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ㄒ卄乇 ㄒㄖ爪卂几 ㄒ尺卂丨ㄒㄖ尺

ㄒ卄乇 ㄒㄖ爪卂几 ㄒ尺卂丨ㄒㄖ尺

[Unexpected Guests]

When you had woken up to an empty apartment, you couldn't have been more relieved. Things with Hanma had been... Interesting lately, and yet there was no conclusion you could make of it. Nothing more has happened between the two of you, but it's almost as if when you make eye contact, you both remember. The soft tenderness of the kiss you shared, though brief, there was passion hidden, tucked deep within the internal pits of your hearts. But today, finally getting the apartment to yourself, you were relieved about not having to worry every single second about if something new happened.

You could finally relax.

You laid in bed for an extra hour before deciding to get up and find yourself some food, the fridge being almost empty only left you with a couple different options for breakfast, but you decided to stick to something simple so you could go relax on the couch and just chill out.

But, like all good things, they must come to an end.

What was supposed to be your peaceful day of relaxation had been interrupted by a knock on the door. It was soft, meaning that it couldn't have possibly been anyone you knew. But then you heard the meek voice of a certain blonde calling your name from the other side of the door.

"Go away, Takemichi!' You yelled, hoping that he would be able to hear you. Continuing to scroll through the tv in search of something to watch, your body sprawled out across the couch with your blanket which you had brought down from your bedroom.

A poorly sewn stitch ran across a large portion of it, from when Hanma had accidently ripped it, but then made up for it by fixing it himself.

When he had first shown it to you, you wanted to burst out laughing at how poorly done it was, but you couldn't help the bashful smile that had appeared on your face at his kind gesture.

"Y/N, please let me in. I need to talk to you!" Takemichi's voice was muffled from the other side of the door, just barely being able to make out his words, but that still didn't motivate you enough to get up off the couch.

"No, Takemichi. Today's my day to myself, go find someone else to bother!"

"But Y/N, it's important! I have something to show you at my place!"

You could hear the desperation in his voice, finding it odd that he had something to show you, and more specifically that it was at his place. You stood up from the couch, throwing the blanket onto one side before moving to unlock the door for the blonde.

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" You asked, face twisting into one of disgust at his previous words. Takemichi's face bloomed a bright red, trying to hide himself behind his hands as he frantically shook his head.

"NO! I mean, yes I do! But it wasn't anything like that, I swear!" His body shook in his spot, the glare you were sending him made him want to run back home and cry.

But he was on a mission at the moment, so he couldn't give up just yet.

"Uh huh... Okay, so then why couldn't you bring this thing you wanted to show me here? Instead of us walking all the way to your place, just so I could walk all the way back here?" You asked, opening the door a little wider, gesturing for him to come inside and sit down before his legs give out completely.

"Umm, well, I just couldn't." He said, using the typical excuse that a toddler would use.

"I see, I see... Well, I just can't go to your apartment." You said, sitting back into your spot, and using the blanket to cover your body.

"But it's really important!" Takemichi shouted, his voice ringing through your ear as you were right next to him.

"Why are you so loud?"

"Oh, sorry." He apologized, suddenly remembering the events that happened just the other day. "I'm also sorry about the other day, I don't know what was up with Chifuyu." He said, nervously scratching the back of his neck, hoping that you would accept his apology so the three of you could work together to save the future.

"Hmm, no he was fine. I get it, he just lost his best friend, I understand how hard that can be. He's also probably suspicious of me because I'm friends with Hanma and I guess technically Kisaki. He has every right to be, but please inform him that I am not working for them directly, I work for myself. And anything they do... I probably didn't know it was going to happen in the first place." You ranted, your words becoming slow as you thought back to when the last time they had told you anything about the plans they had, and you honestly couldn't remember when that was.

"It was still uncalled for, you have feelings too, and you deserve to be respected." You smiled at the blonde, liking his words, you couldn't have agreed more. "I also... I told him about me being a time leaper." He whispered, still unsure if you knew the full extent of what he was doing.

"Well that's good, now you'll have someone in Toman helping you out." You said, your smile dropping slightly before lifting back up. "How did he react?"

"Well... After I told him I tried to play it off as some stupid lie but he didn't believe that... I told him how you know as well, well I think you know. Do you?" The blonde stood up from the couch, turning to look at you with a suspicious look. He knew there had to be more that you know, you couldn't have just seen the personality difference and thought that he was from the future... But he couldn't figure it out.

"Do I know? I don't know." You turned the tv off, and put on your shoes, "Come on, let's go see what you got for me so I can get back already."

