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ㄒ卄乇 ㄒㄖ爪卂几 ㄒ尺卂丨ㄒㄖ尺

ㄒ卄乇 ㄒㄖ爪卂几 ㄒ尺卂丨ㄒㄖ尺

[The Truth About Betrayal]

"Y/N... Thank you for coming."

You kept silent, staring at the male in front of you, watching as he continued walking forward until he stood in front of you. His lanky body crouches down into a low squat before letting himself fall backwards onto his bottom, hands leaning back behind him, letting his body stretch a little.

The clothes he wore were torn and tattered, the once light gray hoodie now discolored with dirt and grime. His hair was longer than it used to be, which was unusual for him, knowing that he liked to keep his hair short and out of his face. But now, it flowed past his shoulders, matted together in greasy lumps.

"You look like shit." You said, not removing your eyes from him. His lips tilted up into a small smile, the bags under his eyes were dark, almost matching the ones you had under your own. "Just because your bitch died, does that mean you can't take care of yourself?" You asked, tilting your head to the side, your gaze falling to his hands which were perched behind him, holding himself up. From your spot you could see that his knuckles were badly bruised, almost feeling sorry for whoever had received those hits.

"...You're still as funny as ever, I see." He chuckled lightly, throwing his head back and letting his eyes fall closed, "I've been on the run since that day, you know?"

"And I'm supposed to care... Because?" You trailed off, watching as his head snapped up, hurt flashing across his face. "If you couldn't remember, Hanma, we..." You said, lifting a hand, finger pointing from him to you, "Are not friends anymore, and I have no intention of acting like we are."

"I... Y/N, you don't understand. I wasn't thinking straight back then, I swear!" Hanma said, his hands pushing his body up straight, leaning closer to you, showing the pure desperation in his eyes. "Kisaki he... He..."

"Can't come up with an excuse, can you?" You asked, you boredly stared into his eyes which were blown wide, desperately searching for a sliver of hope remaining in your dull eyes.

"You... You don't understand, Y/N!" He yelled, lips parted as his body began to shake, teeth chattering as he tried controlling his anger.

"No." You said, pushing Hanma away from you and standing up, "It's you who doesn't understand." You took a step forward, shoes crunching against small bits of glass on the ground, breaking them up into smaller pieces. "We were friends, until you decided to follow Kisaki, instead of me." You said, using the tip of your shoe to push him flat onto the ground, remaining on his chest as all he could was stare up at you with wide teary eyes. "And then you proceed to tell me that you were all I had, do you know how fucking dumb you sounded when you said that? That you were all I had?!" You bent down, face moving closer to his causing more weight to be added to his chest. He winced in pain, chest tightening in pain finding it harder to breathe. "Let me tell you something, Hanma."


"You are not all I have, because I don't need you at all, I never did and I never will." You glared down at the male, his bottom lip trembled slightly at your hard look. You kicked yourself off of him, turning around to stand in the middle of the warehouse. "I know you've been stalking me." You could hear him sit up from behind you, his head tilted up as he took a moment to compose himself.

"Why would I waste my time doing something like that?" He scoffed, hand wiping under his eyes at the few tears which had fallen.

"I don't know... Why don't you tell me?" You turned your head to the side, letting out a quiet hum as he kept quiet, feet carrying you around the warehouse. "Do you remember, when we first saw each other after I came back, and I told you how they had betrayed me?"


"You're honestly... No better than them. You betrayed my trust in you, and our friendship... All so you could get some credit with Kisaki." You shook your head, walking back over to the hole in the wall, "The day I killed Kisaki, I also wanted to kill you, but I held myself back because I knew that if I did, you would get the easy way out. I wanted you to suffer, and it looks like you have."

"Wait!" Hanma took a step forward, trying to stop you from leaving. You paused mid step, turning around to hear what he had to say, "Please, can we just talk for a little bit. I... I really need you." You scoffed at his words, shaking your head from side to side, finding his words unbelievable.

"We're not friends anymore, Hanma, go find someone else who cares."

