
As the night rolled in, along with it the hungry predators of the island. The camp that was the only safe place was beginning to show signs of weaknesses. Raptors were really abusing the walls around the camp. There was no telling how much longer they could stay there.

To make matters worse, they would need a new radio and new parts to simply get the communications back up and running. The important thing was to get that radio to work and call for help. That was the only major thing that needed to be done.

But that meant that they would have to go to the other side of the island and get those parts needed to get the radio back to working. This was going to be a major problem for all of them but it needed to be done.

Dark looked at Abe who was leaned against the wall, Chris was sitting beside Abe with a worried expression. The worry upon his face was a good indicator to what the night held for all of them. Tonight was the night that they would be discussing about what needs to be done. A meeting if you will. This was a good time as any to talk it out and make a few good plans.

Riley looked very tense as she sat on a worn out stool, Tyler and Hope were sitting beside her in normal chairs.

It was rather quiet in the room but it grew very tense when Carver walked in. The look Riley gave the man was enough to kill him, if looks could kill Carver would of died right then and there. Jessica stood beside Jack whose arm was wrapped up due to the attack by the raptor a little while ago.

"Tonight is going to be a serious one.", spoke Dark as he looked to everyone. "We will need to gather parts to make a new radio.", he spoke up as he looked at Jack.

"Yes, I know where some parts are but they are on the other side of the island.", added Jack who looked a little uncomfortable.

To say that to a bunch of weary survivors was risky for no one knew how anyone else would react. Abe frowned not liking the sounds of that, Chris looked back at Abe with a sad expression.

They experienced a heavy loss, or rather Riley did for what happened to her. Carver had no right to do that though the man would say different.

"I can make a map to where the place...", before Jack could finish Carver spoke up.

"I have a better idea why don't we all just jump into the animals mouths. At least that is a easy plan for some."

"You bastard!", yelled Riley who was about to stand up and draw her gun.

"Whoa!?!", loudly spoke Abe as he moved from the wall and quickly moved to Riley.

"Guys!?! We need to think about this!", strongly spoke Dark.

Everyone looked at Dark while Carver laughed in a deep unsettling way. They were not going to get anywhere if they start lashing out at each others throats.

Dark understood what Riley was going through, no one should have to lose a family member. Especially in the way that had happened. Both of his kids watched him die as well which was a heartbreaking moment for them. It hurt deeper only cause Adam kept saying that he was going to keep his promise to them.

"We need to make a plan! That means we will have to work together.", spoke Dark as he looked at everyone sincerely.

Riley looked at him and she silently sat back down, her eyes slowly moved back to Tyler and Hope. She gave them a smile before looking at Dark. "I understand and I will do my best to help you out."

Dark smiled as he nodded to her, he looked at Jack as he said, "If you can make a map that could help."

Jack grinned as he nodded, "Of course!"

Abe looked at Carver sternly before looking at Dark and giving his trademark optimistic smile, "I'm behind you all the way!"

Dark couldn't help but let out a laugh, Jessica looked at everyone kindly but she frowned looking at Carver.

"If you all do this, you all will be good as dead.", spoke Carver who looked at everyone negatively. "I can see that this is a stupid idea."

Dark frowned, "We have to do something or else die trying!"

Carver scoffed, "You try and try and for what to live for two more hours?"

Abe looked at Jessica obviously sensing her uncomfortableness. The air was thick with it so it was hard to miss.

Dark closed his eyes as he said, "Carver I would think it best for you to come with me when we leave to get parts."

Abe looked at Dark surprised by what he said, it was not that hard to see since everyone looked bewildered.

Carver scoffed but didn't say anything besides, "It would be better out there than being with a bunch of weaklings."

"Dark are you sure?", asked Riley who looked at him with a honest gaze.

Dark nodded as he said, "You been through a lot and besides I think you could keep everyone else safe."

Riley blinked and she smiled feeling glad that he trusted her enough to keep everyone safe. Jessica looked happy only cause that meant that Carver was not going to be there. Abe looked at Dark as he asked, "What about me?"

Dark sort of smiled as he said, "You can come if you want?"

Abe pointed his finger at him with a serious face he could muster, "You can bet I'm coming with!"

Carver rolled his eyes clearly disgusted by the exchange the two of them had. "I'm surprised you two morons lived this long.", gruffly spoke Carver.

Riley looked at him with a deep glare, "You better help them out! You don't the dinosaurs will be the last of your worries!"

Carver didn't looked fazed by her words as he gave her a cold smile. Tyler flipped the man off which made Hope flinch.

Dark looked at Chris as he smiled, "You take care of your mom while we are gone."

Chris smiled nodding, "I will!"

Abe sort of laughed at Tyler before looking at Dark as he asked, "I guess we need to check our things?"

Dark nodded as he looked at Abe, "Better being prepared than not."

The meeting went well without to many problems, it was decided that Dark, Abe, and Carver were to go out and get those parts. Having Carver along was a new obstacle of course for the man was negative and had his eyes on different things. Did Dark wish for anything to happen to him? No not really. Just by bringing him along it may change his views some. Carver has never been out of the camp, cause the man was adamant on not going out.

Carver feared going out and at first the man would throw the biggest rage when he was being forced outside. This was definitely a change for he said it was better being outside than be with Riley. Dark some what laughed, Maybe Riley scared the man to the core? A bit of laughter appeared at Dark's side, it was Abe who had a smile on his face. Perhaps, the both of them shared the same thought on Carver being scared of Riley.

The darkness outside was as dark as the abyss, it was hard to see anything. It was a blessing to make it back to camp when they did. If they were outside in the dark they would not see anything coming at them. Utahraptors practically blend into the darkness, and that was what made them more scary than any large predator.

Dark had his bag open as he looked at what he had, he had a few bullets which was good. They would need to go easy on using them, that or make every shot count. Lifting his eyes did he smile at Jessica who handed him the map Jack made.

"You better be careful out there.", spoke Jessica with care.

Dark nodded as he looked at the map given to him, "We will."

Jessica looked thoughtful as she asked, "Why Carver?"

Dark shrugged as he lightly laughed, "Figured on taking him off your hands?"

Jessica laughed a bit before she looked down, "I hope we can get off this island."

Dark looked at her and he nodded giving her a confident smile, "We will."

Jessica looked at him and she smiled at him, the confidence behind his words made her feel hopeful. Not everyone had that confidence, but she was glad that Dark had it. She nodded to him as she softly moved to stand up. "Got to check on Abe.", she some what laughed.

Dark nodded with a smile as he watched her walk over to Abe. As he began putting things in his bag he couldn't help but glance up as if to check on both of them.

Abe gave her such a kind smile, and Jessica would always return it. Dark watched as she gave Abe a kiss on the cheek. He blinked and looked down fast not believing what he had seen. Love on a island infested with dinosaurs, now that was something that no one expected.

Scratch that, yeah many would expect that. To forget about the constant danger and to spend time with someone who clearly cares for you especially in dark times. That was something very pure. Dark hoped to bring back everyone in one piece, if he didn't Jessica probably wouldn't forgive him.
