Task at Hand

The sounds of the night air was a soothing sound, to bad they were outside with deadly predators. Dark followed after Carver with a great look of discomfort, the crickets continued to play their song in the background. Looking around, Dark didn't recognize where he was and honestly he didn't know.

The map that he had was gone, so now he had to remember on where to go which was not easy due to his head hurting.

Carver was grumbling things under his breath, and he wasn't the only one who was upset. It was because of Carver that they were in this mess, if he had stayed quiet then they wouldn't have lost the map and Abe. Wherever he was now.

Course he couldn't help but feel like he was being to hard on Carver, after all he was only human. Dark had a thoughtful expression as he thought about it, if anything else they should of worked as a team.

"Carver where are we going?", asked Dark as he looked at him.

Carver glared at him from over his shoulder which made Dark frown at his response. "Didn't you say we gotta go to the dangerous part of the island? That is where we are going!"

Dark looked down with a frustrated expression, Carver was just the biggest jerk on this island. Heck, even the dinosaurs didn't compare to Carver and his attitude.

"How do you know if we are going the right way?", replied Dark who frowned.

Carver scoffed and went silent, and all that Dark could do was follow him. For now.

The heavy sound of breathing, and grabbing hold of a hard to open door. Abe closed it behind him as he sighed, miraculously he made it to the right place where the electronic parts were. Looking up, he looked at the building that he was in.

The building was empty, besides the fact that there were computers that didn't work anymore upon desks. The windows were all dirty and were in a bad state. As he looked around, he had that sense of fear for he didn't know if he was alone in the building or not.

Abe looked behind himself at the door, he looked down for he was worried about Dark and Carver. When those raptors chased them, he remembered seeing Dark and Carver vanish before his eyes. He would of most likely joined them, but the raptors had him completely surrounded which in turn made him run off in a different direction.

Fearing for his life he kept running, and didn't stop for anything or anyone. Somehow, someway he was able to get away from the raptor pack and made it into the building that he was now in.

It was dark outside, and Abe was exhausted.

He really wanted to take a nap but couldn't bring himself to until he knows that he is safe. The last thing he wanted was to wake up and see a raptor looking down at him.

Abe looked around, his pack snug on his back. His eyes caught sight of a radio and he immediately ran over to it. Looking it over, it looked to be in good shape. Taking his bag off, he began putting different things into his pack that would fit. He spent a good while picking up things and looking them over.

Looking up with a smile, he felt good. Now the thing was that he had to go find Dark and Carver.

Abe looked behind himself as he picked up a few more things that he thought could be useful. The sound of the door being opened however made his skin crawl.

Taking his bag he hid behind a desk and lowered himself to the ground, his heart beated fast until two familiar voices rang out through the abandoned building. "Dark! Carver!", he spoke up as he stood up.

"Dude, are you alright?", exclaimed a relieved Dark as he walked over.

"Yeah, But I should really be asking you that question?", replied Abe as he looked at Dark who had blood running down the side of his head.

"I'm alright, though I lost the map and pistol.", sighed Dark looking discouraged.

Abe smiled optimistically, "We don't need the map, this is the place!"

Dark blinked looking around in surprise, "Really?"

Carver rolled his eyes, "Whatever let's go back home then. The last thing we need is to be out here."

Dark frowned, "I think it would be wise to stay in here. At least wait until morning."

Abe nodded as he carefully touched Dark's head, "Yeah, besides we got to fix your head. You must of hit it hard huh?"

Dark nodded, "Yeah, I think I hit a rock or something?"

Abe sort of smiled as he looked through his bag, he looked in it thoroughly to find the necessary things to fix the wound on Dark's head.

While Abe saw to Dark, Carver looked around with his eyes narrowed. The building was abandoned without a doubt, the air was some what muggy due to it being dark outside. Carver walked around the building curiously as Abe began to patch up Dark's head. The night was going well for now, but how much longer until things go down hill again?

Abe looked at Dark as he put his things up, it took a bit but he was able to see to the wound and got it properly treated. Luckily, Dark didn't need stitches which was good.

Dark looked at Carver and watched him walk around the building, he looked at Abe as he asked. "Did you find a few things?"

Abe nodded as he smiled, "Yeah, it probably would not hurt to look around some more. Since you are here we can find more things that can help us out?"

Dark nodded as he smiled, "Yeah, the more we get the better chance of surviving we will have."

Abe patted Dark on the shoulder like a good friend would do, and Dark nodded at him with a confident smile upon his face.

Carver stopped as he looked at the side, there was a few rooms upon the side of the building. They looked to be like offices, seeing there was file cabinets and old papers that littered the floors.

Dark looked at the computer desks while Abe looked around some more with curiosity. All three men were focused on finding things that they can bring back to the others who wait for their return. Carver walked into a large building that looked to be like a meeting room.

His eyes landed on some papers that were on the large table.

Carver picked up the papers as he frowned, the papers were dirty and hard to read due to it being dark outside. The moonlight gave little light to the worn out windows of the building and Carver figured on using that light to read the papers.

"New Creation"

Was the title of one of the papers, interested Carver looked at it with a sharp scowl. The paper explained that the interest for the theme park was beginning to decline. Having lost a lot of money due to the public losing interest with the normal dinosaurs that they had to find a way to bring back the public.

'That way', was to begin creating their own never before seen dinosaurs that are considered "thrilling" and "the new chapter" for all theme parks everywhere.

Carver glared as he stared at the paper in his hand, his eyes burning with great disgust.

"Our first new entry", was the next titled piece of paper that goes into detail of crossing dna with the most dangerous of dinosaurs. This creation would be bigger than a rex, and be incredibly smart thanks to fusing dna with the smartest of dinosaurs one of which stating that they used troodon dna along with that of a velociraptor.

"Stupid people", growled Carver.
