Mikey (ending)

*All character endings have nothing to do with what happens in the original storyline, these are all 'what ifs' and 'what could have beens', but will also be taking place as if Y/N didn't attend the final fight.*

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ㄒ卄乇 ㄒㄖ爪卂几 ㄒ尺卂丨ㄒㄖ尺

[All Things Must Come to An End]

There was a time when everything was normal.

There was a time where you and Mikey didn't know each other.

Where you were both just two little kids, who's families happened to know each other, and thought it would be a good idea to introduce the two youngests in the family.

But when Mikey took his first look at you, he didn't see anything special.

In fact, he didn't even pay any attention to you, ignoring your questions as his mom and yours sent you to play on the playground as they sat on a bench and talked. Instead he boredly sat in the sandbox, fingers raking through the tiny grains of sand, blocking out the constant continuation of words leaving your mouth.

It is true that Mikey didn't like you when you first met.

Being forced to play on the playground with some weak, dumb girl who wouldn't stop talking, and it may have pissed him off that you were just a tad bit taller than him. And god were you annoying, trying to get his attention by poking his arm continuously, blubbering out his name.

"Manjiro..." You poked his arm, once, twice, and thrice before sighing in disappointment.

Mikey almost sent a prayer to the gods when your annoying voice had finally shut up, beginning to finally enjoy his time in the sandbox as his back was turned to you. As much as he didn't want to be here, he had to admit, it was going too bad now that there was silence, but as he suspected, you hadn't decided to give up quite yet.

"...Manjiro, do you wanna go play on the swings with me?" You whispered, standing up from the sand and dusting off the light blue dress your mother had put you in before leaving the apartment. Your shadow was looming over Mikey's figure, his fists clenching in anger at you speaking his name once again.

"Why would I want to play with someone like you? You're nothing but weak." He said, head turning to the side and glaring at you from over his shoulder.

He knows that what he's saying isn't nice, and that if his mother were to hear him she would be thoroughly disappointed with him, and god... He didn't even want to think about what his older brother would say.

But he was speaking the honest truth.

You were weak.

The energy you gave off was almost pathetic, and just from his words he could see you cower back, tears threatening to spill past your eyes.

"B-but, Manjiro... I think our mom's want us to be friends."

"Don't talk about my mom." You took a step back from Mikey when those words escaped past his lips, "And stop saying my name, it's annoying."

You took another step back, hands clenching around the fabric of your dress as you turned around and left towards the swings by yourself. Mikey watched you with every step, trying to figure out why it was that his mom wanted him to be friends with you, but he couldn't see anything.

Maybe if you would have stood up to him, told him off for being mean to you, maybe then he would have respected you a little more, but no, you just walked away with small tears sliding down your cheeks.

You were just a crybaby that didn't know how to stand up for yourself.

The rest of the time spent at the park was in silence, no other interaction between either Mikey or you until it was time to leave. The both of you facing one another, your mother's hands resting on your shoulders as she nudged you towards Mikey. His mom told him to say goodbye and that he'd see me soon, but with those words, it put a bitter taste in both of your mouths. Mikey scowled as he took a step forward, holding his hand out for you to take before roughly squeezing it until you let out a small squeak from the pain.

"Manjiro," She warned, making his grip instantly disappear, instead it was a much softer touch, shaking your hand up and down as he whispered that he would see you soon.

Even with the sudden change in his mood, you could tell that he didn't mean it, he just didn't want to disappoint his mother.

You decided to keep silent, nodding your head in return before pulling your hand away from him and walking back to your mother, not bothering to spare him a second glance as you left.

"Manjiro, I want you to be nice to Y/N, okay?" His mother started, ushering him back to the car, coughing lightly as soon as they were both buckled, her hand clutching the water bottle sitting in the cup holder, trying to clear her throat, but it didn't seem to do much good. "Her parents..." She trailed off, sighing softly before casting her attention into the rearview mirror, locking eyes with her son. "She's going to need a friend, and I want you to be there for her, okay?"

Nodding his head, Mikey kept silent. His eyebrows were knitted together in confusion, wanting to question what his mother meant, but for some reason he felt he shouldn't be asking.

Mikey just dropped the thought, excited to finally go back home, not thinking twice about the next time he would see you.


