24. Pleasure

Morana Alistar

Fear. Excitement. Anxiety.

All of it was coursing through me and I was trembling as I removed the boxers.

Kieran moved around me and sat on the bed, back to the backboard, legs straightened and open.

Davian grabbed my face.

"I promise, whatever happened then isn't what you deserve. Do you want my hands to stay on your legs or can they touch your waist under your shirt? What are your boundaries?"

"I'm not sure. I've never done anything willingly." I frowned.

He nodded.

"You wanna keep the shirt on?" He asked.

I looked at Kieran.

"I'll be sitting against him?"

"If you'd like."

His abs were tense and I imagined my bare skin against his warm skin.

I grabbed the bottom of my shirt and chewed my lip.

I'm confident in my body, but not used to being exposed so much.

"You don't have to." Kieran whispered.

I pulled it off my head and Davian's eyes remained on my face.

All I had was my underwear.

"Leave those on." He whispered.

I nodded.


I took a deep breath.

"Good girl. Come sit between my legs, babydoll." Kieran directed me and I moved to the bed, adjusting so I sat against him and laid on him, my head on his shoulder, he was my recliner and his skin was so nice on mine.

It made my body feel warm and goosebumps coated my skin once again after it barely went away before.

"Where do you want my hands?" He asked.


He pet my hair, touching my throat, my collarbones.

"You're absolutely beautiful." He whispered.

"Thank you." I trembled with adrenaline.

He ran his fingers over the swell of my breasts as Davian came onto the bed, kissing me so softly.

"Talk to me. Tell me if you don't like something. Tell me if you like something. I want to know your body better than my own." His green eyes pierced me, sincere and sweet.

He gently kissed down the middle of my body, between my breasts, down my stomach until he settled on his own, hands moving to wrap around my thighs.

My heart was racing.

He pressed a kiss to my thigh. A few on one, a few on the other.

Kieran's hands cupped my breasts.

"Relax, we've got you. You just need to feel it. You belong to us, Morana. Let us take care of you." Kieran murmured as Davian began sucking a hickey and I hummed, hips bucking upward a bit.

Kieran pinched my nipples and hummed.

"You're so soft."

I gasped as Davian kissed over my underwear on my clit.

"Can I take them off?" He asked.


"Lift up for me."

I did and he removed them gently.

His eyes found my throbbing pussy and he groaned.

"There's nothing about you I can say is imperfect." He looped his arms around my thighs again.

"Take a breath, stop staring so hard." Kieran murmured and I laid my head back on his shoulder, my legs shutting a bit at the shock of the feeling of his tongue on me.

He moaned and I shuttered.

"Good girl. That's my pretty baby." Kieran basically moaned in my ear as Davian's tongue swirled around my clit.

"Fuck." I gripped Kieran's sweats and tried to not close my legs with the sensitive feeling.

"Is that alright?" Davian asked, kissing my clit.

I nodded, my lip between my teeth.

"I'm gonna be a bit more aggressive but not in a bad way. It'll be like that but a lot better for you."

I nodded, trusting him.

His face became buried, his eyes shut, his tongue lapping me like a dehydrated beast, my hips buckling.

I held my breath, the feeling too good to let go.

"That's it. Good. Let him taste you, it's okay to want to close your legs. It's not gonna stop him." Kieran massaged my tits and I exhaled, a moan leaving me as my back lifted from Kieran, my grip on his pants desperately tightening to keep my grip on reality.

Davian moaned, the sound deep and primal, my mind was spinning.

Kieran cursed as I groaned, desperate to both push him off me and pull him closer.

"Put your fingers in his hair." Kieran said and I did, my hands gripping to his curls as I cried, shutting my thighs around his head.

His grip only got stronger, tongue moving quicker over my clit.

I jerked, my body desperately needing a positive release.

"Cum all over his face, Morana. He needs it." Kieran toyed with my boobs, one hand coming around my throat and squeezing, forcing me over.

My legs moved restlessly around his head, hands pushing him from me as a soundless scream left my lips.

"God look at you." Kieran moaned and I caught my breath, tears streaming down my face as I tried to not shout.

I gasped for air, moaning as I came off my high, Davian grinding himself into his bed.

I thrusted against his face and he smiled, coming up, looking at my trembling legs.

His face glistened.

"You're in-fucking-credible." He shook his head, licking up my pussy.

He came up, grabbing my face, kissing me, his mouth coated with me as his tongue moved against mine.

Kieran grabbed my jaw, moving my head to the side and kissing me.

He moaned, reaching down my body, thrusting a finger into me, catching me off guard before putting it in his mouth.

"You're too good." He groaned.

I felt overwhelmed.

"Let's get you cleaned up." Davian hummed.
