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ㄒ卄乇 ㄒㄖ爪卂几 ㄒ尺卂丨ㄒㄖ尺

ㄒ卄乇 ㄒㄖ爪卂几 ㄒ尺卂丨ㄒㄖ尺

[Silent Watcher]

Inui sighed as he rested against the garage door, staring up at the light that flickered a couple times before becoming brighter.

"Sorry, Takemichi." He said, catching Takemichi's attention as he scooted over to sit next to Inui. "The hell am I going to do now..." Takemichi winced as he leaned back, mirroring the male next to him, his eyes eventually drifting over to your figure, still curled up in the corner.

"Y/N... Are you okay?" Takemichi softly asked, he could hear your quiet sniffles before you slowly sat up, back leaning against the wall as you finally looked at the two blonde males.

"Mhm." You hummed, avoiding eye contact with the two as you looked around the shop. Letting a small smile take over your frown as you reminisce about all the memories you had in this very room. "It's been a while since I've been here." You said, now earning both Takemichi and Inui's attention.

"You've been here before?" Takemichi asked, glancing around before his eyes fell back onto you in curiosity.


"It used to be Shinichiro's bike shop." Inui said, giving Takemichi the answer he was looking for.

"You mean Mikey's brother?" Takemichi asked, his eyes widening as he turned his head to look at Inui, receiving a head nod in confirmation of his question.

"For punks like us, this was our gathering spot. There used to be a bunch of cool bikes standing in a row at the sides, and Shinichiro would always be over there tinkering with one of them." Inui said, using his hand to point to where he was talking about. "All the seniors who came, it's as if they were shining... They looked so cool."

"Pfft." Both males turned their heads in your direction, seeing you trying to hide your small chuckles behind your hand, "I always thought they looked weird." Inui's lips tilted up into a small smile, noticing the light in your eyes slowly come back as you looked around the shop.

"So wait... You must have been in the Black Dragons since..." Takemichi trailed off, turning his gaze to Inui who only smiled.

"I want to bring back that era of when Shinichiro formed the Black Dragons. In this bike shop, I've heard lots of fun stories from the seniors of that glorious era. They looked so happy, reminiscing when Shinichiro was captain." Inui explained, turning his head to meet Takemichi's gaze, a smile taking over his features while talking about his hero.

"Shin-nii was the best captain that I knew... He-" You paused, eyes dropping to your hands in your lap, "He never gave up on me when my parents left, he was one of the only adult figures I had in my life, and I am forever grateful for that."

"He saw you as his own blood." Your head snapped up, eyes locking with Inui's as he continued speaking. "Whenever you weren't here, he was always talking about how proud he was of you, and how happy he was that you and Mikey were friends, because if not... He wouldn't have met you."

"I always made fun of him... But I really loved him." You whispered, tears pooling in the bottom of your eyes, blurring your vision as you looked away from the two. "He was my big brother..."

Silence took over the shop as you recovered from your sudden emotional breakdown, your thoughts being plagued with the memories you had with Shinichiro.

"I've always admired such a team, that's why I joined the Black Dragons, but by the time I joined it was the 8th generation, and Kurokawa Izana was president." Inui started, his head hanging low as his lips turned over into a scowl, "It was shit. The 8th and 9ths gens did all the criminal things like drugs, assault, robbery. The first generation's will completely disappeared, and slowly I got tainted by that team, the good old Black Dragons that I used to know were no more. I panicked when the Black Dragons died for a while, that's when I sought help from Taiju Shiba, from then on you know the rest..." Inui trailed off, you flinched at the mention of the oldest Shiba sibling's name, feeling that familiar furry bubble inside of you, a part of you wishing you had done more than just break his arm.

"Inui..." Takemichi finally spoke, his gaze drifting to the floor in front of him, "There's someone I want to save and because of that, I've been working really hard, but I'm so useless that I keep on failing." He laughed, his heart clenching at the thought of all his failulars. "So, Inui, I really understand how you feel." Takemichi said, pushing himself up off the cold floor, standing with his back to Inui for a moment before turning around to face the boy. "I'll take over the Black Dragons."

"Huh?" Inui's eyes widened as he stared up at Takemichi in shock.

"From now on, I am Tokyo Manji Gang's first division captain, and the 11th generation Black Dragons captain." Takemichi stuck his hand out to Inui with a small smile, "Be prepared... I will bring back Koko, defeat Kisaki, Izana, and Tenjiku... Will you come with me?" He asked, nodding his head down at the blonde male still sitting on the floor. Inui's surprised face was suddenly replaced with a determined look, lifting his hand to meet with Takemichi's.

"I entrust my life to you."


Takemichi and you quietly walked home, using the street lamps to light your way as you went. You could tell your friend was in deep thought as his eyebrows furrowed together, his eyes twitching every couple minutes.

"I didn't know you knew Mikey's brother." Takemichi said, breaking the ongoing silence between the two of you. You quirked an eyebrow as you both made eye contact, "Ah.. Don't look at me like that, Y/N." Takemichi whined, removing his eyes from you as he focused back on the path in front of him.

"We I wouldn't be looking at you like this if you didn't as stupid questions. Of course I knew Shinichiro, I used to be friends with Mikey." You said, lifting your hand and flicking the side of his head, making him yelp out at the sudden small pain.

"That's not what I meant, I mean that I didn't know you and him were close." He clarified, scared to look back at you, unsure if you would still be giving him that look.

"Hm... Yeah, we were close. As I said, he was like a big brother to me, in fact all of the Sano's were like family." You said, Takemichi's head turning to look at you in surprise.

"You were that close with them?"

"Yep! After my parents had left me, Shinichiro made me stay with them, until I told him that I was going back to my apartment. I loved them so much, but living with them... That was..." You trailed off, trying to think of a word to describe what it was like, but none came to mind. "Yeah... Anyways, Mikey and I were super close as kids, and Shinichiro took that as I was now part of their family. I still remember what the mornings were like at the Sano household, Shinichiro sitting at the table while Emma and I prepared breakfast, Mikey coming into the kitchen, dragging along a pillow and blanket so he could nap at the table until the food was finished." You laughed at the memory, "There was never a dull day living with them, but eventually I felt that it was time to return back to my apartment. Even though I was young, I had managed to get through everything somehow, and when I had trouble... They were always there to help me."

Takemichi smiled at your words, as a comfortable silence overtook the both of you. You both were tired from the long day, knowing you would have to help Takemichi change his bandages before you both went to sleep.

You could hear the faint click of footsteps behind you, pushing away that thought as you looked back only to find no one there.

"You okay?" Takemichi asked, turning his head to look behind him, wondering what exactly you were looking at.

"Yeah, just thought I heard something." You said, shaking your head before continuing forward, making small talk with the blonde male.

With his back pressed up against the brick wall of a building, he let out a heavy sigh. His golden eyes peered around the corner, seeing you had already turned back around, no longer suspecting anything from the sound of his heavy feet.

His tattooed hands were balled up into fists, teeth clenched as he tried to conceal his anger, having heard you talk about your old days with Mikey. He wondered how you could talk about Mikey as if he hadn't done anything to you.

As if he wasn't the first one to betray you.

Stepping out from his hiding spot, Hanma stood under the glow of a street lamp. His eyes locked onto your form which had grown smaller and smaller the further you and Takemichi walked.

In that spot, he formed a plan, one that would solve everything.

He formed his own plan, that he would carry out without the help of anyone else.

He formed a plan that would bring you back to him.

ㄒ卄乇 ㄒㄖ爪卂几 ㄒ尺卂丨ㄒㄖ尺
