Nightmares Are Real

They had continued walking on their way back home or what was used as a home. The rush of that raptor trying to charge in on them was heavy on everyone's minds. That could happen again or worse a rex may try and attack them in hopes of getting a snack.

Unknowingly to the three of them however, they were being watched by aggressive eyes, a large figure hid itself in the trees.

Dark was focused on getting everyone back, Carver and Abe both had helped. In some degree, and was ready to go back, get the radio up and running, and get out of here. That was the main goal, to get out of this place alive.

As they walked, Dark couldn't help but think back to the park when it was in its prime.

The laughter. The excitement of seeing animals that were meant to be extinct. To see them run around and flourish. Children of all ages wanted to come here and see the dinosaurs. It was a dream come true, according to how the children laughed and pulled their parents along.

Now look at it, it was gloomy.

The buildings which were once clean and fed the tourist were now worn down husks of what they use to be. It was hard to imagine such a pristine park to fall into ruin but what did everyone expect. Dinosaurs don't know what time or era it was, to them the world still was the same. They didn't know that they were meant to entertain the so many guests, to them the humans were another animal that they could kill.

Dark shook his head, this was what happens when you play with the dead. Those who were meant to be extinct should remain that way, after all the words were clear.

Let them, "Rest In Peace."

Abe was walking right beside Dark, he looked just like Dark right now. They were tired, getting little to no sleep did that. Once they made it back they could sleep and take it easy, seeing as they deserved it.


"Yes pumpkin?"

"When can we do this again?"

"I don't know, I really don't."

A little girl looked at him with such beautiful eyes, her smile could melt the thickest of icebergs. She was so full of energy, as she skipped beside her father who was as you could say, "tough as nails."

The park was full of life, millions of people with their children came to this place as a get away from reality.


"I don't love you anymore, I just think that it can't work out between us.", spoke a feminine voice as she looked at the lawyer.

The father of course sat there with a blank expression.

"What about the girl?", asked the lawyer.

"She stays with me.", growled the father.

The lawyer and his ex wife looked at him in disagreement. "I don't mean this to offend you or anything sir? But you are not suitable to care for your daughter?"

"Oh what!?! So she is!", snapped the father pointing at his ex, the wooden chair he was sitting on was now on the floor on its side after a harsh shove.

"You are to aggressive! Besides she needs her mother more than a aggressive father!", spat his ex.

Reality was awful. It was disgusting.

Dreams were temporary. Nightmares were forever.

"I will let you spend the weekends with her, but that is it.", spoke his ex. Their daughter was never told about the divorce, her mother thought it best that she should never know of it.

"Daddy look! A petting zoo!"

He watched with a smile, his eyes showed adoration for his daughter. A fathers love.

"Easy! Here let me help you."

He helped his daughter up on a infant trike, his daughter was happily laughing. Like any child they should always laugh.

"I love trikes!", smiled his daughter.

She looked at him with so much life, her eyes closed as she happily smiled. He of course smiled back.

"I love what you love.", he replied as he looked at her.

He was going to make sure that she would love all their time together, no matter how short.

"I love you daddy!", spoke his daughter who was taken down off of the trike. He of course kneeled down and hugged her.

"I love you too. I will never let anything bad happen to you."

That promise. Those words.

Why must life and reality hate me so?

Screams of terror and the panic of the tourist, looking around him he tried to shield his daughter from the chaos around him. One shoved and then the other, his eyes went wide when he was shoved down onto the concrete floor. Hitting his head, he quickly went in and out of consciousness. Standing up, his daughter was gone. Her screams of fright were the only reminder of what had happened at the park. The screams of the pteranodons filled the air as they tried their hardest to pick up people. His daughter was one of them.

She was gone.

"Carver?", asked Dark noticing he had been quiet.

Carver blinked and glared sharply, "What."

Dark looked at him for a moment before asking, "Are you alright?"

Carver spat out his response, "I'm fine!"

Abe looked at Carver silently before looking at Dark with a concerned expression. They had been on this park for sometime now, there was not much to go off of. The resources were beginning to run low and that could easily make anyone uncomfortable and on edge. They would have to get off and return to the mainland or else be stuck here and be a snack for the dinosaurs.

As the three walked onward, a low stomp came up behind them and quickly they took notice. Dark looked back and literally showed his fear, "RUN!?!"

Abe quickly went into a sprint much like Carver, the large dinosaur let out a bone chilling roar that shook the ground behind him. The rumbling of its throat, the aggression it let out as it tried to grab them with monstrous claws. They had to run yet again from the beast that had been terrorizing them for quite sometime.

Dark was fully in panic mode much like Carver and Abe, they had to get away.

The trees they could hear cracking behind them, the loud stomping from its massive feet. All of these added to the terror that they all were feeling. They just hoped that they could get away again, oh how they prayed that they would.

Dark literally slid to a stop as another large predator walked up, it was a Tyrannosaurus rex. Both beasts roared at each other, and the three gentlemen were caught in the middle of such formidable creatures.

"This way!", yelled Dark leading his small group away.

As they ran to the side, the rex had closed its jaws around the ghostly white animal. Its teeth sinking into its white hide. The roaring and the snarling that went on behind them was more than enough to make them run for it. Their prayers were answered, for now.

From the sounds they were hearing in the distance, the great rex was losing to that white terror. Of course it was, for the animal it was facing was a hybrid. A animal that man had created.

Dark was panting as he stopped, Abe and Carver soon stopped near him once they felt it was safe too. "Come on guys, we got to get back."

Abe nodded in agreement while Carver was silent, he was looking in the distance where both beasts were fighting.

It took a while but they finally made it back, but their camp was not the same when they had left it. The doors were open, the windows were cracked as if something tried to jump inside. The walls that had kept them safe were damaged, scratched up even.

"What happened...", spoke Dark who was tired but couldn't conceal his fears.

Abe went into panic mode, "Jessica! Chris!" His feet couldn't control themselves. He ran inside.

"Their dead.", scoffed Carver. "We are next."

"Shut up!", glared Dark walking up to him. Though, he was tired he was not in the mood to hear Carver right now. "You don't know anything!"

Carver glared at him, "I don't know anything! Open your eyes! We are on a island away from the mainland with these god awful abominations! We are going to die! Accept it!"

Dark looked like he had took enough of Carver and he delivered a good hard blow to his face. His fist made contact with his face, a faint amount of blood came out of his nose after the blow. Carver hit the floor before getting up, his hand immediately went to his machete.

"We don't have time for this! I will not take anymore of your words! I need to focus on the others!", spoke Dark as he was about to turn away and leave. He wouldn't waste his energy on fighting Carver but his eyes did grow wide, a large silhouette was quickly closing in on Carver who was to busy glaring at Dark.

"You still think you can save them! You can't! You-!"

Dark flinched as he saw Carver being grabbed up by a large mouth, he quickly fell backwards at the sight. The middle of Carver's body was within the mouth of the hybrid, its jaws only seemed to squeeze tighter.

Carver had his machete in his lone arm that he could use, and he glared with blood coming out of his mouth and stomach. He knew he was done for but he didn't hesitate to try and stab the animal on the side of its mouth. The machete stabbed deeply into the animal, the pain quickly made the hybrid rage as it shook Carver's body around in a sick type of ride.

Carver screamed loudly in pain and fear, and Dark could only watch in terror before quickly getting up and running inside of the building. The only place that could provide protection from the hybrid and its ferocity.

Carver's body hit the ground, his body was in a horrible state as the hybrid closed in. Carver could not see it, all he could see was his daughter who was happily smiling at him. His eyes closed as he smiled, he allowed death to take him.
