5. Contact

Morana Alistar

We sat, I decided to fix up my lipstick.

They watched, confused.

"It's already on. It looks fine." Davian murmured.

I ignored it as I saw more than he did.

I looked at Kieran's tattoos and he noticed as I put my lipstick away.

"What's with the eyes, doll?" He asked.

I glared.

He smiled.

I flipped him off.

He blew a kiss.

"Ass." I stood and Davian grabbed my wrist.

"I can grab us drinks." He said, standing.

I frowned.

"I won't do anything. Check my pockets if you don't trust me, beautiful." He pushed his hands into all of his pockets and showed me there wasn't anything.

I sat, frustrated with the testosterone in this area once again.

"What would you like?"

I shrugged.

"Fruity." I looked up at him and he nodded, walking away.

"We irritate you." Kieran smiled.

"You do." I nodded in agreement.

"Do you need water? I notice you drink it a lot when you talk." He asked.

"Please." I was grateful he noticed. My throat was aching like I was scraping it on sandpaper.

He went to the mini fridge that was apart of this specific lounge and handed me a cold bottle.

As much of a pair of asses they've been, they're quite considerate for men.

Davian set my drink in my hands while Kieran set the water on the table in front of me.

"Thanks." I sipped my drink, Davian sitting on my right side as Kieran was on my left.

I felt a hand messing with a strand of my hair and I tried ignoring it.

I also wanted to know who it was.

I had a feeling if it were Kieran he'd rip that piece out.

But it seemed harmless.

Kieran's knee was bouncing, Davian seemed calm.

I assumed it was indeed Kieran. I'd forgotten how he has anxiety.

So then I really tried to ignore it.

"When you say Zara is your speaker does that mean she goes to parties and places instead of you?" Davian asked, leaning back, resting his arm over the booth that disappeared behind me.

I nodded.

"Does anyone know who you are or what you look like?"

I nodded.

"Mmm would you ever go to a party for your business?"

I said no with my head.

"Why not?"

"Same reason you thought before meeting me." I opened the water with shaky hands from being investigated.

"Men making comments?" Kieran asked.

I nodded.

"But you're very intelligent."

"No one sees that." I smiled.

"I can see what you mean." Davian murmured.

Now I was positive they were both messing with my hair and my brain felt scattered.

Usually I was feminine looking but in my masculine energy as no one dared to touch me but this made me feel small and girly.

I didn't know how to take it.

I needed to stop talking. I was gonna hurt myself worse.

They spoke among one another as we waited for the people to come.

When they'd ask a question I would shake my head if it were answerable.

But if I couldn't properly answer I pointed to my throat and they stopped.

I should schedule a doctors appointment to see if they're as bad as they were last year though.

Maybe my limits have changed?

I looked at my phone, looking at my hospital and doctor back home.

"What's that for?" Kieran asked and I shut my phone off.

I glared at him.

"I'm not fucking around. I'm not judging. Just wondering." His hand became flat on my back and I sat up straighter at the weird feeling.

But I continued.

"My doctor." I pointed to my scar.

He hummed.

"Does that injury have to do with your voice?" Davian asked.

I nodded, sulking a bit.

They nodded, then left it alone.

Which I didn't expect them to do.

But I tried ignoring the physical contact as well.

I was an over thinker since I couldn't truly voice my thoughts.

I wouldn't say I'm uncomfortable.

Just not used to this.

I noticed Antony did it to Zara earlier today and led her around by the small of her back and she seemed sensitive to it but smiling nonetheless.

So I perceive that as an endearing gesture.

My back was being gently rubbed and my hair was being played with.

I tried focusing as the people arrived.

They stood, as did I.

"Mr. Richards, Mr. Conor. Nice seeing you. Who is this?" The man asked.

He was old, shorter than me, especially as I wore heels, his girlfriend or wife beside him was half his age.

"This is Morana Alistar." Davian's hand was once again on my back as he introduced me.

I don't think I'd overthink it so much if his hand didn't cover more than half my back.

"The silent CEO. Beautiful woman." He put his hand out and I hesitated.

"You don't have to." Kieran whispered.

But I took the man's hand, he attempted a kiss and that's when I pulled away.

"Rude girl." He glared.

I just sat myself back down.

This was gonna be a long night.