What Mikey didn't expect to see the next time he saw you was you standing on the other side of his front door, bag tightly clutched in your arms, sniffling as tears streamed down your face. Behind you was Shinichiro, a frown on his face as he ushered you inside and onto the couch, asking Mikey to get him a drink for you.


What the hell was happening?

One minute Mikey was sitting on the couch, right where you were sitting now, watching tv and enjoying some snacks. And then the next, you're in his house, crying with what looks to be an overnight bag, and he... He has to get something for you?

Emma peaked around the corner of the kitchen doorway, scared eyes, glancing in your direction as you stuttered to catch your breath, holding your bag close to your chest, trying to use it to muffle the sounds escaping from your mouth.

"Please, Manjiro." Shinichiro said, glancing up from you to look at his younger brother. Nodding his head, Mikey made his way into the kitchen, pushing a chair from the table over to the counter before stepping on it to reach into the cabinet to get a cup.

"That girl's parents have left her." Turning his head to the side, Mikey glanced down at his grandpa who sat at the table, newspaper in hand reading across the pages without looking up. "She doesn't have anyone now."

Mikey froze in his spot, his eyebrows furrowed in thought, remembering back to what his mom had told him the day he first met you, right before his mother had been admitted into the hospital.


Filling the cup up with water from the faucet he carefully carried it back to the living room, handing it to Shinichiro who held it up to your lips, tilting it down the more you drank. Creeping up behind Mikey, Emma held on to his arm, softly staring at the older girl sitting on the couch.

Pulling the cup away from you, he held on to it before turning to look at the other two. He could see the confused but worried expressions on his younger siblings' faces, and he's sure he didn't look all too different.

"Y/N is going to be staying with us, okay?" He spoke slowly, "Please be nice to her during her stay, and treat her as if she's one of us."

Emma was quick to nod her head, walking out from behind Mikey and sitting on the other side of you, quietly introducing herself .

Mikey on the other hand didn't know what to do, you were going to stay here too? Under the same roof as him? After he had been so rude to you?

It's true that Mikey may have felt bad for you, but that didn't mean that he forgot that you were weak, and he had no doubt that you would only bring him down.

But still... How could he find himself to be mad, to hate you when you knock on his door at almost two in the morning. Stuffed brown bear held to your chest was the first thing he noticed, his eyes were narrowed as he grumbled out, asking what you wanted.

He had to admit, you had balls to come and wake him up before the sun was even up, but all the anger he felt at the moment disappeared the moment he heard your quiet sniffles. Head tilting up, he saw tears in your puffy eyes, body shaking in fear as you quietly asked him if you could sleep with him, that you had a nightmare and couldn't fall back asleep.

And how was he supposed to tell you no, when his own mother told him that he wanted him to be there for you.

And who was he to lie and say that he didn't enjoy the feeling of someone depending on him, coming to him for comfort, no matter the fact that he was awful to you. But that didn't help him feel any better when the two of you climbed into his bed, backs facing each other under the warmth of his blanket. He had never had any friends that were girls, but he didn't think it would be this weird. Why was he suddenly blushing at the thought of how pretty you actually were, and why did you turn around and wrap your arm around him?

Why did you whisper out a thank you to him before falling into a deep slumber? Why was he actually enjoying being held by you? Why was it so comforting?

Why... Why was he finally finding you not so bad?

Mikey didn't have much time to ponder that thought since he found himself beginning to drift off into his own slumber, but maybe... Just maybe... He could get used to this.


October 31st, 2005.

Walking through the front door to the Sano residence, Mikey slid his shoes off at the entrance, his gaze casted onto the floor as he trudged into the living room, taking a seat on the couch where Emma also sat.

Directing his attention onto the tv, half listening to the quiet chatter of whatever show Emma was watching while mindlessly picking at her nails. His head fell onto her shoulder, drawing her focus away from the tv and towards her older brother, eyebrows furrowed at the mixed emotions displayed across his face.

"How did the fight go?" She asked, leaning her own head onto Mikey's, a small smile tugging on her lips when he sunk deeper into her side.

"Baji's dead." He whispered, voice muffled from where it was pressed into her sweater. Just as quick as the smile had appeared on her face, it had disappeared, her heart dropping at the words Mikey had just spoken.

