21. Uh-Oh

Davian Conor

We got in the car and left to go gambling.

We asked her stupid questions.

Favorite foods.

Favorite drinks.

Favorite color.

Favorite movie.

She gave short answers but answered them all regardless.

"How are the books?" I asked.

She nodded.


"What's the one you've liked lately about? When we came over and we took it from you and you whined?" I asked and Kieran hid his grin.

"Uhm. A man. A woman."

"Mmhm." I nodded.

"And things." She turned from Kieran and toward the window.

"What sorts of things, beautiful?" I asked.

"Do you want the truth?"

"Of course." Kieran nodded.

"Uhm. He stalks her. She's kinda into it. A lot of trauma and sex. But he's hot." She murmured quietly.

"Mmm. You think that stuff is hot?" Kieran asked, parking at our casino.

"Mhm." She took a heavy breath, avoiding us.

"Interesting. I thought you liked control." I said.

"Me too." She sighed.

I opened her door for her and offered her my hand.

She took it, standing, taking my breath away with her beauty.

I held her hand, Kieran took her other one and placed it on his bicep, having her hold onto him.


She fumbled a bit getting to the car, her feet probably aching on top of the drinks she had.

She got back into the car and I took off her heels, kneeling outside of the car.

"You alright?"

"Yeah. Tired and alcohol doesn't mix." She sighed.

She wasn't slurring, she was just tipsy.

Might have a mild headache tomorrow but nothing bad.

"Kieran's grabbing you a water." I pressed my fingers into the arch of her foot and she hissed.

"I'm sorry, love." I massaged them as they were very tense and she was pained.

Kieran handed her a water.

"Wanna drive?" Kieran asked me and I nodded since he had a drink as well.

She buckled herself, I shut her door.

I got in the drivers seat and she laid her head on my shoulder and shut her eyes.

"Thank you." She whispered.

I hummed and drove to our house.

We got inside and Kieran laid her on the couch as she woke up.

"Why am I here?" She rubbed her eyes, smearing her makeup all over her eyes.

"Do you want to see your library so far?" I asked.

She sat up.

"Yeah." She nodded.

I offered my hand and she stood, walking up the stairs with us.

I opened the door and she smiled at the shelves.

"When did you do this?" She yawned.

"Yesterday. We ordered them the day before when you showed us what you wanted so we put the shelves against the wall like you asked and the floating ones here, we have a swinging sort of egg chair to put here, and the cart should be here tomorrow." Kieran showed her and she smiled.

"That's so cool. Can I pay you back?" She looked at us.

"Yes. Through letting us wipe this off your face and keep you here tonight since you're a bit tipsy."

She frowned.

I brought her to the spare bathroom and grabbed the makeup solution she liked to use with a cotton pad.

I held her jaw, wiping her eyes first, grabbing another damp pad and getting her lipstick, then the third for her base makeup.

"Kieran's getting in the shower, I'm gonna go take one as well, you're free to do whatever and I'll bring down some clothes for you to change into when I'm out."

"Okay." She nodded.

I left and went to my room, starting my water.

I got in, rinsing leftover product from today out of my hair.

I wiped my face, washing my body, my hair, conditioning it.

I got out and washed my face, putting on the moisturizer I had, letting it dry before shaving my face and using aftershave.

I fixed my hair, drying myself as I pulled on sweats.

I grabbed a large shirt for her, also grabbing a pair of my briefs and sweats so she can choose what to wear.

I walked down the stairs and Kieran looked back at me, a standing, irritated Morana with her arms crossed over her chest, glaring at me.

"She tried to watch TV." He told me.

"Oh shit." I walked down further seeing the screen that was very much not a TV show.

"What the fuck is that?"
