Dire Conclusion

As the raptors continued to make their calls in the brush, Dark and Abe remained ready as they kept their eyes focused on the sounds of the animals. The air was tense, and this made everyone feel exhausted. They had done so much in order for them all to still be alive, though they had some heavy losses along the way.

Dark slowly looked behind himself to look out at the ocean, while his mind was desperately trying to find a shape in the water. Just how long would they have to wait, just by standing there they were in the worst kind of positions. 

The pack of raptors along with that hybrid were close on their tail, and he wanted to get everyone out of there. Dark didn't want to lose anyone else, and if they did he would feel completely awful. He was the one who had always said not to leave anyone behind, and yet he had lost people. These creatures were only surviving and he knew this.

Yet he couldn't help but feel a little angry at both the animals as well as their creators. It was irresponsible of the people to make a theme park for animals that they had little control over.

Dark looked ahead of himself as the bushes continued to move, these raptors were still making calls to one another. These animals were watching them and no doubt making a plan. It was not hard to see what they were doing, for raptors were intelligent pack hunters.

Time tediously went by, with each passing second brought forth a new kind of fear. The sounds of the raptors became more active, and this made both Dark and Abe put up their guns. Both gentlemen were looking dead ahead with ever watchful eyes. These deadly pack hunters were about to make their move, and they had to be ready for it.

It was then that Chris made a sound, and Dark glanced over to look at what he was looking at. Dark's eyes went wide, for in the distance he saw helicopters  and ships.

Just by seeing that made Dark's heart beat faster in his excitement, rescue was coming. Never had he thought that he would see the day that they would be getting off of the island. However, a low yet loud sound erupted at his side. Dark's eyes went wide as he saw Abe on the floor with a raptor on top of him.

"ABE!?!", screamed Jessica in her panic.

Dark quickly lifted up his gun and shot the animal in the head, and he watched as its body went limp over Abe's body. Moving quickly, Dark took a hold of the animal and pushed its lifeless body off of Abe who was not moving.

"No! NO! Abe!?!", groaned Dark as he looked at the man who had became his best friend since day one of being on this island.

Jessica practically scrambled over while Chris began to shake and sob. Dark looked at Jessica who took a hold of Abe's head and hugged him close to her chest, as tears fell from her eyes. Abe was miraculously still breathing, though blood began to form on his right arm and shoulders.

Dark looked at the brush, his eyes went wide at the realization that the sounds from the raptors had stopped. Why did they stop suddenly, this brought a bad taste to his mouth.

Chris slowly moved over to his mother who quickly brought him into a hug. Jessica was hugging both boys with tears in her eyes. Rescue was coming but something else was approaching as well.

A loud startled cry came from one of the raptors as they fled, the movement of the bushes were fast as the raptors ran away in a form of fear. Dark heard a low chuffing sound, as a strong hiss became louder and closer. The hybrid was coming, this is what he feared the most.

Would their rescue be able to handle the animal or will everything that they worked hard for, come to a end.

Dark was quick to make his decision then, he lifted his gun with a determined look on his face. He would keep his word to those who were still alive, and in order to do this he needed to give all of his friends time to escape. Pulling the trigger, he shot at the hybrid and he was quick to move away from everyone else.

In a instant he watched the hybrid come at him, the trees caved in due to the animals strength. Dark fired another shot, hitting the hybrid on the side of the head. Once he made sure that the animal was fully focused on him did he smile.

"DARK!", screamed Riley as she watched Dark run away from them while the hybrid was quickly running right behind him.

"GET OUT OF HERE!?!", yelled Dark as the hybrid roared loudly behind him.

The sounds of loud footsteps were heavy upon the sand, and Dark was full on sprinting ahead of the enraged hybrid who was viciously snarling behind him. Dark quickly looked into the tree line before running into the trees. A loud snap he practically felt against his back, for the hybrid missed him by a few inches.

Chirping of startled birds came from the tree tops as the hybrid let out a angered cry. Dark was breathing loudly, his eyes were looking ahead as he put his all into running. This was all happening so fast, but he didn't feel bad. He was providing the others time to escape.

Dark literally felt the large presence following after him, its clawed hands were desperately reaching out for him. He looked back and tried his best to dodge the massive hands that were trying to capture him. Luckily, the trees along with their branches would get in the way of the hybrid giving him enough time to get away.