"Mikey are you-"

"Y/N is also back."

Her question died on the tip of her tongue, tears involuntarily gathering in her eyes as memories she had with you played throughout her head. It was almost instant the way her breath hitched in the back of her throat, body pulling away from Mikey as her teary eyes looked into his blank, dark orbs.

Emma had hoped, she had practically prayed every night before bed that you and Mikey would someday make up, but she knew from the look on her older brother's face, that would not be happening, not anytime soon at least. She also wasn't a child anymore, and she realized that it wouldn't be that simple for the both of you to make up, she knew that there was something deeper to what had happened, but no one would tell her about it.

No one would tell her what happened that day.

And that resulted in her losing who she considered her best friend, and older sister.

There was nothing but silence as the Sano siblings laid against one another, both pondering in their own thoughts, both thinking of the exact same thing.



Later that night, when Mikey was tucked away in the confines of his own bed, he found himself having a hard time falling asleep. Even with music softly playing in the background, with each toss and turn, Mikey drifted further and further from slumber, the image of your face, which he had seen clearly, earlier in the day replaying over.

The song he was listening to on repeat was one that he had used to play for you whenever you would come to his room complaining about the nightmares, the ones which it took years until he was finally able to get you to tell him what they were about.

You, being all alone, stranded in the middle of nowhere, with no one to turn to when you needed help. You were scared, no... Terrified of being alone, yet Mikey was the one who had made your nightmare become a reality.

Mikey knows what he did was wrong, he shouldn't have thrown you out like that, he shouldn't have... He shouldn't have done that to you, but his pride wouldn't allow him to admit that. And even then, he knew that you were also in the wrong, you killed people, you went against the beliefs he had and for what?

He still doesn't know why...

Mikey had vowed to never hurt a girl, he would never dream of it, especially not after the time he playfully pulled your hair and got scolded by Shinichiro, or the time where he was too rough when shaking your hand when you first met and was warned by his mom.

He didn't want to go against them.

But in that moment, when you were looking up at him, from the cold ground, blood trickling down your chin, something in him had snapped. You wouldn't speak of your actions, and it had angered him, but he knew he shouldn't be hitting you like this, it was wrong, it was bad... But the darkness inside of him was feeding off your pain, and he couldn't stop it.

From enemies to friends, Mikey knew he had messed things up between the both of you, and a part of him couldn't forget.

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On one side of the church, tucked away into a small room with a single couch and table, windows lining the walls, was Takemichi. Nervously standing in front of the full length mirror, fixing his neck tie every time he made eye contact with himself through the glass. Quietly muttering to himself before poking at his hair which kept falling out of place, gaining the attention of Akkun who sat in of the foldable chairs that had been brought into the room.

"Oi! Stop touching your hair, how many times are you gonna make me fix it before the wedding even starts!" Standing up from the chair, Akkun made haste in getting to Takemichi's side, fixing his raven hair into place before smacking him lightly on the wrist, "Dumbass."

"Yeah Takemichi, you're gonna show up to your own wedding looking like a mess." Chifuyu laughed, throwing a card down onto the table. Sitting beside him was Hakkai, hands full of cards he had to draw all because of the male on his left, knowing that Chifuyu was doing it on purpose. On the other side of Hakkai sat Mitsuya, with Kazutora and Pah sitting on the other side of the table. Competitively playing a round of cards before it was time to start the ceremony, which no one else seemed to be freaking out about besides Takemichi.

"You're worrying too much," Akkun said Takemichi's attention shifted to his friend, "Everything is going to be fine, just think, in about..." Looking down at the watch on his wrist, Akkun smiles at his friend, "In about no later than an hour, you'll be married to Hinata, just like you've always dreamed about."

"Yeah... Yeah, you're right. Thanks Akkun." Takemichi said, nodding his head before looking around the small room, smiling softly at his friends that were gathered here, ending on the blonde haired male standing in the corner of the room, staring out the window as he blocked out the sounds of everyone else. "Mikey..." Takemichi whispered, brushing past Akkun and heading towards Mikey.

"Yes, Takemitchy?" Mikey whispered in return, his voice was soft and very quiet.

