9. Hobbies

Morana Alistar

I sat in my house, working from there since the construction people were still working on the building and it wasn't nearly completed.

The second I got off the phone, I shut my laptop and groaned, still in my pajamas.

I rubbed my eyes, exhaustion coating me.

I had ordered coffee but it must've not been here yet.

My phone rang and I debated fucking throwing it across my room.

But I answered.

"Morana?" Kieran asked. It must've been him, it sounded a lot like him.


"I have your coffee."

Maybe not?

I got up and went to the elevator.

The doors opened and I gasped.

Kieran held coffee and an armful of black covered books.

I looked at him. My voice not awake today.

He smiled.

"You'll have to read them to know the kind they are." He said and I jumped, excited.

"Can you carry them?" He asked.

I tried but it was 6 books. His arms were better than mine.

So I pushed them in his arms and Davian came in with two large boxes on one of those lifts.

"And we got these." Kieran shrugged nonchalantly.

I needed a rest day for my voice so all I could do was hug Kieran.

He laughed, arms full, unable to hug me back which I was fine with.

I went to Davian and wrapped my arms around his neck.

He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Your shirt is see through. They're all staring." He whispered.

I looked down. Crossing my arms over my chest quickly as I ran myself back into the elevator and holding it open for them.

We went upstairs.

"How about the room that would've been the guest room becomes a library?" Davian asked.

I frowned.

"Too small?" He asked and I nodded.

"That's what she said." Kieran whispered and I rolled my eyes.

"We have a spare room in our house. It's absolutely giant. You can decorate it and we can get you a key to the house." Kieran offered.

"Here." Davian showed me the room and it was absolutely perfect.

I nodded and he smiled.

"Sounds good. Wanna keep these here while we do some other things before we begin that project?"

I nodded, happy.

I immediately looked through the boxes and smut upon smut was in front of me and I felt my body vibrating with excitement.

"I'll get outta your hair, I have a painting to finish." Kieran said and I frowned, curious.

"He paints. I draw. He typically paints my drawing and whatever else. He has a painting room and I have one dedicated to detailed drawings. You're not the only one with a hobby, love." Davian smiled.

I studied them and their forearms.

But had to let them go before I could go anywhere further with my thoughts.

I sighed  'thank you'.

"You're welcome. Heal that pretty little voice of yours, doll." Kieran pet my head as he went into the elevator.

Davian squatted in front of me.

"You need anything, let us know. Alright, beautiful?" He gently tipped up my chin.

I nodded and they left.

I felt like a pussy in front of them. I was starting to go soft.

I wasn't a fan.
