31. Possession

Sorry babes, it's not letting me put songs rn maybe next chap lol
Davian Conor

I looked at her backside, parts of her skin all over her back and ass gashed open, the wounds pooled with blood.

I made her lay on her back, her lip between her teeth in pain.

I licked her clit, her legs shaking already from simply hurting her.

Kieran grabbed her hands and put them in my hair.

Her fingers trembled.

"Hurt him. Make him feel what he made you feel." Kieran whispered and she groaned, ripping at my hair and I moaned, my face buried further into her sweet pussy.

He jerked himself off beside where she laid and she watched him, her eyes hungry.

"Sweet girl, what do you need?" He murmured, I watched as she parted her lips and he rubbed his tip over her mouth.

She reached her tongue out and he treated her mouth kindly, rewarding her.

She shut her eyes, humming.

I gently caressed her clit, knowing the world of pain she was going to be in tonight.

"You still wanna be our toy? You sure you don't want to be treated like a princess?" I asked, pressing my tongue into her and she sighed, relaxed.

"I can get that any other time." She croaked.

"Determination is sexy." Kieran hummed, letting her swirl her tongue over him, he hissed and he was gonna cum if he didn't stop.

But he knew how long he could go for.

So he grunted, pressing his tip into her mouth completely as he came.

She stared up at him in awe, almost as she kept his cum in her mouth.

She cleaned the spilled bit that missed her chin and put her thumb into her mouth, swallowing as she moaned, clearly enjoying and savoring the taste.

He smiled.

"Dirty girl. Turn onto your belly. We've gotta work on stretching you out, baby."

She obeyed, my hands gently massaging and avoiding the wounds, I worked up her thighs, feeling her round ass in my hands.

I straddled her legs, he handed me lube and a butt plug we kept in a drawer of her room she clearly was surprised about.

But she relaxed regardless.

I gently put the lube over both holes, pressing my cock into her cunt making her hum in pleasure as I stretched her tight pussy.

She whimpers, hands gripping the sheets as I applied pressure to her ass with my thumb.

"Relax, beautiful. It'll hurt much more if you don't." I advised.

She nodded, taking a deep breath, I stopped my thrusts, just keeping her steadily full.

I pressed and she didn't resist.

"Good girl." I smiled.

I let my thumb move in and out a few more times before sliding in the small plug.

She writhed in resistance but held her breath as I finished the process.

I hand my hands on either side of her body, starting to fuck her, moaning as my cock throbbed within her.

"I- I can feel you-"

"Feel me how?" I whispered.

"Pulse- shit!" She whined and I smiled.

"You feel my cock throbbing for you?" I asked, slowing my strokes, deepening them.

"Yes." She squealed and I leaned down, kissing between her shoulder blades.

I placed my hand there, pressing her further into the bed as her soft, warm cunt welcomed me with every thrust.

"Oh little one, you know every part of you belongs to us, correct?" I asked, my groin flat against her ass and she groaned, writhing under me for friction.

"Mmhm." She nodded, sucking on her lower lip, almost nursing it to dilute discomfort.

I pulled her lip from her mouth, letting my fingers hook inside instead, pressing her face into the mattress her mouth shutting around my fingers.

I got off her, hearing her whimper from lack of filling.

"You ready, puppy?" Kieran came in, drying his hands with a small towel.

She chewed her lip once again, nervous.

"I need you to nod that pretty little head." He whispered and she nodded, sitting herself up.

"All fours, facing away from me."

He bent down, licking her clit, savoring her pussy before it would be ruined by us in the best way.

His tongue followed up, licking over the jewel covering her ass.

She gasped, fighting him.

"Don't make me tie you down." He slapped her ass and she cried at the pain that applied onto her gashes.

He tugged at the plug and she whined, her back curling upward.

"No ones ever been here?" He asked.


"Good. Good. Mind getting her prepared then?" He looked at me.

I took her into the bathroom and helped prep her terrified self.

"We gave you times to leave. You chose not to." I sighed.

"I still wouldn't." She murmured.


"I need this. For me." She whispered.

I grabbed her thigh, squeezing.

"You're such a good girl, Morana. Perfect in every way."

"If I could reverse time and give you all of me before anyone else took it, I would've." She frowned.

"We have all of you. Cum will be spilling from your cunt and your ass. Wherever else you want it. All from us."

Her eyes lit up.

"You're ours. No matter your past. No one will ever touch you again. You will only belong to us, Morana." Kieran walked in, offering a hand and she took it, standing.

"Yeah?" She asked.

He grabbed her face, sucking on her jaw, her lips, his tongue trailing up her face in possessive touch.

"All of you belongs to me." He grabbed her ass.

I smiled, tugging her hair, making her look up toward the ceiling.

"And me."

"I'm yours."