"Are you okay?" Takemichi asked, worry evident in his tone, looking out the window to where Mikey was staring, finding nothing but a bush with flowers blossoming.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Mikey answered, gentle nod of his head before blocking out all other sounds once more, but if Mikey were to be honest, he felt out of place. Though he used to be friends with all of these people, it felt weird being around them after everything that's happened, but for the sake of Takemichi, he would allow himself just this night.

Just this night to enjoy with old friends.


On the other side of the church, separated from the men who seemed to be doing nothing but either worrying or playing a game of card, was a similar room filled with women.

Hinata dressed in her wedding dress which Mitsuya had made, smiling at her reflection in the mirror before moving to sit on the couch between Yuzuha and you. The three of you just sitting in silence, listening to the clock ticking down the seconds until it was time to leave the room and enter the ceremony.

"I could take a nap." Hinata admitted, yawning as she leaned her head back, careful not to mess up her hair which Yuzuha had worked tirelessly on.

"Me too." You and Yuzuha spoke at the same time, making the three of you giggle. "I say we get out of here, go rent a hotel and take a nap." Yuzuha recommended, kicking her feet up onto the table so she could lay back onto the couch more comfortably.

"I'm down for that." You said, folded arms resting on the arm of the couch, head leaning onto them as you closed your eyes. "I feel like today's already been so long."

"I feel that way too, and think, the reception after the ceremony is until almost midnight." Hinata groaned, "You think Takemichi would-" She was cut off by a knocking at the door, sounding almost rushed and frantic. Sitting up, the three of you looked at each other before you got up off the couch and cracked open the door.

A very sweaty Takemichi stood on the other side, his eyes widening in surprise when he saw you answer the door. "H-Hey Y/N..."

"What the hell are you doing here, Takemichi?"

"I need to see Hina, p-please." He spoke quickly, eyes darting from you to behind you, hoping to get a peak at his bride to be, but you were quick to stand in his way.

"Uh uh, no way. No seeing the bride before the wedding." You scolded, lifting your hand and flicking his forehead, snickering at the startled noise escaping past his lips.

"It um, it has to do with some seating arrangements at the reception." He said, hands folded behind his back, hiding the seating chart for the reception which he had just now seen, and needed to speak with Hinata about it immediately. "Just one moment is all I need, I won't even look at her if that will help. I'll keep my eyes closed, I swear!"

"It's okay, Y/N." Hinata said from behind you, her hand resting on your shoulder as you nodded your head, taking a step back away from the door. Pulling the door open all the way, Hinata stood in the doorway, smiling sweetly at Takemichi who seemed to have frozen, lips parted in amazement, eyes watering at the sight of how pretty Hinata looked in her dress.

"W-woah..." Takemichi whispered, "You look... You look amazing, Hina." He complimented, blush growing across the girl's face as she just nodded her head in appreciation before asking him what was wrong with the seating arrangement. "Oh, uh," He looked over her shoulder, locking eyes with you before whispering in her ear, "I think we should talk about this privately."

Nodding her head in understandment, she walked out into the hall, pulling the door closed behind her before the both of them began to speak.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Yuzuha asked, leaning back onto the couch, taking up all three spots now. "Think Takemichi is on board with our nap idea?"

"Let's find out." You said, taking a step closer to the door, you leaned your ear against it, listening in for what they were saying.

"...Why... Y/N sitting next to..."

"I don't know how... sitting..."

"Maybe we could... and then..."

"...Move her to... Him..."

"Bad news," You said, pulling away from the door, a frown on your face as you strolled back over to the couch, picking up her legs and sitting down in the spot where they were. "I couldn't hear a damn thing they were saying, just something about me sitting next to someone and then a bunch of gibberish from then on."

"Oh speaking of sitting next to someone, who are you sitting next to at the reception?" She asked, tilting her head down so she could look at you, adjusting her legs so they were draped over your lap.

"Don't know, I haven't looked yet. I'll probably look after the ceremony when we get there." You said, both of you looking towards the door when it reopened, a nervous looking Hinata walking in with a folded up piece of paper in her hands.

"Hey what was that about?" Yuzuha asked, her eyebrows raised in question when Hinata quickly shook her head, cheeks dusted a soft pink as she stuttered out a response.

"It was n-nothing, everything's fine!"

