
Dark continued forward while looking at the map as well as checking on Abe and Carver. It would literally be a blessing to get the things they needed to fix the radio system. The moment they do, they would call the main land and get off of this island.

Carver surprised Dark however, only cause the guy was very good with a machete. That animal from earlier really learned that the hard way for it lost its head. Machetes were very good weapons to have, but they would do nothing against one of the larger carnivores on the island.

Abe looked a little uncomfortable and Dark noticed it after sometime. Abe would always glance behind him, and he seemed rather skittish of the smallest of sounds.

"Something wrong?", asked Dark looking at his friend with concern.

Abe looked at him slowly before saying cautiously, "I don't think that we are alone?"

Those words made the hair on the back of Dark's neck raise up. That was honestly the last thing he wanted to hear. The chances of raptors being out here were high, much like the other carnivores on the island. Where they were going, they would literally be surrounded by any possible meat eater.

Raptors were tough on their own, but a whole pack was just something that they couldn't take on. They would have to be careful about what they do, and he honestly hoped that Carver would forget about smoking at least for a little bit.

Though that was easier said than done when he saw Carver pull out a cigarette.

"Carver don't.", sternly spoke Dark looking at the guy who apparently hated the world around him.

"Shut it boy! I went without one for long enough!", growled Carver picking up his lighter from his pocket and bringing it to his lips where the cigarette rested.

Dark ran over and smacked the lighter out of his hand, the lighter made a faint noise as it hit the ground. Carver glared at Dark as he literally pulled out his machete, this action caused Dark to put his hands up and slowly back away.

"Carver chill!", exclaimed Abe putting his hands up as well. He honestly didn't want to pull out his gun on him, for any little sound could attract any kind of attention. This was a dangerous place to be fighting each other however.

"I want to smoke!", hissed Carver but he froze up. They all did as several sounds similar to that of raptors making calls to each other occurred behind them.

Abe felt a chill go down his spine as he listened, and Dark slowly looked behind himself. The calls were directly behind them, it honestly felt like they were directly upon their backs.

One call and then another, in a matter of minutes the three of them heard eight different calls that were behind them. There was no mistaking it, they were being followed by a raptor pack.

Dark looked at Abe as he slowly looked at Carver, this was a bad situation. The raptors were clearly close by, and they were watching them closely. Just the tiniest of moves would set them off. Raptors were very fast hunters, and had the energy to keep up with the fastest of humans.

Of course there was no fast humans on the island, but you got the idea.

Dark blinked as Carver moved and ran, and in that instant they heard the high pitch screaming of raptors being alerted to the sound. "RUN!?!", screamed Dark as he ran with Abe right behind them.

Dark was watching Carver as they ran through the heavy brush that hit and smacked their bodies as they ran. The heavy breathing and aggressive sounds behind them made him feel like he was in some kind of sick horror movie. The thing was death would literally happen and he couldn't stop it.

Without the map he didn't know where he was going, so all he had to go on was following Carver who was moving very fast right now. They all were running for their lives.

Carver suddenly disappeared from view and this made Dark's eyes go wide. Quickly he slid and fell into the same thing that Carver fell into. Dark tumbled down a steep slope as branches, rocks, and leaves hit his arms and face as he fell.

The sounds of the raptors suddenly stopped the moment he hit the bottom of the slope and he hit the ground hard. The darkness that enveloped his eyes really shook his head and body. A ear piercing pain took its place in his head as he woke up.

Dark looked up slowly and his eyes went wide, it was dark out. This led him to believe that he was knocked out for a little while. Perhaps, for a few hours. Dark looked around curiously and slowly as he tried to get his bearings. The haunting sounds of many things in the distance really made his heart sink.

Where did Abe and Carver go? He was right behind Carver when he fell right?

Dark slowly moved to stand and he looked at his back to see that he still had his bag upon him. He felt his hips and frowned, he lost his pistol. "Great...", he grumbled.  He looked back again and saw that his rifle was still attached and he took it off of his back as he held it in both of his hands.

This was the only thing he had to use to defend himself, and he doubted that he would find his pistol. Especially when it was dark outside.

Dark cautiously walked forward, he stopped once as he remembered the map and he turned around. He couldn't see the map which literally put a bad taste in his mouth. He had lost the map as well as Carver and Abe, he was all alone in these darkened woods.

Dark really didn't like this as he walked forward slowly, his vision was a little shaky as he walked. The feeling of something hot ran down the side of his face, he curiously used his hand to wipe at it. The moonlight up above gave him a bit of light as he looked at his hand and he frowned.

"Blood...", he whispered as he scowled at the blood on his hand that belonged to him.

He really hit his head hard for him to be bleeding out the way that he was. Dark looked around fast as he heard a sharp rustling in a bush behind him. Without a second thought he lifted up his rifle as he aimed it at the bush.

Dark had his finger close to the trigger and before he felt comfortable in shooting it did he lower his head and lowered the gun as Carver ran through the bush.

"Dang it!", growled Carver as he limped over to Dark. "I thought you were a stupid lizard!"

Dark looked at him with a not to friendly face, and the moment he was close did Dark punch Carver in the face. "You no good brat!", spat Carver as he hit the floor and quickly got back up.

"Why did you run!", spoke Dark in frustration.

"I ran cause that is what you are supposed to do!", growled Carver as he rubbed his lips. He had a busted lip.

Dark glared at him as he shook his head, the pain was very different from your typical headache. It honestly felt like he spilt his head into two pieces. Carver glared back at him before turning away from him and walking off.

Dark looked after him before walking slowly, he had no choice but to stay with Carver and he honestly hoped that Abe was fine wherever that he was.
