautious look, "Watch him."

Both Dark and Abe knew what she meant as their eyes landed on Carver who was standing ahead of them. His posture was rather straight, though he had that shadiness about him.

Dark looked at her as he nodded, he soon walked forward. Abe followed him as he waved at Riley, his kindness could clearly be seen by his actions.

"I can't believe you guys want to go get parts.", gruffly spoke Carver in a dull tone.

Dark frowned at him. "We will die if we don't."

Carver gave a scoff, "We are going to die anyway."

Abe looked at Carver with a frown. "Yeah, but I plan to die when I'm old and gray."

Carver scoffed again as he spat out his cigarette, his boots stomped on it with a distinct thud.

Dark opened the map as he began walking, "Stay close."

Abe nodded as he walked beside Dark, while Carver slowly followed behind them.

The sounds of life was all around them, this whole entire island appeared so much bigger than what it was originally. All that separated them from the mainland was the vast amount of ocean, that and the dinosaurs.

Dark looked around as he walked, Abe was focused on his surroundings as he walked close behind Dark. Carver merely looked bored as he followed after them, his hands were in his pant pockets.

It would take a while for them to reach their destination.

Of course they were not looking forward to it, since there was danger that would be waiting for them. So many dangerous carnivores resided where they were going too.

Before the theme park went into chaos, the herbivores and carnivores were separated from one another. Where they were headed was where the carnivores were, and there was no doubt that their numbers had grown.

Dark was worried about it, and all that he wanted was to keep everyone alive. It was a hard thing to do, cause one mistake could kill them.

Dinosaurs were very unpredictable, but they were effective killers. That was what made them so dangerous.

Abe looked behind himself to look at Carver, he looked at Dark silently as they walked.

After sometime did Abe speak up, "What are we expecting once we get there?"

Dark looked at him as he shrugged, "I don't know really? What I expect to see is a whole bunch of carnivores."

Abe frowned when he said that, "Why can't it be just herbivores?"

Dark smiled a bit, "Herbivores can be just as dangerous as the carnivores."

Abe laughed a bit, "True, but at least they don't chase us."

Carver rolled his eyes as they talked, he saw no interest in their discussion.

Dark looked at the map, he could see that the terrain was going to become more rugged and rough. That only means a lot of hardcore hiking was waiting just for them.

Abe looked back at Carver curiously, he even gifted the man with a optimistic smile. "How are you holding up?"

Carver glared at him, his expression was clearly annoyed. "Shut it."

Abe looked away at his response, he looked at Dark as he said. "How are you holding up pal?"

Dark smiled looking up from the map, "Good I guess?"

Abe smiled at him, "Good!"

Carver groaned loudly, his eyes looked away from the two who walked in front of him. The fact that he was a smoker only meant that he could only go so far. He couldn't really run either due to all the toxins that surround his lungs.

Dark knew this after sometime of walking, the terrain was beginning to become rougher. His eyes looked back at Carver who was panting and groaning as he tried to catch what little air he could.

Abe looked at Carver with a faint worried expression, he only could imagine what he was going through. Thank god he didn't smoke!

"You need a break?", asked Dark.

Carver growled out, "No."

Abe looked at Dark as Carver quickly walked up in between them, his shoulders hit both Dark and Abe as he said. "Let's keep moving assholes!"

Dark frowned after Carver much like Abe who rubbed his shoulder. "God what a jerk!"

Dark blinked as Carver turned around, his eyes were locked on Abe. "What did you say!"

Abe blinked as Carver stormed over to him. "..!"

Dark got in between Carver and Abe. "Carver don't."

Carver glared at Abe for the longest time, after so much of walking in the woods. It would seem that Carver was clearly annoyed about every little thing. That and he hadn't had his smoke yet.

They had been walking for three hours, and Carver was not enjoying the hike and he was wanting a smoke.

Dark told him to not smoke anymore until they get to a safe location. Clearly he didn't like that either.

The only reason why Dark said that, was cause the cigarette smoke would no doubt attract curious noses. Dinosaurs were very curious about new scents, and they would always come to investigate the smell.

Carver growled as he turned away, both of his fists were clenched as he walked.

Dark watched him go before looking at Abe who shook his head.

The air around Carver was a negative one, he could not get along with anyone. No matter how hard he would try.

Dark followed after Carver with Abe at his side. The calls of the dinosaurs were all around them as they continued their hike. Carver was not in the greatest of moods either. The more he walked, the worse he became.

Dark noticed this as Carver would cuss under his breath every time he was about fall over or missed his step.

The roots were definitely a issue now, for every step was a little tricky.

Abe looked around, he took notice of how different the area was around them. He looked up as he took notice of the sun, for it was different from how it was early this morning.

Looking at it, he could assume it was a little after 11 o'clock.

Abe froze up after hearing a loud monstrous sound, it was like a mixture of a T-rex and something else. His first thought was that it was that animal that had attacked Riley and them not so long ago.

Just the thought made his skin crawl.

Dark caught on to the cries as well as he looked around silently, it sounded some what close to them which was not good.

Riley had mentioned that it was smart enough to follow them, as well as she said it remembers.

It was clearly a hybrid, Dark honestly felt that way by how different the beast looked. No normal dinosaur looked like that colossal animal, that and the theme park never mentioned it either.

Carver blinked as he stopped, he was roughly panting as he tried to regain his breath. He looked from side to side as he took a hold of his machete handle.

Abe and Dark looked at him suddenly as they saw him going to draw his weapon.

In a split second, a large animal slightly bigger than a human came rushing out of the brush. It's hide was a distinct tone of red with black stripes similar to that of a normal tiger.

It was a herrerasaurus as it lunged at Carver from his side.

Dark rushed to pull out his pistol, while Abe did the same. However, a chopping like sound cut through the air and both Dark along with Abe were speechless.

The body of the herrerasaurus slumped to the floor hard, as its head fell to the floor with a distinct thud. Carver had skillfully pulled out his machete and unmercifully be headed the animal.

Carver glared at the twitching body of the beast as he spat at it rather cruelly. "Damn lizards."

Carver walked off in a huff leaving the body as Dark and Abe followed him with a impressed look upon their faces.

The hike continued for the three of them as noon approached them, the air around them was thicker the more they walked closer to their destination. Those parts were something that they needed, without them they would not be able to leave the island.

Of course they were being watched, and unknowingly they were also followed by many silhouettes.