Dark blinked as his foot hit a thick root, this sent him falling forward. After he had fell, he rolled down a fair sized slope. Getting up once he hit the bottom did he run again as the hybrid stumbled down the slope as well.

He honestly felt light headed as he was reaching the end of his adrenaline rush, he wouldn't be able to run much longer. Dark blinked as he felt a strong impact hit his back, his eyes were wide before closing. Everything went black for him, and he legitimately thought that he was dead.

It was a scary feeling, to believe that you would be dead. Dark honestly felt that he was, and now he was waiting for that bright light to open up before him. However, he heard muffled sounds and a bright light began to pierce his eyes which were struggling to open.

Dark opened his eyes slowly and he blinked them slowly, for he was not in the forest but he was in some kind of room. Though, the sounds of the helicopter he was quick to pick up on.

"W-What...?", asked Dark whose body was some what shaking due to the horrifying chase that he was trying so hard to escape from.

Riley looked at him, her eyes showed relief. "You're okay!"

Dark looked around painfully, it was then he realized that his body was bandaged up. "How did I...?"

Riley looked at him as she softly touched his head, "They sent out a team to get you, the army saved you though they thought you were dead."

Dark looked at her very confused and weak, he couldn't feel his body for it was numb. "The animal where...?"

Riley sighed with a kind expression, "They got you out of there, and they are planning on destroying the island. So, that monster will no doubt meet a painful demise."

Dark couldn't believe it, he was saved though he about died. He slowly looked around and he was able to see Hope and Tyler who was bandaged up. "W-Where's Abe...?"

Riley looked at him as she replied, "They are in another helicopter, he will survive from what they have said."

Thank god, was the only thing that washed over Dark. He did it, he was able to save everyone else though he didn't even think that he would of survived either. Dark had come to accept sacrificing himself for everyone else, but it would seem that it was not his turn just yet.

The sounds of the helicopter was rather soothing to Dark, his eyes closed as Riley continued to softly pet his hair. After all this time, they were finally going home.


Dark and the rest of everyone else were able to return to the mainland. Abe had to get stitches but it was nothing to serious, though Dark had a various amount of damage done to him. Dark had to stay in the hospital for quite sometime after the ordeal, and even had to go through physical therapy.

While Dark was recovering, the news channel gained his attention for they were talking about the theme park. Riley was telling the truth, for that place of terror and survival was going to be destroyed.

Though he held anger toward the animals, it was more directed to those who had made the animals only then to make it a tourist attraction. Those animals were all going to be killed, which was rather sad to say the least but the place was just to dangerous.

Many people shared their dislike of the island being destroyed, and many people were discussing their views on what should happen to it.

Riley would visit him constantly and Tyler was recovering well from his injuries, though he had stitches upon his back. It was a very special thing that they had for one another, though they were not related they all viewed each other as a family. Abe and Jessica were a couple which made Chris extremely happy.

It was good to see Chris revert back to himself, for he was actually doing things that a kid should do. He didn't need to worry about danger, for there was no danger on the mainland.

Dark had asked Riley what had happened and she told him what she was told when the army had found him.

Apparently, he was in the clutches of the hybrid when the army had arrived. He was not breathing which they assumed he was dead, having enough firepower to scare off the animal did they run in. Dark was not dead, though he was literally on the brink of it. The army had to move fast in order to save his life, for he was in a critical condition.

They even told Riley that it would be a real miracle if he was to make it back to the mainland alive.

This news didn't surprise Dark, for he knew that he was hit hard. He even accepted his own death at that moment, and he didn't regret it either. He wanted to do that for everyone, after all he wanted to keep his promise to them. Dark wanted to make sure that they would make it home in one piece.

When the island was issued to be destroyed, everyone who had came from that place watched it together. Dark was in a therapy facility and Riley's family along with Abe's family sat with Dark to watch the horrible end of the island.

Dark felt bad for those animals who were made by man, and he honestly hoped that all the animals didn't suffer to badly.

After the island was destroyed, Dark was settling in and was glad to be home much like everyone else who was living their lives. Though, that hybrid still lingers within his dreams every time that he would go to sleep. To this day he hopes that the people learn their lesson, and to leave the bones of the deceased dinosaurs alone.
