28. Bitter

Morana Alistar

My building was finally done. I had some people from all states fly to work here if they were able to, if not, no big deal.

I had quite a few interviews for empty positions this week.

I had a bruise on my face from Davian's hand and a mark around my throat from the belt.

I admired myself for a bit.

But I covered it with foundation.

I did my blonde hair in curls down my back.

As always, I looked flawless.

I touched up on my lipstick before getting dressed.

"Honey!" Zara yelled as she walked into the room.

"Damn." She looked over me.

"You look good." She held a giant bouquet.

"Oh. These are yours." She handed them to me.

I looked at the mass of roses, both white and red with a note inside.

I set the flowers on my bed, grabbing the small card and opening it.

Our Morana,
I wish we could see you today but we are so busy with underground work. Congratulations on finally being open. We are so very proud of you, our love.
Give that pretty voice a rest. At noon we will have lunch sent to your building, we will text once the person arrives with it.
At 8, after work, we will have another gift delivered. But that's a surprise. Call one of us when you get it.

"That's so fucking hot!" Zara squealed for me and I smiled.

"It's a dildo!" She guessed.

"Shut up." I whispered and she skipped out of my room with the flowers.

She placed them in a large vase and brought me a water.

"Ready for today?" She asked.

I nodded.

"Let's go, babes."


This felt like forever.

Davian: Food is in the lobby, beautiful. Go eat please.

Me: I will after this interview.

Davian: No. You'll be a good baby and go grab that food and eat it. My driver is waiting there until he tells me you grabbed it.

Me: Davian, please. This person is good.

Davian: Don't make me leave my meeting Morana.

Me: It can wait.

He read it, text bubbles appeared and left.

I turned off my phone.

But my work phone rung.

Zara answered as I apologized to the interviewee.

"It's Kieran."

"Not right now."

She put the phone down.

My phone rung.

My work phone rung.

I ignored the both.

"Ms. Alistar, you have an urgent need to be in the lobby." The announcement rang around the entire building.

I clutched my seat.

"I'm so sorry. Excuse me." I gritted, irritated.

I went downstairs and the driver stood there, trembling.

Kieran: He's innocent but gets killed if you don't take the damn food.

Me: I have it. Assholes.

"You're fine. Go home." I whispered as I took it.

He ran out the door, men from the basement up here and staring at him.

I walked up to them.

"Go back downstairs. I'll beat your ass myself." I rolled my eyes and they left.


I finished my food. It was homemade tortellini and pesto. With a Naked smoothie drink, and a slice of brownie that was perfectly fudgy.

"Can you take over? I trust you. I have something to do." I said.

"Of course."


I got to their building and went inside.

"Can I speak to Davian and Kieran?" I asked the receptionist quietly.

"I'm sorry they're in a meeting."

"I need them."


"I'm not typically a violent person but I swear to god that pretty scalp will be removed from your head-"

"Security!" She called.

They didn't budge. I hummed.

"Call them. Now."

She did.

I did.

I did this a few more times before she made the announcement when she realized I was untouchable. Which is something I just learned as well.

They came down and both glared at me.

"Yes, Morana?"

"Doesn't feel good hm?" I glared.

"Meetings are more important than interviews."

"No. They're not when you're the top 3 in the US." I crossed my arms.

"Was this all?"

"Kind of yeah."

"Excuse us!" Davian shouted and everyone left somewhere. Even the security and desk lady.

Kieran grabbed my throat with a force that startled me.

"The hell is wrong with you?"

"I'm a grown woman. I don't need to be babysat." I croaked.

"You need to do what's best and eat."

"I did."

"Because we made you."

"And?" I felt my feet elevated from the floor.

"I'll return back. I trust you'll do what's best, Kier." Davian walked away.

"What're you gonna do? Hurt me?" I smiled.

"Maybe. But you seem to eager for that sort of attention."