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Walking into the reception hall, you had still yet to find out who you were sitting at a table with, only receiving your table number from Hinata before setting off in search of your table. A part of you felt nervous, unsure of who it could be, you had sat in the recond pew behind Hinata's parents, so you weren't able to get a good look around and guess who it could possibly be. But the other part of you felt that there was no need to worry, because Hinata and Takemichi would make you sit with anyone you didn't feel comfortable sitting with, right?


Absolutely wrong.

No, in fact you could now understand what was so important about their little conversation earlier before the wedding.

Why Takemichi looked so panicked.

Table three, to the left, was where you were assigned to sit.

Table three, to the left, which had one other individual sitting on the opposite side of you.

His eyes glancing up, locking with yours, showing a small amount of surprise before dropping into a slight glare.


There had to have been some sort of mistake.

Because you know Takemichi wouldn't do this to you.

Slowly turning your gaze away from Mikey, you searched around the crowd for Takemichi, finding him standing against the farthest wall from you, a nervous smile on his face when the both of you locked eyes.

And gods... Was the look you gave him a scary one. One that told him he better get his ass over to you before something happens and ruins the whole reception.

Moving fast across the center of the large room, Takemichi was soon by your side, hand on your shoulder as he pushed you down into the chair opposite of Mikey who had yet to say anything. The nervous male taking his own seat beside you before opening his mouth to speak, only to be cut off by you and Mikey talking first.

"Why the fuck am I sitting with him?!"

"Why would you sit us together?"

"N-now let's not get too-"

"Let's not get too what, Takemichi?! I can't believe I have to sit next to you." You growled, glaring at the male across from you.

"You think I want to sit next to you?" Mikey asked, his quiet voice from before long gone as he slammed a fist against the table, disrupting the glassware on the table.

"I don't care what you think!"

"Well I don't care what you think either!"

"C-come on... Let's just calm down, o-okay?" Takemichi said, holding his hands out over the table, seeing how both you and Mikey had been leaning closer and closer across the table, fists clenched and ready to throw down.

"Shut the hell up Takemichi/Takemitchy!" Both you and Mikey yelled, head whipping to the side to glare at the younger male. Shrinking back in his seat, Takemichi looked around for anyone to help him, but it seemed as though they were all huddled together where he was standing before.

"Listen!" Takemichi said, his voice rising above the both of you, successfully gaining yours and Mikey's attention from the argument you both were currently having. "I had no idea about this until thirty minutes before the wedding, and by then it was too late to change things, so either you both are going to have to get along for the night-" He paused, letting out an annoyed sigh at the look you were giving him, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Just for this one night, please... Can you both just do this for me? You both are my friends, and I really want you two to be here, so please, just for tonight can you two try to keep things civil."

"You want me to put aside my own personal feelings... Put aside what he did to me?" You asked, voice hushed as you sat back down in your chair, fingers slowly uncurling from their grip on the silverware. Your gaze shifted from Takemichi to Mikey who was already looking at you, as if he was waiting to hear your answer, to follow your lead.

"Yes, tonight is all I ask. After this you both can go back to hating each other, and I swear I will never do something like this again." Takemichi promised, his hands folded together in a praying motion, "Please, I just want to enjoy this night with the both of you here."

Your eyes narrowed at Mikey, the both of you staring into each other's eyes, silently.

"Fine." You mumbled, removing your gaze from Mikey, shaking your head in disappointment, "Just tonight." Standing up from the chair, you pushed your things to the side of the table, clearing the area in front of you. "I'm gonna need some alcohol though." You grumbled, walking away from the table, and towards where everyone else was gathered around the food table, making a small plate to pick off of for the rest of the night and pouring yourself a big glass of the first thing you grabbed, hoping that it would help brighten your mood.

"Thank you, Mikey." Takemichi said, looking away from you and towards the blonde haired male who had been quiet ever since the both of you had stopped arguing. "This really means a lot to me."

Without receiving any other response from Mikey, Takemichi stood up from the chair before moving over to the table he was supposed to be sitting at with Hinata, seeing that she had already made a plate for him while he was busy taking care of you and Mikey.

Keeping his head down, Mikey only took small sips of the glass of water which was already on the table when he had arrived, trying his best not to look at you when you dropped your plate onto the table in front of him.