"Y/N!" He ran forward, grabbing hold of your wrist and gripping it tightly, your lips parting in shock at his sudden movement.

"Don't make me hurt you, because I won't fucking hesitate to kill you right here." You glared at the male, challenging him to try something more. His hand loosened around your wrist, heavy sigh falling from his lips as he took a step back, holding his hands up in surrender. "Don't you ever touch me again." You said, turning around and walking out of the warehouse.

Hanma stood in his spot, eyes locked onto your figure as it walked further away. His hand reached into the pocket of his ripped up hoodie, hand wrapping around the cool metal of a gun, finger wrapping around the trigger as he pulled the gun out. Face contorted into one of anger as his arm raised, pointing the gun directly at the back of your head.

His hand began to shake as his finger twitched against the trigger, watching you get on the bike and drive off, leaving him alone in the warehouse. His hand still raised, pointing the gun where you once stood, finding himself to be the coward he truly was, unable to pull the trigger.

"No... Not yet... I'll make you come back to me."

ㄒ卄乇 ㄒㄖ爪卂几 ㄒ尺卂丨ㄒㄖ尺


It is often defined as the sense of being harmed by the intentional actions or omissions of a trusted person.

There are far too many effects one could have from being betrayed that can cause life altering changes, truly ruining a person's life for good.

One of the most painful betrayals are those of life-long friends, the ones you have known, all of your life, just suddenly turning their backs on you, some even leaving you for someone else, just for the fun of it.

Most often than not, these acts of betrayal can cause one's foundational values to shift drastically, suddenly questioning what they believed and based their lives on.

The most shocking part is that you will never see it coming, you could be at home, going about your day to day life, when suddenly you get knocked over the head with the sudden betrayal.

You could be going through one of the most painful experiences in your life, and suddenly, your once trusted companions would have their backs to you. Leaving you to cry in your wallows on the cold, wet ground.

Humans were created as trivial beings who have slowly evolved to depend on each other both practically and emotionally, ultimately creating the term trust.

Trust is supposed to be a huge part of one's relationships with others, so when someone that you were so close with suddenly betrays you, it makes you question everything you've ever known.

But the hard truth, of the betrayal from someone you've known for so long... Is that you now have to live without them, finally realizing how much you had truly depended on them.

Growing up together, they know every little thing about you, from your favorite color, to what you were most scared of in the world.

And it hurts when you tell them that your biggest fear is being all alone.

When you had been abandoned by your parents at a young age, you were all alone.

Left to have conversations with yourself at the kitchen table as you ate dinner, pretending that there was someone there with you. Stuffing your face with the burnt leftovers you had gotten from a nearby restaurant which you had begged for food from.

Waking up in the middle of the night, your body trembling, a cool sheen of sweat lingering on your body. Eyes glancing around the darkness of your bedroom, spotting shadows moving out of the corner of your eye making you jump up from your bed. Tiny peet padding across the floor, down the hall to your parent's bedroom, seeking the comfort of their warm hugs and reassuring words, ready to tell them about the horrible nightmare you had that they left you all alone. And as you open the door, tears welling up in your eyes as you call for them, gaze landing on the empty bed, the blanket messily scrunched up in the middle of the bed, forgetting that they were gone.

And they had been for a long time.

But still, you climb up into the middle of the large bed like you do each time, nestling yourself under the covers after placing pillows on either side of your body, pretending that they were the parents who had left you.

The parent's who had betrayed you.

Crying yourself to sleep because you had never felt more alone than in that moment.

It hurts, because they knew every fucking thing about you, and yet, they still left like you were nothing to them.

How are you supposed to move on from that? When you had depended on them so fucking much, that you didn't even know what to do with yourself.

Why is it... That you hate them so much...

But are still trying so desperately trying to cling onto that tiny piece of hope that they would change.

That they wouldn't hurt you anymore.

That everything could go back to the way it once was.

Why is it... That the stories about betrayal always end in blood and tears?

ㄒ卄乇 ㄒㄖ爪卂几 ㄒ尺卂丨ㄒㄖ尺
