Calm Before The Storm

A exciting day to discover what was lost, the sounds of excitement and laughter filled the streets of a grand looking park that has attracted millions of people. Many families out and about taking in not only the view of the park but what the park held. Sounds of life all around them was a rather heart warming experience. Millions of people have seen all that the world has to offer, and suddenly they grow bored of it. They wanted more and like many businesses they delivered to the greedy yet demanding population. No one thinks things through and when that happens do things enter the fan very quickly.

The streets that once held life and happiness was now clouded in a dark unwelcoming manner. The buildings which were once taken care of and was full of people were empty and damaged. It was almost as if nature liked sick games, and so many people were caught up in it. The sounds that once brought wonder and excitement now only brought terror and fear.

"Did you find anything?", asked a young man who was well equipped with weapons. His dark locks were tied in a ponytail as he looked to the other gentleman who was carefully searching a building. The sun was up making the air humid and muggy, and there was little wind to be found. "I found a good little bit but there ain't much I'm afraid?", replied the other male who adjusted a bag on one of his broad shoulders. It was so crazy now, to be on a dangerous place full of ravenous creatures. "Damn...", sighed the young man who looked around the area being sure to observe their surroundings. "Wanna keep searching a bit more?"

The screaming was always eerie, the day the park fell into ruin was close to the day of the world ending. "Hey, did you hear me buddy?", asked the guy with two large bags on his back. "Oh, sorry did you say something?", apologetically responded the guy with the ponytail. "Damn, I swear Dark your spacing out more and more.", chuckled the guy as he walked by Dark. Dark was a mystery to most people who seemed to have known him. He never really spoke about himself or what he did which sparked many people and their curiosity. "I'm sorry, Abe", spoke Dark as he followed Abe. Dark was looking around curiously making sure to keep his eyes peeled for movement anywhere. The weapons on his back was a indicator that he knew how to use them. Abe had two bags full of supplies, but of course he had a weapon or two on his body.

Both gentlemen entered another building being ever so cautious not to make to much noise. It was some what of a blessing that there were weapons inside of the park. Of course it was a matter of time before they go through all of their ammo. Dark looked outside a damaged window, his eyes narrowed before looking to Abe who was gathering a few things. It was in the middle of the day, but that didn't mean there was no dinosaurs. They were everywhere in the park, always waiting for a chance to strike a vulnerable person. Abe sighed putting things in his bag, his brown hair short in a buzz cut style. Both gentlemen were wearing clothes colored to fit into the mass amount of forest within the park.

They weren't blending in now though being in buildings where there was openings just about everywhere. Dark's eyes of brown looked almost red as he scanned the landscape. "We better be ready to leave the moment it gets dark.", spoke Dark knowing the dangers of the night. Abe nodded obviously agreeing with him, "Oh we will, I don't wanna be out here at night either. It gets rather spooky." Abe of course was trying to lighten up the faint tension around them. Dark blinked picking up on movement across the way from them, his hands lifted his rifle and looked down it as he aimed. Dark was stiff as he held his breath, he made sure to listen carefully. The sound of tapping was a dead give away that something was approaching their location. "You better hurry up, we aren't alone.", spoke Dark in a serious tone. Abe blinked fast and stood up grabbing the bag, as he flipped it onto his frame.

"What is it?", asked Abe placing his hand on a pistol which made home at his side. Dark shrugged not sure on what it was yet, it could be anything really course it couldn't be a giant predator seeing as their feet gave them away. "I don't want to know if I'm being honest?", responded Dark as he slowly walked sideways with his gun still raised. Abe some what swallowed following Dark's lead, he feared it could be a raptor. If there was one raptor that meant that the others weren't far behind. Dark stopped as the sound of its steps seemed to have vanished. This made the hair on the back of his neck rise in complete dread. Abe noticed that Dark stopped and he frowned displeased by this, that meant that something was going to happen and fast.

Dark was about to say something before the tapping started up again upon the solid stone flooring. Dark caught a glimpse of something and pointed his gun to it. The sound he heard was one he wished wasn't there, it was a raptor no doubt scouting the area for a quick meal. Abe heard the sound and he had to keep himself from making a sound of disapproval. Raptors were quick and deadly pack hunters, they were also very intelligent creatures. Abe looked to Dark as he whispered, "What now?"

Dark silently scoffed, "We run back to camp, course with our bodies still intacted" Abe of course nodded full on aboard with that plan. Dark watched the raptor closely, his eyes focused on where it was going. It took a moment before the raptor made a barking call most likely communicating with the others some where in the area. Abe felt his blood grow cold as he watched the animal dart into the woods with its tail maintaining its balance. Dark still looked uneasy obviously knowing that they had better tread lightly or else be spotted and followed by  the raptors.

"Let's go.", spoke Dark as he quickly ran. Abe nodded following after Dark with his pistol still drawn while looking around the area closely.

Dark's mind seemed to always go back to when the park fell from its glory. Many families were flocking to evacuate, tons of people were separated from their loved ones in the fray. Dark thought he was the only one to be left behind but that was not the case. He met Abe and a few others which he was some what thankful for. To be left alone on a park over run by dinosaurs wasn't really a expensive getaway that he had in mind. Most of everyone didn't know how long they have been stuck on the park. It was always a guessing game that they tended to play but anything to keep them busy from having to survive with dangerous animals. Communications were down sadly enough which made it hard to get help.

Everyone was working hard to survive, most of everyone gathered supplies just about every week. Dark really didn't want to think about going through everything, if they did surviving would be harder and unforgiving. Abe was the optimist of their small group, though there are some days where everything weighs on him making it harder for him to remain optimistic. Dark took in the humid air of the forest as they walked through it. Abe seemed to be thinking on somethings seeing he was quietly mumbling to himself. "Something on your mind?", asked Dark carefully making sure to keep his voice down.

"Ah, just thinking about what all we got.", replied Abe who faintly smiled more to himself than Dark. Abe's blue eyes looked around curiously though not liking being in the woods knowing there was a raptor pack nearby. Dark sort of smirked glancing back at Abe before looking ahead. Their camp was close by, not only that but it is located near the herbivores. Course, with freely roaming dinosaurs there could be a chance that a predator or two was there. Seeing the building where camp was did Dark smile while Abe let out a relieved sigh.

The camp was made up well thanks to everyone who worked on it. It was no mansion but it was something that they could use until they get the communication back up and running. Everyone believed in rescue, in all truth that was what kept everyone going. Dark entered the gate with Abe not close behind looking happy to be back in a sort of safe location. Their camp was the communication building, it wasn't to small or large which was perfect for their group. Dark entered the building where everyone most likely was. Abe took off the two bags on his back and placed them on the counter. Dark did the same with the weapons, he also made sure to make constant notes on the ammo.

As night was slowly approaching, with it the hungry calls of carnivores getting ready for the hunt.