Nothing was said as you took your seat, downing half of what you had poured for yourself before beginning to eat, occasionally looking around at surrounding tables. Everyone else seemed to be enjoying themselves, conversing with the people at their tables, even if they didn't know them. And yet, while everyone else chatted away, there was no talk between you and Mikey.

Either the both of you were just going to ignore each other for the rest of the night for the sake of Takemichi, or... You just didn't know where to begin.

It was awkward.

Mikey thought it was bad in that tiny room at the church, but now?

Now it was worse.

He knew he didn't belong here, sure he used to be friends with them, and he used to be friends with you, but things were different now.

You weren't doing much better either.

Using the food and drink as a distraction so you wouldn't have to speak to Mikey, yet it still felt awkward, the silent tension growing between the two of you only making things more difficult.

"You gonna eat anything?" You asked, surprising both yourself and Mikey as those words left your mouth, choosing to direct your attention onto anything else but him.

"I'm not hungry." He whispered, leaning his elbows onto the table and resting his head on the palm of his hand.

"Since when is The Mikey not hungry?" You laughed lightly, taking another bite of the meal on your plate, "Sounds like a load of bullshit to me."

Mikey didn't know what to say in response, I mean, you were right. He was starving in fact, having been cooped up in that small room in the church with no food all morning. But as much as he did want to eat, he was more anxious about the fact that he would have to get up, and walk across the room to get the food. Having to engage in conversations with people he hasn't seen in years, he couldn't do that.


Mikey really had changed, and he thinks it was for the worse.

"Here," You said, sliding your plate until it was in the middle of the table, your eyes locking with his for a split second before turning away with a scowl. "Don't think that we're okay just because I'm sharing my food with you, because we're not."

Staring down at the plate in silence, Mikey didn't know what to feel, but he couldn't help it when his hand automatically moved, picking up the silverware and taking a bite of the food. His mouth watering in awe at the delicious taste, looking up at you appreciatively, Mikey whispered out a small thank you before proceeding to stuff his face.

Your breath hitched when he smiled at you, a small smile that made his cheeks puff up as he chewed, eyes almost closed as he thanked you.

A thank you that seemed to convey so much more than just a thank you for the food.

You shook your head slightly when you felt your face begin to heat up, was it hot in here? Or maybe it was the alcohol slipping into your system, or maybe... No.


You stood up from the table once again, downing the remainder of your drink before going back towards the drink table.

You could feel Mikey's eyes on you as you poured yourself another drink, taking the whole glass in one giant gulp before deciding to just take the whole bottle with you.

Turning around, your eyes locked with Mikey's making you silently curse to yourself, no matter how much more you drinked, he was still going to be sitting there.

At the same table as you.


Mikey wasn't going to lie.

Even he was beginning to get worried for you.

With half the table filled with empty bottles you managed to sneak back from the drink table, sitting was doing nothing for you as you were still swaying from side to side, having to rest your arms on the table to steady you. He didn't know what to do, should he stop you from drinking any further and potentially risk causing a scene with you yelling at him? Or should he just leave you be and let you potentially drink yourself to sleep?

But what would happen after that? Did you have someone that was going to take you home?

"Y/N are you... Are you okay?" He asked, watching your head almost fall onto the table for the fourth time in the past minute.

"Mhm..." You mumbled, head officially landing onto the table, knocking bottles against each other with a small clang. "I'm pretty great. You wan' some?" You asked, lifting your head and holding the bottle in your hand towards him.

"Um, no thanks, I have to drive later." He declined, shaking his head, eyes following your movements as your hand fell limply against the table, bottle falling onto its side and spilling its contents onto the table cloth.

"Mannnn, I have to drive too."

You knew drinking this much was a bad idea.

You knew that you would do things you would most likely end up regretting.

You knew all of this, yet you still decided to drink yourself drunk.

Rambling on about whatever your drunk mind could possibly come up with to Mikey who looked very uncomfortable, half listening to you while trying to look around for Takemichi.

It was getting late, and as much as Mikey would love (he wouldn't) to stay, he really needed to get out of here. It had been too much for him, it was all just too much.

Being around these people.

Sitting awkwardly alone by himself at the wedding.

Getting sat at a table with you at the reception.