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"Are you leading me to my death, kid?" You boredly asked, following behind the blonde who was leading you back to his apartment. "Because if you're going to do that, I would advice not murdering me in your apartment. That would definitely make you look suspicious, plus, the mess would be a disaster to clean up." You both stepped into the building, walking up the stairs he began to sweat nervously. "Where would you hide my body? Are you even strong enough to hide my body?" You took a moment to look at his body from head to toe, "Actually, I feel like you'd be the type to confess. They'd ask you about me and you'd burst out crying like a baby. " You snickered, following behind him through the door and into the room.

You froze at the sight of someone sitting on one of the chairs in his room.

"You know what, Takemichi. I think I'm going to kill you instead." You said, no hesitation in your voice to indicate if you were lying or not. The blonde could feel his legs begin to shake in fear, you... aren't actually going to kill him, right?

"I-I can explain Y-Y/N..." Takemichi stuttered out, holding his hands up in front of him to stop you from moving any closer to him, but sadly that did nothing to help. You took a step towards Takemichi, about to raise a fist, ready to beat him until he couldn't walk, but the other person in the room stepped in and stopped you. "Let go." You said, not bothering to look at the person restraining you.

You didn't want to look at him.

You couldn't look at him.


"Let go of me."

"Y/N, please let me talk to you."

"Get your fucking hands off me, Mitsuya!" You yelled, using all your strength to push him off of you. Heavy breaths escaped from in between your lips, your hands swatting at your body, trying to push his hands off of you, even though you had already pushed him away.

"Please... Calm down, Y/N." Takemichi said, noticing tears beginning to bubble up in your eyes as he started to feel regret bubbling up inside of him.

He knew of course that Mitsuya was going to be here, in fact, the lilac haired boy was the one that had basically begged Takemichi to get you to see him. And Takemichi knew it was a bad idea, especially with the reaction you just had, knowing it brought up memories you despised.

"Did you know he was going to be here, Takemichi?" You asked, looking up to lock eyes with the blonde, watching as he nodded his head slightly. "I see..."

"Y/N..." Mitsuya spoke, moving to take a step forward but stopped when he saw you recoil back, moving closer towards the door which was still open. You kept your eyes on anything other than him, hands clamming up at the close proximity of just being in the same room as him. "Can we please sit down and talk?" Mitsuya gently asked, gesturing towards the table which was still broken in two, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "Takemichi, why do you have a broken table?"

"U-uhh..." Takemichi trailed off, trying to think of a reason that it would be broken other than the fact that you had punched your fist through it just the other day.

"Sorry, Takemichi. I promise I'll get you a new one, we just need to go pick it out." You apologized, your voice scarily calm, sending chills down both the boys' bodies.

"It's n–no problem, really!" Takemichi tried to say, his hand waving in front of him as if he was saying that you really didn't need to waste your money on him.

"I don't want to talk to you right now... Mitsuya." You whispered, turning around and placing your hand on the door knob, you were stopped by Mitsuya yelling out, falling to his knees in desperation.

"Please Y/N... Please just talk to me, I want things to go back to the way they were... Like Baji wanted." You flinched at the mention of Baji's name, "I'm sorry for walking away back then, I know it was stupid of us. All of us, we're so sorry!" Mitsuya yelled, staring up at the back of your form with tears forming in his eyes. Taking a deep breath, you turned around, your eyes immediately meeting his lavender eyes.

"You're sorry?" You asked, resulting in him nodding his head repeatedly, "Draken's sorry? Pah's sorry? Is Mikey sorry?" You asked, taking small steps closer to his kneeling form, his eyes widening as you fired off your questions. "Did he really say that he's sorry? Do you even know what you're apologizing for?" You crouched down right in front of him, your faces closer than they had been in years, allowing you to see a close up of his matured features. "You're apologizing because you guys left me there, bleeding after Mikey beat the shit out of me? Or are you apologizing because I killed those guys? Because I'm not sorry that happened, Mitsuya." You leaned in closer, hand grabbing the front of his shirt so he couldn't move. "How can you apologize when you don't even know the whole story?" You tilted your head to the side, face void of any emotion, reminding Mitsuya of Mikey, the day he had kicked you out of Toman.

"Y/N..." Mitsuya whispered, his eyes watering at the pain hidden deep behind your mask, but you were too stubborn to show it, despite the cracks, it still held on strong.

And it would stay on until you were ready to take it off.

"Mitsuya..." You copied him, letting go of his shirt and pushing him back, you stood up and walked over to Takemichi's bed. "Fine, I'll talk." You said, plopping down onto the mattress, your eyes still attached to Mitsuya who had slowly stood up and sat in one of the chairs. "What do you want to talk about, Mitsuya? Huh? What was so important that you had to drag Takemichi into this?" You asked, your eyes quickly swooping from Mitsuya to Takemichi before they returned back to your old friend.

