16. Flustered

Morana Alistar

I rolled over, tucking myself in the hoodie I'd gotten two nights ago.

Kieran smelled like lavender detergent and a natural masculine smell that was hard to explain but it was comforting.

I reached for The Ritual and continued reading what I didn't finish last night.

I smiled, giddy.

The way these men stalked their women had my stomach whirling.

Understanding what the women felt when their men grabbed their throat and kissed them made everything so much better.

I heard the elevator ding and a knock on my bedroom door.

"Can we come in?" I heard a low voice but I couldn't really decipher who it was.

"Mmhm." I turned to my stomach and kept reading.

The door opened and I felt their eyes on me.

"What do you need?"

They laughed.

"Well, today's the date day. We came by to tell you the plans." Kieran laughed.

"Hold on." I was at a good part.

He had her.

It was taken from my hands and I gasped.

"No!" I reached and he shut it with my bookmark in the page and held onto it.

"Goodmorning to you to." Davian came and sat on my bed.

I groaned.

Kieran sat beside him, grabbing my ankle as he dragged me down and close to them.

"Listen." Kieran said and I sat up, sitting crisscrossed.

"I thought maybe we can begin your library." Davian said and I smiled.

"You can pick your furniture and we can install it so over the next few days you have something for your books." Kieran continued.


"Then we can come back, let you get dolled up, and you pick a place to eat."

I nodded.

"Sounds good?" Davian asked and I smiled.

They smiled and I stood, going to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I came back and wrapped my arms around Davian's neck, kissing him.

He hummed, letting me hug him as a thank you.

I then did the same to Kieran and he rubbed my back gently.

"Nice hoodie."

I felt my face burn.

"I'll grab you a water bottle. I know you ran out." Davian stood and left.

Kieran pulled me into his lap and kissed my temple.

Butterflies erupted in my stomach as he pushed my hair behind my ear.

I pecked his lips and he smiled softly.

I laid my head down on his shoulder, hiding the redness of my face.

His hands rubbed over my thighs.

"We can also go shopping if you'd like." He offered.

I nodded.

Davian came in with a bottle of water.

"You need breakfast." He said.

He helped me to my feet as Kieran stood behind me.

He had his hand on the back of my neck, walking beside me.

"What do you want?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Can I make you like... toast with peanut butter and bananas?" Davian asked.

I nodded.

He began toasting the bread slices, grabbing the other stuff and I sat at the island.

Kieran went and started helping.

I watched them both silently move around each other and finish up coating the toast with the peanut butter and cut banana.

Davian put the plate in front of me and I grabbed the slice, eating it.

I ate slowly, the banana really good. Perfectly ripe.

They came and sat on either side of me.

I began losing focus as they both had a hand on my thigh.

I kept my head forward and tried to just eat.

I felt Davian grip and I shuttered, my body giving him a physical response.

He chuckled, my body covered in goosebumps now.

I had both elbows on the table, body forward, they only existed in my peripheral.

I ate, finishing my food.

Then he rubbed my back.

"Good girl." He kissed my hair and I covered my face with my hands, my clit aching.

Good girl.
Good girl.
Good girl.

I crossed my legs, rubbing my eyes, keeping myself blinded of them.

"Did I do something? I'm sorry-" I shook my head and he stopped apologizing.

He grabbed my throat and pulled me to look at him.

His eyes analyzed my face.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

I nodded.

"What's going on? Did I say something bad?" He frowned.

"No." I croaked, my mouth dry.

"It was good." I whispered and he sighed.

"Your responses scare me." He frowned.

"Sorry." I mumbled and he stood to his full height, I looked up at him as I still sat from the chair.

He pet my head.

"Go get dressed." He said and I stood.

He held onto the back of my hoodie stopping me from leaving.

I frowned.

He tugged me back, gripping my jaw as he pressed his lips to mine.

I hummed, loving how good he was at it, my body completely melted into it.

Their kisses were caring and soft. Deep and relaxing. I felt good with them and I was unsure how that overall made me feel.

He slapped my ass, making me jump in surprise.

"Give him a kiss and go get ready. We'll meet you in the lobby in an hour." He said and I nodded.

I turned and walked to Kieran.

He smiled at me gently, keeping ahold of me by his hoodie that I wore.

He pressed a kiss to my forehead before I tilted my head up further.

He leaned down, kissing me gently, tongue against mine, my bottom lip in his mouth periodically.

"You good, babydoll?" He whispered and I nodded.

He kissed my forehead again.

"Go get ready. See you soon." He pet my hair and smoothed it down my back.

They left as I went to my room.

Fucking shit.