Your anger gravitated towards him only making him grow more weary to stay.

And of course, you just had to go and get drunk.

And Mikey could just leave you, no, not in this state.

The two of you may not have been friends anymore, he may have done horrible things to you in the past, he knew how much you hated him, and as much as he'd like to say he hated you as well, he just couldn't.

Because he didn't have a reason to.

And he couldn't leave you like this, half asleep on the table while everyone else was beginning to leave.

But even with Mikey looking around for Takemichi, there was no sign of the male, or his bride. In fact, almost everyone he had known at the wedding was leaving, saying their goodbyes to one another before leaving for their own homes.

And Mikey... He was now stuck with you, unsure of what to do.

"Y/N, do you have a-"

"Don't say my name," You grumbled, lips parted as your eyes were closed, head resting on your arm which was stretched across the table. "M'mad at you, you hurt me."

Mikey's mouth shut, lips pressing together, pushing away the question he was about to ask you. Fingers tapping against the table, drumming along to the melody of the song he used to listen to constantly, the one shinichiro had showed him the first time he had a nightmare and couldn't fall back asleep.

"I know that song." You whispered, eyes slowly blinking open, lips curling up into a small smile, "You used to play it when I couldn't sleep."


"You really hurt me, ya know?" You suddenly said, voice much more serious than the light drunk tone you had just spoken in a moment ago. "Out of everyone, I didn't think you would be the one to hurt me that bad, but I guess I shouldn't have assumed shit."

"I know," He responded, head tilted down, glaring as his hands which were now resting in his lap, fingers trawling back and forth, wishing you would stop. Not bring up the past any more, because he doesn't know how much longer he could take it.

He didn't want to admit it, but he really did fuck up.

He had fucked up everything.

So many people had died because of him.

And he had lost so many friends because of his actions.

Mikey didn't even know why Takemichi had invited him to his wedding in the first place, the ravenette had to have known that he wasn't going to fit in.

That Mikey wasn't one of them anymore.

Because he had been doomed from the start.

"I've told you everything about me, down to the tiny details... You were my best friend, and yet... You could still hurt me like we weren't." You sighed, fixing your arms so that they were folded in front of you on the table, hiding your head in the small hole, "And to have you do that right after... Right after what they had done to me... I felt so betrayed, and I still do, but as angry and pissed off as I am, I still always have these moments where I think of you. And I wonder if you're doing okay, if you've thought of me, if you regret what you did. Some days I really do miss you..." Letting out a small chuckle, you lifted your head from your arms, looking him right in the eyes, allowing him to see the tears bubbling up in your vision, making it more blurry than it already was. "Do you know how fucking pathetic that makes me feel?"

His lips parted, trying to say something, anything... But as expected, no words were spoken. Instead it was the same silence which had occurred earlier in the night, before you had begun to drink.

And that silence was all you needed, to know that no matter how much the two of you wanted to try and salvage whatever sort of relationship you had left, there was no chance it would work out.

It was all you needed to know that there was no fixing the broken.

Pushing yourself up from the table, your palms pressed against the table, steadying you from falling straight to the floor as you looked across the table, making sure to make eye contact with the male.

"I really wanted to give you another chance, to see if we could be friends again, but we both know that isn't what would be best for us." Grabbing your purse from the side of the table, you dug around for your keys, standing up straight before glancing back at Mikey. "I don't forgive you Mikey, and I don't think I ever will, but I'm done with being mad, for the sake of Takemichi. Please don't try to talk to me outside of things concerning Takemichi, I don't want any other sort of contact with you." Curtly nodding your head at the blonde haired male, you turned around, beginning to walk away.

And just as you suspected, he didn't try to stop you.

Mikey knew that this was the only outcome.

He had damned you, and everyone else around him, and because of that, he was now cursed to live the rest of his life alone.

His breath hitched when you turned back around, steps pausing as you studied him for a moment.

It was only the two of you that remained in the reception hall, everyone else had either left as was already home in their bed, or were in the parking lot, saying their final goodbyes which seemed to be taking longer than they had planned.

But right now, at this moment, it was just you and Mikey, as you spoke your final goodbye to him.

Strangers turned best friends to strangers once again.

There was no going back.

"I wish you knew how bad it really fucked me up, Manjiro Sano."

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