"I want to know what happened to you, why you did what you did." Mitsuya said, leaning back into the chair, letting out a deep breath that he didn't know he had been holding.

"Now you wanna listen?" You asked, quirking your eyebrow, finding it funny how he would listen to your side two years after it took place.

Two years after the damage had already been done.

"We tried to listen back then too... You just never said anything..." Mitsuya fired back, making you throw your head back in laughter.

"Yeah, because I was totally ready to talk about it the day after it fucking happened. Did any of you stop to think that maybe I wasn't?!" You yelled, making both of them flinch back. You took a deep breath, letting out a sigh, trying to relax the unknown feeling forming deep in your chest. "Whatever, let's just get this over with so I can go back home."

It was silent for a few minutes, both Mitsuya and Takemichi patiently waited for you to begin, but the longer they sat there waiting, the louder the silence got. But they kept quiet, observing your actions, which consisted of staring at the ceiling and biting your lip.

"That day, when you guys left me... I thought I was going to die." You started, making both of them perk up, Takemichi's eyes widening slightly, not recalling you ever mentioning that to him. "Mikey had opened up a wound that I received from one of those guys, and after you guys had left, I just laid there in my own blood. I could feel my heart slowing down, and I waited for it to stop completely. I wanted to die." You said, closing your eyes, the images of you laying on the cold concrete flashing through your head. "I will never forgive you for leaving me there, Mitsuya."

"Y/N.." Takemichi could feel tears welling up in his eyes, it always seemed like whenever you spoke about that day, you never told the whole truth, even though you proclaimed you have. You were always holding back something, something more that you desperately was trying to keep hidden away from everyone.

"I didn't kill them for no reason, Mitsuya." You said, opening your eyes and turning your head towards his direction.

"Did they attack you? We just don't understand why you would murder three people without a reason, or in general really." He asked, his heart thumping against his chest, wanting to know what exactly happened.

"They did more than just attack me." You scoffed, Mitsuya's eyes widened, he could feel his heart crumble at those words. Shaking your head as you stood up from the bed, "I'm sure you can understand what happened from that. I barely even remember going back to the alley after I left, it was like I blacked out and woke up in a pile of blood that wasn't mine." Shrugging your shoulders you decided it was time to leave, not wanting to stay and talk to either of them anymore. "I'm going home." You said, leaving them with what few things you told them, but of course, Takemichi could alway tell Mitsuya everything you had told him.

But he wouldn't do that, because it was your business whether you wanted them to know or not.

"And Takemichi, the next time you drag me over here saying you have something to show me, it better be something I actually like." You glared at the blonde before closing the door and leaving Mitsuya frozen in his place, now knowing what happened.

But that was only one small piece to a much larger puzzle, known as Y/N L/N.

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Your day, that was supposed to consist of you relaxing on the couch by yourself, ended with anything but that. Getting interrupted by Takemichi, then having to follow him back to his apartment only to get cornered by Takashi Mitsuya.

And now, after arriving back home to find Hanma asleep on the couch with your blanket, you wanted to dig a hole so you could crawl in and die.

Just one day, that's all you asked for.

The tv was still on, showing one of the movie's he had wanted to watch with you the other day. You lifted up the covers and plopped down onto him, intaking a sharp breath he shifted his body to get more comfortable with the added weight on his chest.

"Stupid Hanma, taking my spot." You grumbled, laying your head on his chest and beginning to watch the movie, realizing how dumb it actually was pretty quickly on.

Hanma's arms subconsciously wrapped around your waist, holding you closer to him and he let out soft snores. Closing your eyes you could see the events of that day replaying over and over, like always, but the only difference this time was that you could hear the ringing of a phone.

"Hanma." You mumbled out, not hearing or feeling anything come from him, you opened your eyes to find him completely knocked out.

Whatever him and Kisaki did today must have really worn him out.

On the table, Hanma's phone was ringing, Kiskaki's name displayed across the screen with a horribly blurry close up shot of the blonde's face. You lazily reached over to grab the phone, thumb swiping across the screen to answer the call, holding it to your ear you didn't bother to say anything.



"Hanma? What are you doing?"


"Whatever, I met with Izana today. I'd say the meeting went pretty well, we're going to meet up with him tomorrow. You better not be late, got it?"


"Why the fuck do I even work with you..." Kisaki spoke before he hung up, leaving you with your eyebrows knitted together in confusion.


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